

Does Electrification Cause Industrial Development? Grid Expansion and Firm Turnover in Indonesia 

Journal of Development Economics (2023) 

Awarded the 2020 Distinguished CESifo Affiliate Award in Climate and Energy Economics

Coverage: VoxDev, IGC blog post, STICERD Review, Energy for Growth Hub memo

Working Papers

Electricity Outages and Air Pollution in Delhi (with Yatang Lin)  

Coverage: Energy for Growth Hub memo 

Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Public Economics

Revisiting the Last Mile: The Development Effects of a Mass Electrification Program in Kenya (with Giulia Zane (World Bank) and Eustace Uzor (African Development Bank) ) 

3IE RIDIE Registration ID 1025

Carbon Footprints of European Manufacturing Jobs: Stylized Facts and Implications for Climate Policy (with various co-authors)

Air Pollution Trading on the European Carbon Market (with Laure de Preux and Ulrich J. Wagner)