I think the most crucial issue for a technology plan is curriculum integration. It is very challenging to find the right resources with technology components. Otherwise, some teachers who have some technical skills can apply some technology components in their classrooms. Still, the others follow the easy way, which is general education paper and pen, or simply writing on google docs. If we can find an excellent resource with technology integrated, we may implement it better. Since these materials will be part of the curriculum, everyone will have to follow their curriculum materials. It will be easier to implement and support teachers` classes to check if they cover all components with the technological one.

Once we can find the correct curriculum materials, we may go for the next steps. One of the following actions is training for teachers who will implement these materials in their classes. We have to provide adequate training for the one which we want to apply to our schools. This part should be ongoing since there may be more problems that can be seen during the year while implementing the resources. Some staff members who have technological skills can be assigned as a support person.

Of course, the next part will be budgeting. After we find the right resources, we will look for budgeting. Most probably, the curriculum resources and their training will cost a lot. We need to look for some other resources to support our budgeting. We may look for some grants or donations. Otherwise, we have to apply the budget cut from our planning. That means replan for shortage in the budget.

If we can overcome these difficulties, we may provide rigorous and engaging materials for students with its technology components. Students like new things in class. On the other hand, they do not like the traditional methods in the class. While writing these sentences, I remember a video ‘ I SUED THE SCHOOL SYSTEM !!!”

This video summarizes the problems with our classrooms. I do not think everything will change in a short time, but I hope the education system will change in time. We should find some alternatives for the traditional ones to improve with the modern one which is demanded by students. These improvements are not going to be straightforward with the problems we have now.


Since I like technology tools, I was expecting not to have a challenging course for me. And I was right. I did not have a hard time to complete the assignments since these are in my interest area. And also, I did some literature reviews about education technologies. During the course, I created a google form, google presentation about an education website, screencasting, and a promotion video for my school. These assignments are enjoyable to work on them. I practiced these skills, which are vital for me. During studying in this course, I saw new and exciting sources. I will continue to build more technological skills.

While working on assignments, I gained some more knowledge about education technology. In discussions, we have talked about the pros and cons of technology usage in classrooms. We also discussed problems and possible solutions related to technology application in schools.

I always believe that the technology component is essential for schools. Notably, today, schools should offer technology components to their students.