KECSS Mission and Core Values

Mission Statement

KECSS is a school where all children can and will learn. Our school will bridge the traditional gaps that currently exist between middle school, high school and college, thereby making both high school and college more accessible, attainable and affordable to a diverse population of students. Our purpose will be to educate the “whole child” and to graduate students who are academically, socially and emotionally prepared for the world at large. The collaboration between staff, students, parents, college and the community will help to support and nurture each child as they embark on a seven year educational journey that will lead to enrollment in senior colleges, opportunities in the workforce, community involvement, global interests and all of the skills and characteristics that are needed to be successful in these areas including: critical thinking, independent learning, effective communication, compassion, humanity, and advocacy for others and themselves.

Honor Code

K is for Kindness - We will always be kind to our peers, the adults in our school building, family members and ourselves.

E is for Enthusiasm - We will be enthusiastic about learning. We will show this by arriving on time every day, ready to work by being prepared and making sure that all of our assignments are ready when they are due.

C is for Compassion - We will have compassion for people in our school community and the world at large. We will show this by helping our friends, teachers, parents and siblings. We will be aware of our community and its many issues and will try to take part in solutions.

S is for Sincerity - We will be sincere and honest all of the time. We will tell the truth when we are asked, and we will be honest when we know that we must go to an adult about a situation that we are in or someone who we know.

S is for Self-Motivation - We will be the best students and people that we can be. We will be responsible for our learning and our behavior. We will not count on others to make us successful. We will take the lead and be advocates for ourselves.

Truth Signs

  • “Everyone needs time to think and learn.”
  • “It’s o.k. to make mistakes. That’s the way we learn.”
  • “We each learn in our own ways, by our own time clocks.”
  • “It’s intelligent to ask for help. No one need do it alone.”
  • “We can do more and learn more when we’re willing to risk.”