Ken Luxon: Storyteller

Tales for the telling

I have long been fascinated by the power of stories and storytelling and have practiced the latter for over 20 years. As a Christian and Methodist lay preacher I have found myself increasingly drawn to stories from the Bible and am convinced that storytelling is a powerful way of helping congregations and attenders get to grips not only with the scope and detail of scriptural narrative but also its heart.

The Bible offers us a direct line to humanity’s understanding of God and much of the best ideas are expressed through stories. The Exodus or Balim’s Ass to name but two. Yet we shy away from looking at the whole narrative often preferring to dwell on details and so missing out on the grand sweep. It is in this spirit that I offer these tales. So people can hear the bigger picture, the sweeping epic that is Gods love for all of us.

I can and do tell stories to children. But my particular interest is in stories more suited to an older audience. I am eager to recapture the oral tradition within this generation. This tradition which binds together history, spirit, heart and mind in the power of a well told tale

Now Ken has a YouTube Channel. Check out the videos of some of his favourite stories. All are free for you to view and use. Most have two versions. One a straight run through, the other, divided into shorter chapters. Here is the link.

"And now that this story is told, what does it mean?

If the meaning could be put into a sentence there would be no need of telling the Story."

Henry Van Dyke. The Story Of the Other Wise Man.