2020 was an interesting year to say the least! It was our first virtual-only race (thank you covid-19). Here was a post from that year, we were able to pull through despite a pandemic! Way to go cranio family!!

"It has been one week since race day! We LOVED seeing all of your smiling faces and the beautiful locations that you chose to walk/run, even in the heat! Way to go everyone!!! We have had more donations come through by mail this week, and will be sending the checks made out to the Cranio Care Bears tomorrow, thank you for your patience with them being cashed! If you would still like to make a donation, there is still time! We will continue to mail any checks marked out to CCB as we receive them. We wanted to let you know that this cranio circle has the most generous hearts, donations poured in totaling $2500!!!! We have been blown away at the success of our virtual race and thank all of you from the bottom of our hearts!!! We can’t wait to see you all next year!!!!".