Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

  • Date of Birth: February 27, 1987.

  • Birthplace: Iwate, Japan.


  • 2014 Ph.D., Economics

    • Tohoku University, Miyagi, Japan.

    • Advisor: Ryo Horii

  • 2011 M.A., Economics

  • 2009 B.A., Economics

    • Takasaki City University of Economics, Gunma, Japan

    • Advisor: Akihiko Yanase

Work experience

  • May 2018 - Present

    • Associate Professor, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan

  • April 2015 - April 2018

    • Lecturer (Full-time), Chiba University, Chiba, Japan

  • April 2014 - March 2015

    • Research Fellow (PD), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

  • April 2013 - March 2014

    • Research Fellow (DC2), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Part-time lecturer

  • April 2017 - Present

    • Juntendo University, Chiba, Japan

    • Subject: "Modern society and economics"

  • September 2018 - August 2020

    • Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

    • Subject: "Macroeconomics" and "Applied macroeconomics"

  • September 2014 - March 2015

    • Tohoku Pharmaceutical University, Miyagi, Japan

    • Subject: "Statistics"

Teaching assistants in Tohoku University

  • Advanced Macroeconomics (Graduate), Fall 2012, Fall 2013.

  • Intermediate Macroeconomics (Graduate, Professor: Koki Oikawa), Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2013.

Other Information


  • Best Paper Award, Keiwakai, March 2015.

Research Grants

  • Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists as the Principal Investigator (No.20K13449), JSPS, April 2020 - March 2024.

  • Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) as the Principal Investigator (No.16K17109), JSPS, April 2016 - March 2020.

  • JSPS Research Fellows (13J10619), April 2013 - March 2015.

  • "Post-deregulation period" Economic Researchers Overseas Visit, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2012.

Short-term Study Abroad

  • University of California, Riverside, February 2012 - March 2012.