best corona resources (mostly youtube and especially aside from the more obvious, standard, medical-grade advices like these from YT):

1) Immediate responses like Improve Immunity to fight Corona or yogic techniques for acute respiratory problems & special COVID playlist (incl. simha kriya, considerations for vaccine or testing, ) (from Dr. H R Nagendra / S-VYASA & Sadhguru)

2) Object-detective explanations with more Life-sense / Nature-oriented view, toward less symptomatic / more root-level cause of problem, like Lack of Pandemics (8:46 and PRE G.F.?) or How humans are making pandemics more likely (from Derrick Jensen & Vox)

3) Dr. Vandana Shiva, like Healing Through Gardening, Ecological Reflections on the corona virus, no partners harmed by the pandemic (~41 min.)

4) Sadhguru, "in challenging times"

5) My kovid truth sample

it's not that we (e.g. "deep greens") like COVID, with all the harm caused in terms of people getting sick and even dying from it, but when it can and has proven to stop a overwhelmingly harmful and destructive Economy, then...

if these are the new soldiers in this new world war/

where the boundaries are at our individual level/

then The Future looks like it would recognize how such barbaric soldiers were commended & proud to serve/

though they were really contributing to destruction of Mother Earth, nd

“Disease usually results from inconclusive negotiations for symbiosis, an overstepping of the line by one side, a biologic misinterpretation of borders”

(from my college Microbiology course/book ("Microbiology: Principles and Explorations" by Black, 2008))

Like chronic illness that catches up to the unhealthy lifestyles of people, regarding the zoonotic-associated corona virus pandemic’s effects on locking down people, the fact that humans have been surviving relatively easily in a less natural way of life (and at the expense of the environment's health) similar to animals in a zoo, the disease-like punishment of lock-down had finally caught up to many.