PG class notes

  • Techniques of Integration / Change of Variables / Double Integrals / Jacobian

  • ODE - PDE / Numerical Solution / Fourier Analysis & Transformation

  • Complex Numbers: Representation with Polar Coordinates

  • Vectors and Matrices / Homogeneous & Non Homogeneous Linear System

  • Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors / Vector Calculus / Green's Theorem

  • Parametric representation / Coordinate Transformations / Curvilinear coordinates

  • Computational Methods

1. Stress and deformation analysis

1. Introduction - Ytube 1A. History - Ytube Ytube2 1B. Branches of Mechanics - Ytube1 Ytube2

2. Stress Analysis old 2A. Introduction to stress analysis - Ytube 2B. Stress at atomic level - Ytube

2Ca. Stress at a point/Cauchy’s equation - Ytube 2Cb. Mohr's circle - Ytube

2Da. Stress Quadratic/equilibrium: - Ytube1 Ytube2 2Db. Stress Transformation - Ytube

2E. Stress functions - Ytube

3A. Strain-displacement relations - Ytube 3B. Principal strains - Ytube

3C. Problems/Strain compatibility - Ytube 4A. Material properties - Ytube

4B. True stress / True strain - Ytube 4C. Stress-Strain relations - Ytube

4D. Theories of failure - Ytube 4E. Introduction to plasticity 4F. Adv. Matl. Models

5A. Disp Eqn / Prob Formulation - Ytube 5B. Applications / Non-Lin Prob

6A. Var_Principle - Ytube 6B, Energy_Method - Ytube1 Ytube2

7A. Expt_Strs_Analysis - Ytube 7B. Strain gauge - Ytube 7C. SG_circuits - Ytube

7D. Strain gauge Experiment - Ytube Attendance survey Feedback

2. Design of structural elements Syllabus

THEORY OF BEAMS Properties of Area Introduction SF_BM diagram Euler_beam Deflection due to bending Curved beam Asymmetric_bending Shear_Stresses Shear_centre Validity of EB theory Stress functions Beam_Large_Deflection Beam_Stretching Very large stretching and bending Beam Plastic Analysis

Axisymmetric objects


Plate bending plate energy method Plate_shear_deformation Plate_Stretching Plates of Various Shapes


Beam_buckling Beam_Vib_Energy method Thick_beam_plate Plate buckling Plate_vibration

Attendance Feedback

1. Beam_1 2. Beam_2 3. Plate_1 4. Plate_2 5, Stress function