


Seki, Katsunori. 2015. Causes and Consequences of Elections in Nondemocracies. Department of Political Science, Texas A&M University(審査日:2014年10月17日).

Committee: Guy D. Whitten (Chair), Maria C. Escobar-Lemmon, Taehee Whang, Domonic Bearfield


関能徳 2006年「体制変動、国民形成、国家建設-セルビア・モンテネグロとマケドニアにおける2つの『民主化』-」早稲田大学大学院政治学研究科提出修士論文(2005年度).Appendix 1「政治体制類型データ・セット」.



関能徳 2004年「比較政治体制論から考える民主主義概念についての一考察-レイモン・アロンの政治社会学を中心に-」早稲田大学社会科学部提出卒業論文(2003年度).



[J8] 関能徳 2023年再分配選好の規定要因としての社会的アイデンティティの役割:日本における在留外国人の生活保護受給に関するコンジョイント実験」『理論と方法』38巻2号: 307-324頁. (Open access)

[E10] Seki, Katsunori. 2023. "Social Identification and Redistribution Preference: A Survey Experiment in Japan." Social Science Japan Journal. 26(1): 47-60.

[J7] 関能徳 2023年「マクロな不平等がもたらす負の外部性は所得再分配選好を規定するのかー日本の有権者を対象としたコンジョイント分析による実証研究ー」『国際日本研究』第15号: 37-52頁. (Open access)

[E9] Seki, Katsunori. 2023. "Assessing the Public Understanding of Democracy through Conjoint Analysis." Frontiers in Political Science. 5:976756. (Open access) Errata

[E8] Kerevel, Yann P., Austin S. Matthews, and Katsunori Seki. 2019. "Mixed-Member Electoral Systems, Best Loser Rules, and the Descriptive Representation of Women." Electoral Studies. 57: 153-162.

[E7] Seki, Katsunori and Guy D. Whitten. 2017. "Merkwürdig oder nicht? What Economic Voting Models and the 2013 Bundestag Elections Have to Say about Each Other." In Robert Rohrschneider and Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, eds., Parties and Voters at the 2013 German Federal Election. London: Routledge: 65-82. (Reprint of Seki and Whitten (2017))

[E6] Foucault, Martial, Katsunori Seki, and Guy D. Whitten. 2017. "Good Times, Bad Times: Taxation and Electoral Accountability." Electoral Studies. 45: 191-200.

[E5] Seki, Katsunori and Guy D. Whitten. 2017 "Merkwürdig oder nicht? What Economic Voting Models and the 2013 Bundestag Elections Have to Say about Each Other." German Politics. 26(1): 65-82.

[E4] Williams, Laron K., Katsunori Seki, and Guy D. Whitten. 2016. "You've Got Some Explaining to Do: The Influence of Economic Conditions and Spatial Competition on Party Strategy." Political Science Research and Methods. 4(1): 47-63. [Supporting Materials; Replication]

[E3] Seki, Katsunori and Laron K. Williams. 2014. "Updating the Party Government Data Set." Electoral Studies. 34: 270-279. [Replication; Full Data Set]

[E2] Seki, Katsunori and Shinya Sasaoka. 2014. "Democracy and Quality of Life in Asian Societies." In Alex C. Michalos, ed., Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer: 1530-1534.

[J6] 笹岡伸矢・関能徳 2013年「アジア社会における民主主義と生活の質」猪口孝編『アジアの情報分析大事典ー幸福・信頼・医療・政治・国際関係・統計ー』西村書店: 47-55頁.(Sasaoka and Seki 2011の改訂・翻訳版)

[J5] 関能徳 2013年「非民主制における選挙の情報収集能力:理論と実証」田中愛治監修、久保慶一・河野勝編『民主化と選挙の比較政治学:変革期の制度形成とその帰結』勁草書房: 17-39頁.

[E1] Sasaoka, Shinya and Katsunori Seki. 2011. "Democracy and Quality of Life in Asian Societies." Japanese Journal of Political Science. 12(3): 343-357.

[J4] 関能徳 2009年「選挙権威主義体制の持続と崩壊の論理:経験的検証」田中愛治監修・河野勝編『期待、制度、グローバル社会』勁草書房: 163-198頁

[J3] 関能徳 2008年「多民族社会における市民の民主主義への支持態度の規定要因-セルビア共和国における世界価値観調査データの分析-」伊東孝之編『せめぎあう構造と制度-体制変動の諸相-』正文社: 155-179頁.*『年報政治学』2009年第2号における同書の紹介記事。

[J2] 関能徳 2007年「潜在クラス分析による政治体制の類型化-民主制と非民主制の間の『グレー・ゾーン』をどのように把握できるのか-」『早稲田政治経済学雑誌』第369号: 17-42頁.書誌情報(CiNii)

[J1] 関能徳 2007年「政治体制を類型化する-概念をめぐる論争とポスト共産主義諸国の類型化-」『早稲田政治公法研究』第85号:147-178頁.書誌情報(CiNii)


"Elections in nondemocratic settings: When and why do they help regime survival?" F1000Research. Replication materials.

"Whom to Elect? Causes of Elections in Nondemocracies." SSRN (Social Science Research Network) Working Paper Series: 1-30.

"Unfulfilled Pledges and Responsibility Attribution in Coalition Governments" (with Nick Lin and Nikoleta Yordanova)

"Prime Minister’s Role in Government Survival" (with Galina Zudenkova and Thiago Nascimento da Silva)


関能徳 2007年「政治体制変動と国民的統一-旧ソ連・東欧諸国の比較分析から-」安武裕和編『欧州政治研究会2006年度研究報告集』(名古屋大学「魅力ある大学院教育イニシアティブ」、早稲田大学21COE-GLOPE「開かれた政治経済制度の構築」合同プロジェクト): 158-193頁.

Ishikawa, Ryoko and Katsunori Seki. 2006. "Waseda and Asian Political Science." The Asian Political Science Graduate Conference Proceeding: 38-41.



Hieda, Takeshi, Katsunori Seki, and Jianyang Yang. "Measuring Multi-Dimensional Preferences for Welfare Programs among Japanese Voters: An Online Survey and Conjoint Approach." Presented at the annual meeting of the Japanese Association for Comparative Politics. Ritsumeikan University. Osaka, Japan. June 2024.

Seki, Katsunori. "Does Media Exposure Shape People's Understandings of Democracy? Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Japan and Taiwan." Presented at the 16th International Conference on Parliamentary Studies: New Congress, New Era, New Politics. Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan. June 2024.

Hieda, Takeshi, Katsunori Seki, and Jianyang Yang. "Measuring Multi-Dimensional Preferences for Welfare Programs among Japanese Voters: An Online Survey and Conjoint Approach." Presented at the 20th East Asian Social Policy Network & the 30th Foundation for International Studies of Social Security Joint International Conference. Kyoto, Japan. June 2024.


Seki, Katsunori. "Assessing Public Understandings of Democracy through a Conjoint Analysis." Presented at the workshop on Democratic Representation in Comparative Perspectives organized by Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica. Taipei, Taiwan. December 2022.

Seki, Katsunori and Guy D. Whitten. "Why Income Redistribution? A Conjoint Analysis in Japan." Presented at the Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association. Virtual. April 2022.

Koenig, Thomas, Katsunori Seki, Thiago N. Silva, and Galina Zudenkova. "The Role of Prime Ministers on Government Survival." Presented at the Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association. Virtual. April 2022.



Seki, Katsunori. "Group Belongingness and Redistribution Preference: A Survey Experiment in Japan." Presented at the Annual Conference of American Political Science Association. Virtual Poster Session. September 2021.

Seki, Katsunori. "Group Belongingness and Redistribution Preference: A Survey Experiment in Japan." Presented at the Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association. Virtual. April 2021.


Foucault, Martial, Katsunori Seki, and Guy D. Whitten. "The Electoral Consequences of Taxing and Spending." Presented at the Conference organized by Center for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy and Department of Socioeconomics, WU Wien. Wien, Austria. September 2018.


Kerevel, Yann P., Austin S. Matthews, and Katsunori Seki. "Mixed-Member Electoral Systems, Best Loser Rules, and the Descriptive Representation of Women." Presented at SFB 884 Seminar Series. University of Mannheim. Mannheim, Germany. November 2017.

König, Thomas, Nick Lin, and Katsunori Seki. "Challenging Governments: Committee Leadership and the Role of the Opposition in Parliamentary Democracies." Presented at the Annual Conference of European Political Science Association. Milan, Italy. June 2017.

Lin, Nick, Katsunori Seki, and Nikoleta Yordanova. "Unfulfilled Pledges and Responsibility Attribution in Coalition Governments." Presented at the Annual Conference of Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL. April 2017.

Lin, Nick, Katsunori Seki, and Nikoleta Yordanova. "Unfulfilled Pledges and Responsibility Attribution in Coalition Governments." Presented at Bard College Berlin. Berlin, Germany. March 2017.

Seki, Katsunori. "Informative Elections in Nondemocracies? Elections and Post-Electoral Redistribution Revisited." Presented at the Department of Political Science, University of Mannheim. Mannheim, Germany. March 2017.

Seki, Katsunori. "Consequences of Elections in Dictatorships: The Role of Electoral Competition and Competitiveness of Elections." Presented at the Conference on "The Political Economy of Democracy and Dictatorship" held at the University of Münster. Münster, Germany. February 2017.


König, Thomas, Nick Lin, and Katsunori Seki. "Challenging Governments: Committee Leadership and the Role of the Opposition in Parliamentary Democracies." Presented at the Conference on "Inequality and Fairness of Political Reforms" held at the University of Mannheim. Mannheim, Germany. December 2016.

Foucault, Martial, Katsunori Seki and Guy D. Whitten. "Good Times, Bad Times: Taxation and Electoral Accountability." Presented at Department of Political Science, University of São Paulo, Brazil. December 2016.

Lin, Nick, Katsunori Seki, and Nikoleta Yordanova. "Unfulfilled Pledges and Responsibility Attribution in Coalition Governments." Presented at the Annual Conference of American Political Science Association. Philadelphia, PA. September 2016.

Lin, Nick, Katsunori Seki, and Nikoleta Yordanova. "Unfulfilled Pledges and Responsibility Attribution in Coalition Governments." Presented at the Annual Conference of European Political Science Association. Brussels, Belgium. June 2016.

König, Thomas, Nick Lin, and Katsunori Seki. "Committee Chairs and Opposition Policy Influence in Parliamentary Democracies." Presented at "Workshop on Multiparty Governance and Policymaking in Parliamentary Democracies" held at the University of Mannheim. Mannheim, Germany. May 2016.

König, Thomas, Nick Lin, and Katsunori Seki. "Committee Chairs and Opposition Policy Influence in Parliamentary Democracies." Presented at the Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, IL. April 2016.

König, Thomas, Nick Lin, and Katsunori Seki. "A Closer Look at Coalition Governance: Party Size and Parliamentary Scrutiny." Presented at the Annual Conference of Public Choice Society. Ft. Lauderdale, FL. March 2016.

Foucault, Martial, Katsunori Seki and Guy D. Whitten. "Good Times, Bad Times: Taxation and Electoral Accountability." Presented at the conference on “Fat Politics, Lean Politics: Political Survival in Good and Bad Economic Times” held at Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA. March 2016

König, Thomas, Nick Lin, and Katsunori Seki. “A Closer Look at Coalition Governance: Party Size and Parliamentary Scrutiny.” Presented at the Soochow University. Taipei, Taiwan. January 2016.


Foucault, Martial, Katsunori Seki and Guy D. Whitten. "Good Times, Bad Times: Taxation and Electoral Accountability." Presented at Department of Political Science, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland. October 2015.

Foucault, Martial, Katsunori Seki and Guy D. Whitten. "Good Times, Bad Times: Taxation and Electoral Accountability." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association. Vienna, Austria. June 2015.

Boranbay, Serra, Thomas König, Sven Oliver-Proksch, Nick Lin and Katsunori Seki. "Coalition Governance under Parliamentary Scrutiny." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association. Vienna, Austria. June 2015.

Foucault, Martial, Katsunori Seki and Guy D. Whitten. "Good Times, Bad Times: Taxation and Electoral Accountability." Paper presented at the conference on "Fat Politics, Lean Politics: Political Survival in Good and Bad Economic Times" held at the University of Maryland. College Park, USA. May 2015.

Whitten, Guy D. and Katsunori Seki. "Clarity in Chaos? Economic Voting in Transitional Polities." Paper presented at "Workshop on Economic Voting in Developing Democracies" held at the University of São Paulo. São Paulo, Brazil. February 2015.


Seki, Katsunori. "Whom to Elect? Causes of Elections in Nondemocracies." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association. Washington, D.C., USA. August 2014.

Foucault, Martial, Katsunori Seki and Guy D. Whitten. "Electoral Accountability in European Hard Times." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, USA. April 2014.


Foucault, Martial, Katsunori Seki and Guy D. Whitten. "Electoral Accountability in European Hard Times." Paper presented at the 2013 EUDO Dissemination Conference. Florence, Italy. November 2013.

Whitten, Guy D. and Katsunori Seki. "Clarity in Chaos? Economic Voting in Transitional Polities." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, USA. April 2013.

Whitten, Guy D., Laron K. Williams and Katsunori Seki. "The Final Frontier? The Spatial Dynamics of Party Competition." Conference on "Spatial Models of Politics in Europe and Beyond" sponsored by the European Union Center, Texas A&M University. College Station, USA. February 22-23, 2013.


Whitten, Guy D. and Katsunori Seki. "Clarity in Chaos? Economic Voting in Transitional Polities." Conference on "New Developments in the Cross-National Study of Political Economy and Public Policy" sponsored by the Project for Equity, Representation, and Governance (PERG) and the European Union Center, Texas A&M University. College Station, USA. November 2012.

Seki, Katsunori. "Elections and Distributive Politics in Nondemocracies." Paper presented at EITM Summer Institute, Princeton University. Princeton, USA. July 2012.

Duch, Raymond, Paul Kellstedt and Katsunori Seki. "The Political Economy of Global Economic Shocks and Consumer Confidence." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association. Berlin, Germany. June 2012.


Seki, Katsunori. "Elections, Post-Electoral Redistribution, and the Survival of Authoritarian Governments: An Empirical Study of Serbia in the 1990's." Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago, USA. April 2011.


Sasaoka, Shinya and Katsunori Seki. ''Democracy and Quality of Life in Asian Societies,''  Workshop: AsiaBarometer Publication Project (Section: Quality of Life). Tokyo, Japan. January 2010.


Seki, Katsunori. "The Logic of Persistence and Breakdown of Rigged Electoral System and Democratization: An Empirical Exploration." International Symposium organized by Waseda University Global COE GLOPEII, "Expectations, Institutions and Global Society." Tokyo, Japan. January 2009.



萩森正尊・尾崎敦司・笹岡伸矢・関能徳・三上了「国家横断的な政治制度・選挙データセットの構築 -マクロ政治分析のフロンティア-」日本政治学会、2008年10月、ポスター報告.

関能徳・東島雅昌「平等・組織性・体制変動 -不平等は民主化を阻害するのか-」第8回(2007年度)早稲田政治学会(自由論題2-A)、2008年3月.



関能徳「『グレー・ゾーン』の政治体制変動 -選挙権威主義体制期セルビアの事例研究と多項ロジスティック回帰による国家横断的な因果効果の推定-」日本国際政治学会(ロシア・東欧分科会)、2007年10月.

笹岡伸矢・関能徳・三上了「市民の政治意識と政治体制の存続可能性 -ロシア・セルビアの事例研究と世界価値観調査データに基づく統計的検証-」日本政治学会、2007年10月、ポスター報告.

Seki, Katsunori. "When the Manipulation of Authoritarian Election Has No Benefit to Citizens and Induces Democratic Transition: Political Economy of Electoral Fraud and Welfare of Citizen." The 2007 Waseda-Korea Inter-University Research Seminar. Waseda University. Tokyo, Japan. July 2007.

関能徳「潜在クラス分析による政治体制の類型化 -民主制と非民主制の間の『グレー・ゾーン』をどのように把握できるのか-」政研イニシアティブ最終コンフェレンス(国際比較研究の創生 -アジアの視座から-)早稲田大学、2007年2月.


Ishikawa, Ryoko and Katsunori Seki. "Waseda and Asian Political Science." The Asian Political Science Graduate Conference "Graduate Political Studies at Major Asian Universities: Students' Viewpoints." Seoul National University. Seoul, South Korea. November 2006.

Seki, Katsunori. "Is Democracy Possible without National Unity?: Comparative Analysis of Post-Communist States after 1989." Japanese Political Science Association (co-organized with International Political Science Association). Fukuoka Convention Center. Fukuoka, Japan. June 2006. Poster Session.

関能徳「政治体制変動と国民的統一 -旧ソ連・東欧諸国の比較分析から-」欧州政治研究会(早稲田大学21COE-GLOPE「開かれた政治経済制度の構築」名古屋大学「魅力ある大学院教育イニシアティブ」と共催)、2006年5月.

Katsunori Seki. All rights reserved.