Research Objectives

My Research activities span the Design and Simulation of Intelligent/Adaptive Systems, with emphasis on Neural Network Algorithms and Computational/Artificial Intelligence Algorithms/Digital-Systems, as well as on Pattern Recognition, Decision Support, Learning and Parallel & Distributed Systems. My research efforts involve tools/techniques and applications from/in the following scientific fields:

-Optimization, Pattern Recognition, Intelligent Systems (including Computational and Artificial Intelligence as well as Multi-Agent Systems) and Decision Support Systems/ Biomedical Systems as well as Telecommunication Systems with emphasis in Wireless Communication Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks

-Digital Signal and Image Processing, Digital systems and computer architectures

-Security of Computer and Communication Systems, Electronic Commerce, Management Information Systems, and Web based Learning.

- Computer Vision and Robotics.

- Systems Control and Identification, Dynamical Systems, Time Series Prediction.

- Qualitative and Quantitative Systems/Data Analysis, Fast Algorithms

Moreover, my research activities include involvement in the simulation phase of implementing the proposed algorithms in electronic hardware (SPICE simulation of analog Neural Networks, VHDL & FPGA prototyping & implementation of Intelligent/ Signal-Image processing/ Security-Cryptography systems) and development of embedded applications (especially with the 8051 microprocessor for telecommunication projects, within the framework of collaboration between Hellenic Aerospace Industry and the University of Portsmouth).

Research Areas of Interest

My Research activities focus on the Design and Simulation of Intelligent/Adaptive Systems, with emphasis on Neural Network Algorithms and Computational/Artificial Intelligence Algorithms/Digital-Systems, as well as on Pattern Recognition, Decision Support, Learning and Parallel & Distributed Systems. My research efforts involve tools/techniques and applications from/in the following scientific fields:

-Optimization, Pattern Recognition, Intelligent Systems (including Computational and Artificial Intelligence as well as Multi-Agent Systems) and Decision Support Systems/ Biomedical Systems as well as Telecommunication Systems with emphasis in Wireless Communication Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks

-Digital Signal and Image Processing, Digital systems and computer architectures

-Security of Computer and Communication Systems, Electronic Commerce, Management Information Systems, and Web based Learning.

- Computer Vision and Robotics.

-Systems Control and Identification, Dynamical Systems, Nonlinear Systems, Time Series Prediction.

- Qualitative and Quantitative Systems/Data Analysis, Fast Algorithms

With regards to the mathematical tools supporting my research efforts these are coming from Optimization Theory and Signal Representation/Transformation methodologies.

Moreover, my research activities include involvement in the simulation phase of implementing the proposed algorithms in electronic hardware (SPICE simulation of analog Neural Networks, VHDL & FPGA prototyping implementation of Intelligent/ Signal-Image processing/ Security-Cryptography systems) and development of embedded applications (within the framework of collaboration between Hellenic Aerospace Industry and the University of Portsmouth in the years 2000-2004).

My main research efforts concentrate in the area of design and implementation of efficient Algorithms, concerning Neural Networks – Computational/Artificial Intelligence – Pattern Recognition/ Decision Support and Intelligent Systems using Optimization theory and Nonlinear techniques as well as digital signal representation / processing/ transformation techniques, with emphasis on the wavelet transform methods, and on applying the designed algorithms in the above defined scientific /application fields and especially in communication systems and computational biomedicine systems. One of the most important parts of my research is related to the investigation, design and development of improved architectures for Parallel & Distributed Computational/ Artificial Intelligence based Intelligent Systems by introducing optimal complexity to enhance their Learning/Generalization and Performance capabilities with applications in the design of efficient Pattern Recognition, Computational Biomedicine, Decision Support, Image Analysis, Communications and Secure Computing/Communication Systems as well as in the design of efficient Modeling/Forecasting, Identification/Control and Management of real world Systems.

This research has already produced, as illustrated in the list of my publications, more than 200 in total research papers (49 in international refereed journals – 2 edited books, 1 book chapter in an international publisher’s edition, 5 research reports as book chapters in an international publisher’s book, 147 in international refereed conferences and, finally, more than 15 technical reports and research & development projects deliverables. My research papers have been cited - not self citations- in more than 320 research papers (2004 investigation in citation indexes and Scopus now – 290 citations in Scopus)).

My already published research refers to three categories of Developed and Applied Algorithms:

(a) Design, Implementation and Applications of Neural Networks – Computational/Artificial Intelligence Systems – Pattern Recognition & Decision Support and Intelligent Systems in Digital Signal/Image processing, Pattern recognition, Computational Biomedicine & qualitative/ quantitative systems/data analysis, Communications, Computing/Communications Security, Optimization, Modeling & Forecasting (medical, financial) & Control as well as in Secure Management Systems with emphasis in e-commerce/ e-learning and

(b) Development, Implementation and Applications of Stochastic Signal Processing algorithms with emphasis in the wavelet transformation algorithms for designing and modeling the above mentioned systems.

(c) Scheduling algorithms for wireless communication systems


1/95: Phd in Computer Engineering and Informatics, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Dept. Electrical & Computer Engineering (with honors).

3/85: MSc in Electrical & Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Dept. Electrical & Computer Engineering (Telecommunications Engineer).

10/87: Certificate of studies in Computer Engineering and Informatics, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Dept. Electrical & Computer Engineering.

6/77: Graduate of the Nationally top-ranked High School of Evangeliki School Smyrnis, Athens, Greece.

1985-1989: Computer, Informatics, Microprocessors, Signal Processing and Automatic Control Seminars participant.

Languages: Oral and written fluency in Greek, (mother tongue) almost complete oral and written fluency in English.

Research Experience

Research Positions

5/88-10/92: Research assistant in the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, National Center for Scientific Research (NCSR) DEMOKRITOS, under a scholarship awarded from NCSR DEMOKRITOS, Athens, Greece.

11/92-12/94: Associate researcher participating in EU funded research projects, of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, National Center for Scientific Research (NCSR) DEMOKRITOS, Athens, Greece.

1/95-12/95: Postdoctoral researcher, Neural Networks Laboratory, Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, National Center for Scientific Research (NCSR) DEMOKRITOS, Athens, Greece.

12/95-31/8/1998: Visiting Assistant Professor (P.D. 407/80), Dept. Informatics, University of Ioannina, Greece.

In parallel, in the period 1/9/1997 – 31/3/1998: Visiting Assistant Professor (P.D. 407/80) in Medical Informatics, Dept. Medicine, University of Crete, Greece.

1/9/98-28/2/99: Visiting Assistant Professor (P.D. 407/80), Dept. Industrial Mechanical Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece.

1/3/99-31/7/00 (full time job) and

1/1/01-31/8/01 (part time job): Postdoctoral Senior Researcher, Technical Manager and Deputy Principal Investigator responsible for the Analysis, Implementation and the Operation of the Tele-education Center of Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Dept. Business Administration, funded through EU and the Ministry of Education. The program “KETHL-AUEB: Tele-education Center of AUEB” was funded within the EPEAEK framework.

Project Objective: To implement and establish an Internet and World Wide Web based Tele-education center suitable for Economics and Business Studies.

1/9/98-31/8/00: Visiting Assistant Professor (P.D. 407/80), Dept Business Administration, University of Piraeus, Greece.

30/9/98-30/9/00: Collaborating researcher with the Hellenic Open University, Greece in co-authoring a book in the subject “Information Systems in the Construction Management”

1/9/03-31/8/04: Visiting Assistant Professor (P.D. 407/80), Products and Systems Design Engineering Dept., Aegean University, Greece

1/9/03-08/03/04: Visiting Assistant Professor (P.D. 407/80), Chalkis Institute of Technology, Automation Dept.

1/01/01- 31/12/04: Senior researcher / Principal Industrial Supervisor of the AMEC (Advanced Military Electronic Communications) Group for the On the Job Training (OJT) of a significant number of MSc theses in Communications/ embedded security systems within the framework of collaboration between Hellenic Aerospace Industry and the University of Portsmouth.

1/9/07-30/6/08: Visiting Professor/Studies Supervisor (SEP), Senior Lecturer, Teaching MSc postgraduate courses on the Subject Section “Basic Specializations on Computer Architectures and Networks”, Open University of Cyprus, Informatics Dept., Cyprus.

1/10/02-31/7/2010: Visiting Professor/Studies Supervisor (SEP), Senior Lecturer, Subject Section “Computer Networks Basic Issues”, Hellenic Open University, Informatics Dept., Greece

9/3/04-today: Associate Professor in “Digital Systems”, Automation Department, School of Technological Applications, Chalkis Institute of Technology, Greece

Research Group Membership within EU and Nationally funded R&D projects

Research Activities within EU funded projects:

· Member of the Principal Research Group, as research assistant and associate researcher, during all phases of the EU funded Research & Development project “Neural Networks” (14 DHMO1), within the framework of SPA 1, 1991-1994 (250,000 Euros budget) .

· Member of the Principal Research Group, as associate and postdoctoral researcher, during all phases of the EU funded Basic Research project "Ultrasonic Scanner - Quantitative Dynamic Imaging" (CT-93-1292), within the framework of BIOMED I, 1/1/1994 –31/12/1995 (100,000 Euros budget).

· Member of the Principal Research Group, as postdoctoral and senior researcher, during all phases of the EU funded Research project “NEURON”, within the framework of Research Dissemination Networks managed by the General Secretariat for Research & Technology, Greece, 1/1/1996- 4/1998 (20,000 Euros budget).

· Member of the Principal Research Group, as collaborating senior researcher, during all phases of the EU funded Research project “Implementation of Improved Robotics Systems Using Dynamic Optical Information and Robust Techniques of Automatic Control”, within the framework of PENED, 3/96 – 12/96 (30,000 Euros budget).

· Member of the Principal Research Group, as senior researcher, during all phases of the Research projects “System of Automated Face Recognition” and "Design of Improved Ultrasonic Transmitters with Applications in Medical Diagnosis based on non-Destructive Testing techniques”, funded by the Ioannina University Research Committee, 1/10/96 - 31/12/97. (30,000 Euros budget each)

· Participant, as senior researcher, in the Research project “Pattern Recognition through Higher Order Neural Networks”, funded within the framework of Hellas – Great Britain collaboration between Demokritos Technical University of Thrace, Greece, Dept. Electrical / Computer Engineering and UMIST, 1994-1996. (20,000 Euros budget)

· Member of the Principal Research Group, as senior researcher, during all phases of the EU funded Research project “Advanced MRI-MRS Techniques”, within the framework of Training & Mobility of Researchers, collaborating with the Demokritus Technical University of Thrace, Greece, Dept. Electrical / Computer Engineering, 1/1/1998-31/12/2001 (90,000 Euros budget).

· Postdoctoral Senior Researcher, Technical Manager and Deputy Principal Investigator responsible for the Analysis, Design, Implementation and the Operation of the Tele-education Center of Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Dept. Business Administration, funded through EU and the Ministry of Education. The program “KETHL-AUEB: Tele-education Center of AUEB” was funded within the 1st EPEAEK framework for the period 11/98-12/99 with extension to 31/7/00 and from 1/1/01-31/8/01. Project Objective: To implement and establish an Internet and World Wide Web based Tele-education center suitable for Economics and Business Studies. (250,000 Euros budget)

· Chief Systems Engineer in the Development and Implementation of the Military Communications System “HERMES”, representing Hellenic Aerospace Industry from 10-5-2001 until 8-3-2004, as electronic engineer, employee of Hellenic Aerospace Industry (HAI) from 10-4-00 until 8-3-04 (50,000,000 Euros budget).

· Senior researcher / Industrial Principal Investigator and Supervisor of the AMEC (Advanced Military Electronic Communications) group for the On the Job Training (OJT) Project of a significant number of MSc theses in Communications/ embedded security systems within the framework of collaboration between Hellenic Aerospace Industry and the University of Portsmouth. The project continued without disruption from 1/1/01 until 31/12/2004. (30,000 Euros annual budget)

· Principal Researcher, Chalkis Institute of Technology (CIT), Group Leader in the EU funded Marie Curie RTN project, `”Advanced Signal-Processing for Ultra-Fast Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging, and Training’’, (contract number MRTN-CT-2006-035801) (200,000 Euros budget for CIT) , 30-11-2006 until 30-11-2010

Main subjects of teaching experience

· Professor, Chalkis Institute of Technology, teaching the undergraduate courses Digital Design I,& II”, “Telecommunication Systems”, “Digital Signal Processing”, “Data Acquisition Systems”, “Electronics I ,& II” in the Automation Dept., (2004-now) and the postgraduate course Intelligent Systems with applications in Agricultural Engineering in the Agricultural School of University of Thessaly, for the MSc “Automations in Agricultural Engineering and Constructions” co-organized by University of Thessaly and Automation Dept. Chalkis Institute of Technology, 2005-2009

· Senior Lecturer, Teaching senior level undergraduate courses on the Subject Section “Computer Network Basic Issues”, Hellenic Open University, Informatics Dept., Greece, 1/10/2002-31/7/2010

· Senior Lecturer, Teaching MSc postgraduate courses on the Subject Section “Basic Specializations on Computer Architectures and Networks”, Open University of Cyprus, Informatics Dept., Cyprus, 2007-2008

· Course Leader, Teaching undergraduate classes on the courses “Business Applications of Informatics I”, “Business Applications of Informatics II” and “Business Simulations”, University of Piraeus, Dept. Business Administration, Greece, 1999-2000.

· Course Leader, Teaching undergraduate classes on the course “Optimization Theory”, University of Thessaly, Dept. Industrial Mechanical Engineering, Greece, 1999.

· Course Leader, Teaching undergraduate classes on the courses “Neural Networks”, “Digital Electronics”, “Computer Graphics”, “Signal Processing”, “Computational Intelligence”, “Introduction in Computer Programming”, “Artificial Intelligence” and “Compilers / Interpreters”, University of Ioannina, Dept. Informatics, Greece as well as seminar instructor in several Informatics related seminars organized by the same Department, 1996-1998.

· Course Leader, Teaching undergraduate classes on the courses “Introduction to Computers” and “Biostatistics”, Crete University, Department of Medicine, Greece, 1998

· Supervisor, collaborating in the supervision of Advanced Technological Institutes (ATEI) diploma theses, Universities MSc theses/ projects and PhD candidates dissertations with ATEI Piraeus - Greece, Demokritus University of Thrace - Greece, Dept. Electrical / Computer Engineering as well as with Dept. Civil Engineering; moreover in collaboration with Crete University, Greece, Dept. of Medicine as wells as with Portsmouth University, UK and partially with Coventry University, UK, 1996-now.

· Course Leader, Teaching undergraduate classes for the course “Intelligent Internet Commerce” included in the Bachelor’s degree syllabus, as well as postgraduate classes for the courses “Open Systems and Networks”, “Further Languages” and “Introduction Computing Environments” included in the Master’s degree syllabus, IST-studies, Dept. Informatics; franchisee, since 1992, of the University of Hertfordshire, UK for the delivery of its programmes in Greece and accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC) as "an institution that provides higher education" (February 2001), 1999-2004

· Managing Author of Informatics, Computing and Multimedia Curricula and detailed syllabi for the Hellenic Pedagogical Institute managed Secondary Education related- Technical Vocational Educational Schools (TEE) as well as for the Organization For Vocational Education And Training (OEEK) managed Secondary Education related - Vocational Training Institutes (IEK), in collaboration with the respective Institute and Organization.

Industrial Experience

9/87-12/92: Freelance Systems Analyst/Programmer collaborating with industrial and commercial companies for the design/production of custom software covering their or their own customers special needs. In specific, among others, we mention the collaboration with the ΤΕLΕΜΑΤΙΚ Ltd. company in the development of software for medical labs applications as well as in the development of software for publishing organizations logistics applications. Moreover, we mention the collaboration with the GENERAL SUPPLY S.A. industry (TADIRAN transmitter/receiver production for the Greek Army, AC/DC distributor production for the Public Power Corporation (PPC)) in the development of custom software for production monitoring/control, logistics, etc. as well as the collaboration with the MICROTECHΝΟLΟGΙΑ Ltd. company in LANs installations and LAN applications software development.

8/90-6/91: Co-founder of the TELEMATIK Ltd. company, managing the department of computer aided industrial measurements/automation applications through using National Instruments’ PC hosted instrumentation/control line cards supported by LabView/LabWindows based custom software.

10/4/00-8/3/04: Managing senior engineer, permanent employee of Hellenic Aerospace Industry S.A., Electronics Business Unit, R&D section.

Position: Technical Manager and Chief Systems Engineer for Tactical Communication Networks and Systems.

15/2/06 -Today: External Collaborator at Greek Informatics Society S.A., Evaluator of proposals and progress of Telematics Projects

1/1/1999-Today: Freelance systems analyst and programmer, indexed as “Applied Sciences Researcher”, in software development projects for the web and .net applications mainly, regarding telematics and databases applications, as well as in engineering education projects.

International Distinctions


Conferences Organization

Refereeing for International journals/Conferences.

·Editor in Chief “International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering (IJSISE)”, InderScience Publishers, index.php?journalCODE=ijsise

·Editor in the Editorial Board of the journal, Hindawi ISRN Communications and Networking,

·Editor in the Editorial Board of the journal, Bentham Publishers, The Open Information Science Journal, ISSN: 1874-947X,

·General Chair in the Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, AIPR-07, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 9-12, 2007, in the International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and Practice, SETP-07, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 9-12 2007 as well as in the International conference on Automation, Robotics and Control Systems, ARCS-08, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 7-10 2008 and ARCS-2009 & ARCS-2010, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 2009/2010

·General Co-Chair IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST 2009), Shenzhen, China, 11-12 May 2009 & IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST 2010), Thessaloniki, Greece, 1-3 July 2010

·Programm Chair and Special session organizer in IWSSIP 2005, September 2005, Chalkis

·Programm Chair and Special session organizer in IWSSIP 2009, June 2009, Chalkis

·Invited Researcher in the Anticancer Research Center of Germany "Deutsche Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)", Heidelberg, Germany, 1-31 July 1995, to conduct research in the use of Neural Networks and wavelet signal representation for large DNA sequencing projects.

International Programm Committee Member in international conferences

MLDM-2007 up to MLDM-2011

The IASTED International Conferences on Biomedical Engineering BioMED 2003 up to BIOMED 2011, Salzburg, Austria


SETN-2006-2008-2010, NUM-2007

· Session chair IST 2010, IEEE, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1-3 July 2010

· Session chair IWSSIP 2009, IEEE, Chalkida, Greece, June 2009

· Session chair IST 2008, IEEE, Chania, Greece, 10-12 Sept. 2008

· Session chair HAIS 2008, 3rd International Workshop on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, Burgos, Spain, Session W1.2 (@Room B02)

Connectionist Models I, 24-26 Sept. 2008

· Session chair WISP 2007, IEEE, Alcala de Henares (Madrid) Spain, October, 3-5, 2007

· Session chair IST 2006, IEEE, Minory, Italy, April 2006

· Session chair ICANN 2005, Warsaw, Poland, September 2005

· Session chair (14:00 – SESSION 9 – COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKS II – Algorithms and Models, 5/11/02) at «The IASTED International Conference on Applied Modelling and Simulation (AMS-2002)”, November 4-6, 2002, Cambridge, USA.

· Session chair (08:30 – SESSION 6 – COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS I – Information Systems and Processing, 5/11/02) at «The IASTED International Conference on Applied Modelling and Simulation (AMS-2002)”, November 4-6, 2002, Cambridge, USA.

· Session organizer and chair (Communications and Security, 11/7/01) at the conference CSCC 2001 (organized by WSES), Rethymno, Crete, Greece, 9/7/01-12/7/01.

· Session organizer and chair (Neural Network Applications, 27/10/98) at the conference CSC’98 (organized by IMACS), Piraeus, Greece, 26/10/98-28/10/1998.

· Session chair (Pattern and image analysis, 13--15/3/1997) at the workshop ASPM-MRI-97, Xanthi, Greece 13-15/3/1997.

· Session chair (Applications 6, 28th November 1995) at the conference ICNN’95 (IEEE Conference on Neural Networks), Perth, Australia, 27/11/1995- 1/12/1995.

· Referee of research papers for international journals: Journal of Intelligent Systems (Brunel University, UK), Journal of Franklin Institute (USA), journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems (USA), Pattern Recognition Letters journal, IEEE Trans. Circuit & Systems journal, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, IEEE trans. SMC, IEEE Trans. Measurement and Instrumentation, GVIP journal, ELSEVIER journals (Neurocomputing, European Journal of Operational Research, INS etc.), Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIIM) journal and for international conferences (IWSIP96, IWSSIP 2005-2010, ΕΠΥ 2001-, SΕΤΝ-02—SETN-06—SETN-08, ECC-2003, SCI-2003, SCI-2004-2011, IASTED/BIOMED-2003/2004/2005/2006/2007/2008-2011, IEEE IST 2006-2010 conferences etc., MLDM conferences, ICINCO 2008-2011, etc.).

Distinctions - Scholarships - Invitations

· BEST RESEARCH PAPER AWARD, at the 9th Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM´2009 July 20 - 22, 2009, Leipzig, Germany for the paper "On Cellular Network Channels Data Mining and Decision Making through Ant Colony Optimization and Multi Agent Systems Strategies", P.M. Papazoglou, D.A. Karras, R.C. Papademetriou

· BEST RESEARCH PAPER AWARD, at the 2nd KES International Symposium on Agent and Multiagent Systems: Technologies and Applications, 27-28 March 2008, Incheon, Korea for the paper “On the Multi-threading Approach of Efficient Multi-Agent Methodology for Modelllng Cellular Communications Bandwidth Management”, by P.M. Papazoglou, D.A. Karras, R.C. Papademetriou

· Plenary Speaker, in WSEAS MAMECTIS 2008 (MATHEMATICAL METHODS, COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES and INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS) conference, 26 October 2008, Corfu Greece, talk title “Global Optimization Strategies for Improved Bandwidth Management in Wireless Communications”

· Invited Speaker in the NATO-ASI “Advanced Signal Processing for Multimedia”, Il Ciocco, Italy, July 1998, talk title “On Applying Fast And Efficient Methods in Pattern Recognition”.

· Invited Speaker in the Anticancer Research Center of Germany "Deutsche Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ)", Heidelberg, Germany, March 1995, talk title "Novel Neural Network Training Algorithms".

· Invited Speaker in the International Conference "NEURONET 93", September 1993, Prague, Czech Republic, talk title "A family of efficient learning algorithms"

· Scholarship for participation in the NATO-ASI "From Statistics to Neural Networks", Les Arcs, France, July 1993.

· Scholarship for participation in the NATO-ASI "Parallel Computing and Multiprocessor systems", Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, July 1991.

· Postgraduate research scholarship, based on exams, awarded from the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications, National Center for Scientific Research (NCSR) DEMOKRITOS, 1988.

· State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) scholarship (1978), awarded for successful first year studies as well as for being 8th among those succeeded in the National Level Examinations (1977) being admitted as students in the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Dept. Electrical & Computer Engineering.

· Greek Mathematical Society 3rd Prize, National Student Competition of the Greek Mathematical Society, 1976.

· Curriculum Vitae selection for being included in the “Who is Who in the World”, Marquis publications, 1996-1998 editions.

· Member of International Organizations and Institutes, such as IEEE, ACM, New York Academy of Sciences, INNS, etc.

List of Publications


[D1] Diploma thesis entitled “Study on operation time out in multiple microway links using suitable attenuation data” for fulfilling the obligations to obtain the MSc in Electrical Engineering, February 1985, NTUA, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Greece, Degree with honors (9.0). Supervisor: J. Kanellopoulos (NTUA Prof.)

[D2] PhD Dissertation entitled, “Optimization and Artificial Neural Networks: Efficient ways in introducing apriori knowledge in the learning process”, January 1995, NTUA, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Greece, Degree with honors (10.0). Supervisor: G. Karayannis (NTUA Prof.)

Refereed International Journals

[J.1] G.E.Antoniou, G.O.A.Glentis, S.J.Varoufakis, and D.A.Karras, "Transfer Function Determination of Singular Systems Using the DFT", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Vol.36, No.8, Aug.1989, pp 1140-1142, ISSN: 1549-8328, SJR (2009): 0.114 , SNIP (2009): 2.500, 1989.

[J.2] D.A.Karras, S.J.Varoufakis and G.B. Carayannis "A Neural Network for character recognition using a preprocessing gaussian pyramid encoding block", journal Neural Network World, Vol. 2, Number 3-4, 1992, pp. 347-352, Publisher: Czech Academy of Sciences ISSN: 1210-0552, Scopus Coverage Years: from 1994 to Present , SJR (2009): 0.039 , SNIP (2009): 0.650, 1992.

[J.3] D.A.Karras, S.J Varoufakis, "Neural Network for estimation of parameters of sinewave", Electronics Letters IEE, 27th August 1992, Vol. 28, No. 18, pp. 1750-1751, Publisher: Institute of Electrical Engineers, ISSN: 0013-5194 E-ISSN: 1350-911X Scopus Coverage Years: from 1969 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.095, SNIP (2009): 1.440, 1992

[J.4] D.A.Karras, S.J.Varoufakis, G.E. Antoniou and G.B, Carayannis "Hopfield-Tank Neural Net: Walsh to Fourier Transform", Neurocomputing, ELSEVIER, Vol. 4, Numbers 1-2, February 1992, pp. 37-41, ISSN: 0925-2312 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1989 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.074, SNIP (2009): 1.740, 1992

[J.5] S. J. Perantonis and D. A. Karras (1995). "An efficient constrained learning algorithm with momentum acceleration", Neural Networks, Elsevier, Vol. 8-2, 1995 pp. 237-249, ISSN: 0893-6080 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1988 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.166, SNIP (2009): 2.040, 1995

[J.6] D. A. Karras and S. J. Perantonis (1995), "An Efficient constrained training algorithm for feedforward networks", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, November 1995, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 1420-1432, ISSN: 1045-9227 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1990 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.116 , SNIP (2009): 5.350, 1995

[J.7] E.J Hatzakis, D.A. Karras, P. Tziannos and N. Paritsis. " Supervised and Unsupervised Neural and Statistical Methods in Psychiatric Case Categorization", Neural Network World journal, ICS AS CR 1997, No 2, pp. 161-175, 1997, Publisher: Czech Academy of Sciences ISSN: 1210-0552, Scopus Coverage Years: from 1994 to Present , SJR (2009): 0.039 , SNIP (2009): 0.650, 1997.

[J.8] M. Reczko, D.A. Karras and H. Bohr. "An update of the DEF Data-Base of Protein Fold Class Predictions", Nucleic Acids Research journal, Vol. 25, No 1, pp. 235, 1997.

[J.9] D.A. Karras, S.A. Karkanis and B.G. Mertzios, "Information Systems based on Neural Network and Wavelet Methods with application to decision making, modelling and prediction tasks", journal KYBERNETES-The International journal of Systems and Cybernetics, Vol. 27, No 3, pp. 224-236, 1998, Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. ISSN: 0368-492X Scopus Coverage Years: from 1976 to 1988, from 1995 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.035 , SNIP (2009): 0.460, 1998

[J.10] D.A. Karras, “A multiclassifier approach in defect segmentation based on the wavelet transform”, Neural Network World journal, ICS AS CR 1998, No 1, pp. 99-113, 1998, Publisher: Czech Academy of Sciences ISSN: 1210-0552, Scopus Coverage Years: from 1994 to Present , SJR (2009): 0.039 , SNIP (2009): 0.650, 1998.

[J.11] D.A. Karras, S.A. Karkanis and B.G. Mertzios, “Supervised and Unsupervised Neural Network Methods applied to Textile Quality Control based on Improved Wavelet Feature Extraction Techniques”, journal International J. Computer Mathematics, Vol. 67, pp. 169-181, 1998, Publisher: Taylor & Francis ISSN: 0020-7160 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1971 to 1972, from 1974 to 1977, from 1979 to 1984, 1988, from 1992 to Present,SJR (2009): 0.042 , SNIP (2009): 0.560, 1998

[J.12] A. Likas, D.A. Karras and I.E. Lagaris, “Neural Network Training and Simulation Using a Multidimensional Optimization System”, journal International J. Computer Mathematics, Vol. 67, pp. 33-46, 1998, Publisher: Taylor & Francis ISSN: 0020-7160 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1971 to 1972, from 1974 to 1977, from 1979 to 1984, 1988, from 1992 to Present,SJR (2009): 0.042 , SNIP (2009): 0.560, 1998

[J.13] S.A Karkanis, D.A. Karras and B.G. Mertzios, “A Novel Signal Modeling Method Using the Wavelet Transform”, journal Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations, Vol. 6, No 3, pp. 417-428, 1998 .

[J.14] V. Zorkadis and D.A. Karras, “Feedforward Neural Networks for (Pseudo)Random Number Generation and Evaluation”, Neural Network World journal ICS AS CR 1998, Vol. 8, No 6, pp. 639-651, 1998, Publisher: Czech Academy of Sciences ISSN: 1210-0552, Scopus Coverage Years: from 1994 to Present , SJR (2009): 0.039 , SNIP (2009): 0.650, 1998

[J.15] D.A. Karras and V. Zorkadis, “On Applying Multilayer Perceptron Learning Properties to (Pseudo)Random Number Generation and Evaluation”, Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations journal, Vol. 6, No 4, pp. 513-521, December 1998.

[J.16] I. G. Vlachonikolis, D.A. Karras, E.J Hatzakis, and N. Paritsis, "Improved Statistical Classification Methods in Computerized Psychiatric Diagnosis", Journal Medical Decision Making, Vol. 20, Issue 1, pp. 95-103, January-March 2000, Publisher: Sage Science Press, ISSN: 0272-989X E-ISSN: 1552-681X Scopus Coverage Years: from 1981 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.262 , SNIP (2009): 1.640, 2000

[J.17] Magoulas G.D., Karkanis S.A., Karras D.A. and Vrahatis M.N., “Evaluation of texture-based schemes in neural classifiers training”, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 3, No. 6, December 2004, pp.1729-1735.

[J.18] M. Reczko, D.A. Karras, B.G. Mertzios, D. Graveron-Demilly, D. van Ormondt, “Improved MR image reconstruction from sparsely sampled scans based on neural networks”, journal pattern recognition letters, Vol.22, Number 1, pp. 35-46, January 2001, ISSN: 0167-8655 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1982 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.103, SNIP (2009): 3.120, 2001

[J.19] Y.S. Boutalis, D. A. Karras and B.G. Mertzios, “Regularized Supervised and Unsupervised Neural Network Models for Function Approximation in Intelligent Robot Dynamic Control”, Buletinul Universitatii “Petrol-Gaze” Ploesti, Vol. LII, Seria Technica, Nr. 1/2000, pp. 99-104

[J.20] D E Maroulis, D K Iakovidis, S. A. Karkanis, D.A Karras, “ColD: A versatile detection system for colorectal leasions in endoscopy video-frames”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Vol. 70 (2), 2003, Elsevier, pp. 151-166, ISSN: 0169-2607 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1985 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.119, SNIP (2009): 1.080, 2003

[J.21] S.A. Karkanis, D.K. Iakovidis, D.E. Maroulis, D.A. Karras and M. Tzivras, " Computer Aided Tumor Detection in Endoscopic Video using Color Wavelet Features ", IEEE Trans. Information Technology in Biomedicine, Vol. 7, Issue: 3, Sept. 2003, pp.141 – 152, ISSN: 1089-7771 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1997 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.100 , SNIP (2009): 1.940, 2003

[J.22] D.A. Karras and V. Zorkadis, “On Neural Network Techniques in the Secure Management of Communication Systems through Improving and Quality Assessing Pseudorandom Stream Generators”, Neural Networks, Elsevier, Vol. 16, issues 5-6, (2003), pp. 899-905, ISSN: 0893-6080 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1988 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.166, SNIP (2009): 2.040, 2003

[J.23] V. Zorkadis, D.A. Karras, “Privacy-Enhancing Digital Rights Management Systems”, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol.2, Issues 2&3, pp. 160-165, 2003, ISSN 1109-2742, Publisher: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Press, ISSN: 1109-2742 Scopus Coverage Years: from 2005 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.037, SNIP (2009): 0.520, 2003

[J.24] D. A. Karras, R. C. Papademetriou, “Wavelet Based Low Error Probability Digital Image Watermarking By Integrating Spread Spectrum Modulation Techniques”, HERMIS Journal /AUEB-RG-ACMPP International journal, Vol. 4, 2003, pp. 153-162, ISSN 1108-7609

[J.25] D.A. Karras and B.G. Mertzios, “Time series modeling of endocardial border motion in ultrasonic images comparing support vector machines, multilayer perceptrons and linear estimation techniques”, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, Elsevier, Vol. 36, Issues 3-4, (October-December 2004), pp.331-345, 2004, ISSN: 0263-2241 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1983 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.046 , SNIP (2009): 1.000, 2004

[J.26] D.A Karras “A Second Order Spread Spectrum Modulation Scheme for Wavelet Based Low Error Probability Digital Image Watermarking", ICGST International Journal on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing (GVIP) , issue 3, vol. 5, 2005, (ISSN: 1687-398X Print, ISSN: 1687-3998 Online and ISSN: 1687-4005 CD-ROM).

[J.27] D.A Karras “Improved Defect Detection in Textile Visual Inspection Using Wavelet Analysis and Support Vector Machines", ICGST International Journal on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing (GVIP), issue 4, vol. 5, 2005, (ISSN: 1687-398X Print, ISSN: 1687-3998 Online and ISSN: 1687-4005 CD-ROM).

[J.28] G. A. Papakostas and D. A. Karras and B. G. Mertzios and Y. S. Boutalis, “An Efficient Feature Extraction Methodology for Computer Vision Applications using Wavelet Compressed Zernike Moments”, ICGST International Journal on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing (GVIP), issue SI1, vol. 5, pp. 5-15, 2005, (ISSN: 1687-398X Print, ISSN: 1687-3998 Online and ISSN: 1687-4005 CD-ROM).

[J.29] V. Zorkadis, Dimitris A. Karras, M. Panayotou: “Efficient information theoretic strategies for classifier combination, feature extraction and performance evaluation in improving false positives and false negatives for spam e-mail filtering”, Neural Networks journal, ELSEVIER Volume 18, Number 5-6, July-August 2005, pp. 799-807, ISSN: 0893-6080 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1988 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.166, SNIP (2009): 2.040, 2005

[J.30] P.M Papazoglou, D.A. Karras and R.C. Papademetriou, “On new dynamic channel assignment schemes and their efficient evaluation through a generic simulation system for large scale cellular telecommunications”, HERMIS Journal /AUEB-RG-ACMPP International journal, Vol. 6, 2006, pp. 185-202, ISSN 1108-7609,

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[J.31] P.M Papazoglou, D.A. Karras and R.C. Papademetriou, “High Performance Novel Hybrid DCA Algorithms for Efficient Channel Allocation in Cellular Communications Modeled and Evaluated through a Java Simulation System”, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, issue 11, Volume 5, November 2006, pp. 2078-2085, Publisher: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Press, ISSN: 1109-2742 Scopus Coverage Years: from 2005 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.037, SNIP (2009): 0.520, 2006

[J.32] V. Zorkadis, D. A. Karras, “Efficient information theoretic extraction of higher order features for improving neural network-based spam e-mail categorization”, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, Taylor and Francis, Volume 18, Number 4, December 2006, pp. 523-534, ISSN: 0952-813X E-ISSN: 1362-3079 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1996 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.036, SNIP (2009): 0.640, 2006

[J.33] G.A.Papakostas, Y.S.Boutalis, D.A.Karras and B.G.Mertzios, “Fast numerically stable computation of orthogonal Fourier–Mellin moments”, Journal IET Comput.Vision (former IEE proceedings), 2007, Vol. 1, (1), pp.11–16, Publisher: Institution of Engineering and Technology ISSN: 1751-9632 E-ISSN: 1751-9640 Scopus Coverage Years: from 2007 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.045 , SNIP (2009): 0.490, 2007

[J.34] G.A.Papakostas, Y.S.Boutalis, D.A.Karras and B.G.Mertzios, “A new class of Zernike moments for computer vision applications”, Journal Information Sciences, Elsevier, Vol. 177, 2007, pp. 2802–2819, ISSN: 0020-0255 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1968 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.088 , SNIP (2009): 3.880, 2007

[J.35] Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou and Bhanu Prasad, “Genetic Optimization Methods for Traffic Engineering Problems in Multi-Service High Speed Optical Networks”, Journal of Intelligent Systems, Freund & Pettman Publishers, ISSN:0334-1860, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 339-357, 2007, Scopus Coverage Years: from 1995 to 2002, from 2004 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.035, SNIP (2009): 0.150, 2007.

[J.36] I.M. Dokas, D.A. Karras, D.C. Panagiotakopoulos, “An Efficient Fuzzy Expert System Architecture for Landfill Operation Reliability Management”, Journal of Intelligent Systems, Freund & Pettman Publishers, ISSN:0334-1860, Vol. 17, No. 1-3, pp. 72-90, 2008, Scopus Coverage Years: from 1995 to 2002, from 2004 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.035, SNIP (2009): 0.150, 2008.

[J.37] P.M Papazoglou, D.A. Karras and R.C. Papademetriou, “An Efficient Scheduling Mechanism for Simulating Concurrent Events in Wireless Communications Based on an Improved Priority Queue (PQ) TDM Layered Multi-Threading Approach”, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, issue 3, Volume 7, March 2008, pp. 207-215, Publisher: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Press, ISSN: 1109-2742 Scopus Coverage Years: from 2005 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.037, SNIP (2009): 0.520, 2008

[J.38] P.M Papazoglou, D.A. Karras and R.C. Papademetriou, “Improved Integral Channel Allocation Algorithms in Cellular Communication Systems Enabling Multimedia QoS Services”, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, issue 10, Volume 7, October 2008, pp. 1014-1023, Publisher: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Press, ISSN: 1109-2742 Scopus Coverage Years: from 2005 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.037, SNIP (2009): 0.520, 2008

[J.39] P.M Papazoglou, D.A. Karras and R.C. Papademetriou, “On a New Generation of Event Scheduling Algorithms and Evaluation Techniques for Efficient Simulation Modelling of Large Scale Cellular Networks Bandwidth Management Based on Multitasking Theory”, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, issue 10, Volume 7, October 2008, pp. 1024-1034, Publisher: World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS) Press, ISSN: 1109-2742 Scopus Coverage Years: from 2005 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.037, SNIP (2009): 0.520, 2008

[J.40] P.M Papazoglou, D.A. Karras and R.C. Papademetriou, “An Improved Multi-Agent Simulation Methodology for Modelling and Evaluating Wireless Communication Systems Resource Allocation Algorithms”, J. UCS 14(7): 1061-1079 (2008), Publisher: Springer Verlag, ISSN: 0948-6968 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1996 to present, SJR (2009): 0.040, SNIP (2009): 0.770, 2008

[J.41] M.P. Hanias, D.A. Karras, “On efficient multistep non-linear time series prediction in chaotic diode resonator circuits by optimizing the combination of non-linear time series analysis and neural networks”, Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, EAAI 1196, 22 (1), pp. 32-39, 2009, ISSN: 0952-1976, Scopus Coverage Years: from 1988 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.059, SNIP (2009): 1.940, 2009

[J.42] I.M. Dokas, D.A. Karras, D.C. Panagiotakopoulos, “Fault tree analysis and fuzzy expert systems: Early warning and emergency response of land fill operations”, Journal Environmental Modelling & Software, Elsevier, (2009), 24 (1), pp. 8–25, ISSN: 1364-8152 Scopus Coverage Years:from 1997 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.090, SNIP (2009): 2.000, 2009

[J.43] G.A.Papakostas, Y.S.Boutalis, D.A.Karras and B.G.Mertzios, “Pattern classification by using improved wavelet Compressed Zernike Moments”, Journal Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier, 212 (2009) pp. 162–176, ISSN: 0096-3003 E-ISSN: 1873-5649 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1975 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.060 SNIP (2009): 1.280, 2009

[J.44] G.A.Papakostas, Y.S.Boutalis, D.A.Karras and B.G.Mertzios, “Modified Factorial-Free Direct Methods for Zernike and Pseudo-Zernike Moment Computation”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 58, 2009, Page(s):2121 – 2131, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2009.2015540, Subject Area: Engineering: Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Physics and Astronomy: Instrumentation Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ISSN: 0018-9456 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1969 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.061, SNIP (2009): 2.030, 2009

[J.45] D.A.Karras and G.B. Mertzios, “New PDE based methods for image enhancement using SOM and Bayesian Inference in various discretization schemes”, IOP Press, journal Measurement Science and Technology, 20 (10), art. no. 104012, 2009, Publisher: Institute of Physics and the Physical Society ISSN: 0957-0233 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1990 to Present , SJR (2009): 0.089, SNIP (2009): 1.460, 2009

[J.46] Stamatopoulos, V.G., Karras, D.A., Mertzios, B.G.On an efficient modification of singular value decomposition using independent component analysis for improved MRS denoising and quantification”, IOP Press, journal Measurement Science and Technology, 20 (10), art. no. 104021, 2009, Publisher: Institute of Physics and the Physical Society ISSN: 0957-0233 Scopus Coverage Years: from 1990 to Present , SJR (2009): 0.089, SNIP (2009): 1.460, 2009

[J.47] V.C Zorkadis, D. A. Karras, “On privacy-enhancing architectures for distribution of real time performance demanding mobile services”, International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics”, Volume 2, Issue 4, Publisher: Inderscience Publishers, Pages: 377-386, ISSN:1751-911X, 2009 , Publisher: Inderscience Publishers ISSN: 1751-911X E-ISSN: 1751-9128 Scopus Coverage Years: from 2008 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.032 SNIP (2009): 0.230, 2009

[J.48] G.A.Papakostas, Y.S.Boutalis, D.A.Karras and B.G.Mertzios, “Efficient computation of Zernike and Pseudo-Zernike moments for pattern classification applications”, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 20 (1), pp. 56-64, Subject Area: Computer Science: Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design, Computer Science: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Publisher: Allen Press Inc. ISSN: 1054-6618 Scopus Coverage Years: from 2006 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.034 , SNIP (2009): 0.390, 2010

[J.49] Papazoglou, P.M., Karras, D.A., Papademetriou, R.C., “New strategies based on multithreading methodology in implementing ant colony optimization schemes for improving resource management in large scale wireless communication systems”, Journal Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol 299, pp. 537-578, Subject Area: Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence, Publisher: Springer Verlag ISSN: 1860-949X E-ISSN: 1860-9503, Scopus Coverage Years: from 2006 to Present, SJR (2009): 0.032 , SNIP (2009): 0.180, 2010

Under Review

[J.R1] D.A. Karras, E.J Hatzakis and N. Paritsis, "Efficient Neural Network Systems for Psychiatric Diagnosis", IEEE Trans. Neural Networks

[J.R2] D.A. Karras, I. Koutsias, “An Improved Subject Classification Methodology for Internet And Intranet Applications Using Neural Networks”, Pattern Recognition journal

[J.R3] D.A. Karras, “An Improved Feature Extraction Technique for Neural Networks Applications in Management and Biomedical Problems”, Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations journal

[J.R4] D.A. Karras, “An On-line Efficient Constrained Training Algorithm with Applications to Management problems”, Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations journal

[J.R5] D.A. Karras, K. Hatzakis, E. Hatzakis and N. Paritsis, “Transactional Analysis Based Prediction of Job Performance in Organizations”, Journal of Applied Psychology

[J.R6] V. Zorkadis and D.A Karras, “Evaluation of One-Way Hash Functions for Security Management in e-Commerce Communication Systems Based on Supervised Neural Network Models”, Neural Network World journal, ACCEPTED.

[J.R7] D.A Karras and V. Zorkadis, “Unsupervised Neural Network Models in Evaluating Message Digests for Security Management of e-Commerce Communication Systems”, Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations journal, ACCEPTED

Books and book chapters

[Β.1] B.G. Mertzios and D.A. Karras, “On Applying Fast and Efficient Techniques in Pattern Recognition”, in “Advanced Signal Processing for Multimedia”, edited by Jim Byrnes, World Scientific, 2000.

[Β.2] G.D. Magoulas, S.A. Karkanis, D.A. Karras, “A Comparison of Textural Descriptors for Classification Schemes based on neural networks”,

V. Zorkadis, D.A. Karras, “Effective Random Number Generation for Simulation Analyses based on neural networks”.

D.A. Karras, V. Zorkadis, “Recurrent Neural Network Models for Improved (Pseudo) Random Number Generation in Computer Security Applications”,

V. Zorkadis, D.A. Karras, “Modelling Computer and Communication Infrastructures

In Computers and Computational Engineering in Control, World Scientific, 1999, edited by N.E. Mastorakis, ISBN: 960-8052-12-2.

[B.3] V. Zorkadis and D.A. Karras, “Requirements for Privacy - Enhancing Electronic Copyright Management Systems

D.A. Karras, V. Zorkadis, "Neural Network Techniques for Improved Intrusion Detection in Communication Systems",

In Communications World, World Scientific-WSES Editions, 2001, edited by N.E. Mastorakis, ISBN: 960-8052-38-6

[Β.4] Dimitrios A. Karras, Stamatios Voliotis, Maria Rangoussi, Apostolos Kokkosis, “Proceedings of the International Conference IWSSIP 2005, 12th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SYSTEMS, SIGNALS & IMAGE PROCESSING”, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, Email:, IBSN: 0-907776-20-5, (Print), IBSN: 0-907776-21-3 (Online), IBSN: 0-907776-22-1 (CD-Rom), Sept. 2005.

[Β.5] Dimitrios A. Karras, “Proceedings of the International Conference IWSSIP 2009, 16th INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SYSTEMS, SIGNALS & IMAGE PROCESSING”, IEEE Press, 2009.

Refereed International Conference Proceedings

[Cnf.1] D.A.Karras, S.J.Varoufakis, G.E.Antoniou and G.B,Carayannis "Hopfield-Tank Neural Net:Walsh to Fourier Transform" NEURONET 90, pp. 233-235

[Cnf.2] N.Gaitanis and D.A.Karras, "A fast and efficient pattern classifier", NEURONET 90, pp.92-93

[Cnf.3] N.Gaitanis and D.A.Karras, "A low cost pattern classifier based on coding techniques", INNC 90 (IEEE Conference on Neural Networks), San Diego, 17-21 June 1990, USA, Vol.II, pp.203-208

[Cnf.4] D.A.Karras, S.J.Varoufakis "A Neural Network for estimating the parameters of multiple sinusoids", presented in the IJCNN '92, Baltimore U.S.A, IEEE and INNS Conference on Neural Networks, Vol.II, pp. 1005-1010, June 7-11, 1992.

[Cnf.5] N. Gaitanis, G. Kapogianopoulos and D.A. Karras, "Minimum Distance Pattern Classifiers Based On A New Distance Metric", ICANN-93, Amsterdam, 1993 pp. 1021-1022.

[Cnf.6] D. A. Karras, S. J. Perantonis and S. J. Varoufakis (1993), "Constrained learning: A new approach to pattern classification". Proceedings of World Congress on Neural Networks (Oregon, USA, July 1993), 4, 235-238.

[Cnf.7] B. Gatos, D. A. Karras and S. J. Perantonis (1993), "Optical character recognition using novel feature extraction and neural network classification techniques". Proceedings of the Workshop on Neural Network Applications and Tools, (Liverpool, UK, September 1993), 65-72. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press.

[Cnf.8] S. J. Varoufakis, S. J. Perantonis and D. A. Karras (1993), "A family of efficient learning algorithms for feedforward networks based on constrained optimization techniques". Invited plenary paper, Proceedings of NEURONET' 93 (Prague, Czech Republic, September 1993).

[Cnf.9] D. A. Karras and S. J. Perantonis (1993), "Comparison of learning algorithms for feedforward networks in large scale networks and problems". Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IEEE & INNS) (Nagoya, Japan, October 1993), 532-535.

[Cnf.10] S. J. Perantonis and D. A. Karras (1993), "A fast constrained learning algorithm based on the construction of suitable internal representations". Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IEEE & INNS) (Nagoya, Japan, October 1993), 536-539.

[Cnf.11] D. A. Karras, S. J. Perantonis and S. J. Varoufakis (1994), "An efficient constrained learning algorithm for optimal linear separability of the internal representations". Proceedings of IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence - IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (Orlando, USA, June 1994), 285-289.

[Cnf.12] N. Gaitanis, D. A. Karras and S. J. Perantonis (1994), "Encoding of characters for OCR applications". Proceedings of IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence - IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (Orlando, USA, June 1994), 3866-3871.

[Cnf.13] N. Gaitanis, G. Kapogianopoulos, and D. A Karras (1993), "Pattern Classification Using a Generalized Hamming Distance Metric". Proceedings of WCNN-93 (INNS Conference on Neural Networks), Portland, Oregon, USA, 1993, IV260-IV263.

[Cnf.14] A. Benaki, B. Gatos, I. Karamani, D. A. Karras, S. Perantonis, N. Vassilas and N. Gaitainis (1994). "A robot hand-eye coordination system for 3-D object recognition using novel neural networks trained with multiview moments". Proceedings of the European Robotics and Intelligence Systems Conference (EURISCON' 94) (Malaga, Spain, August 1994), 1692-1701.

[Cnf.15] S. Perantonis, D. A. Karras, S. Varoufakis, I. Magnin, M. T. Nguyen and S. Mensah (1994). "Tracking of cardiac boundaries in ultrasonic images using neural network techniques". Presented at the 3rd European Conferene on Engineering and Medicine (Florence, Italy, April 1995).

[Cnf.16] E.J. Hatzakis, D.A Karras, P.E. Tziannos, N. Paritsis. "Computer Aided Psychiatric Diagnosis", EPI-1995, 12/95

[Cnf.17] D.A. Karras, E.J. Hatzakis, P.E. Tziannos, N. Paritsis. "Neural Networks in Multidimensional Problems: A Case Study for Questionnaire Classification", ICNN-1995, 11/95, Perth Western Australia.

[Cnf.18] A. Benaki, B. Gatos, I. Karamani, D.A. Karras, S.J. Perantonis, N. Vassilas, H. Harou and S. Varoufakis. "A Sensor Driven Robot Arm for Playing Chess", EPI-1995, 12/95

[Cnf.19] S. Perantonis and D.A. Karras. "Tracking of cardiac boundaries in ultrasonic images using neural network and ARIMA modelling techniques", presented at the IEEE Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN96), Washington DC, 1-7/6/96.

[Cnf.20] D.A. Karras, S. Karkanis and B.G. Mertzios. "Texture Discrimination for Quality Control Using Wavelet and Neural Network Methods", presented at the IEEE-IEE Workshop IWSIP-96, Manchester, UK, 4-7/11/96, pp. 191-195.

[Cnf.21] D.A. Karras, S. Karkanis and B.G. Mertzios. "A New Wavelet Transform Based Compression Approach of Biomedical Images with Preservation of Important Textural Characteristics", presented at the IEEE-IEE Workshop IWSSIP-97, Poznan, Poland, 28-30/5/97.

[Cnf.22] D.A. Karras, S. Karkanis and B.G. Mertzios. "A Classification Approach to Image Structure Segmentation based on the Wavelet Transform", presented at the EUROMICRO conference 97, Budapest, 1-4/9/97.

[Cnf.23] D.A. Karras, I.J. Marmatsouri, E.J. Hatzakis, N. Paritsis. "On Feature Selection Methods in the Application of Neural Networks to Social Sciences", 24th EUROMICRO 98 conference, Vasteras, Sweden, 1998, pp. 670-676

[Cnf.24] D.A. Karras, S.A. Karkanis and B.G. Mertzios. “Image Compression Using thje Wavelet Transform on Textural Regions of Interest”, 24th EUROMICRO 98 conference, Vasteras, Sweden, 1998, pp. 633-639.

[Cnf.25] D.A. Karras and I.E. Lagaris. "A Novel Neural Network Training Technique Based on a Multi-Algorithm Constrained 0ptimization Strategy", EUROMICRO 98 conference, Vasteras, Sweden, 1998, pp. 683-687.

[Cnf.26] S.A. Karkanis, D.A. Karras and B.G. Mertzios. "1-D Signal Prediction Using Wavelets", IEEE-IEE workshop IWSSIP’98, Zagreb, Croatia, 1998, pp. 20-23.

[Cnf.27] D.A. Karras, Y.S. Boutalis and B.G. Mertzios. "A two-stage methodology for approximating functions based on neural networks with applications to intelligent dynamic robot control", IEEE-IEE workshop IWSSIP’98, Zagreb, Croatia, 1998, pp. 139-142.

[Cnf.28] D.A Karras, Y.Boutalis, D. Mitzias and B.G. Mertzios. “A neural function approximation methodology based on multiple feature extraction techniques for solving the inverse modeling problem in intelligent robotics applications”, ASI-98, Bremen, Germany, 1998.

[Cnf.29] D.A. Karras, V. Zorkadis. “A Feasibility Study for Random Bit Generation by using Neural Networks”, IMACS conference CSC’98, Piraeus, Greece, 1998.

[Cnf.30] D.A Karras, B.G. Mertzios, R.C. Papademetriou. “Time series prediction using local construction and subspace methods”, HERCMA 98 conference, Athens, Greece, 1998.

[Cnf.31] M. Reczko, D.A. Karras, B.G. Mertzios, D. Graveron-Demilly, D. van Ormondt, “Neural Networks in MR Image Estimation from Sparsely Sampled Scans”, MLDM’99, Leipzig, Germany, 1999, in P. Perner and M. Petrou (eds.) “Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition”, Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence 1715, Springer, pp. 75-86, 1999.

[Cnf.32] S.A. Karkanis, G.D. Magoulas, D.A. Karras and M. Grigoriadou, “Neural Network Based Textural Labeling Of Images In Multimedia Applications”, EUROMICRO 1999, IEEE Press, pp. 392-396, Milano, Italy.

[Cnf.33] V. Zorkadis and D. A. Karras, «Security Modeling of Electronic Commerce Infrastructures”, IEEE Press conference EUROCOMM-2000, Munich, Germany, May 2000.

[Cnf.34] D. A. Karras and V. Zorkadis, “Overfitting in Multilayer Perceptrons as a mechanism for (Pseudo)Random Number Generation in the Design of Secure Electronic Commerce Systems”, IEEE Press conference EUROCOMM-2000, Munich, Germany, May 2000.

[Cnf.35] D. A. Karras and V. Zorkadis, “A Novel Suite of Tests for Evaluating One -Way Hash Functions for Electronic Commerce Applications”, EUROMICRO-2000, Maastricht, Netherlands, IEEE Press, Vol. II, pp. 464-468, September 2000

[Cnf.36] D. A. Karras, S. Karkanis and D. Maroulis, “Efficient Image Compression Of Medical Images Using The Wavelet Transform And Fuzzy C-Means Clustering On Regions Of Interest”, EUROMICRO-2000, Maastricht, Netherlands, IEEE Press, Vol. II, pp. 469-473, September 2000

[Cnf.37] D.A. Karras, M. Reczko, B.G. Mertzios, D. Graveron-Demilly, D. van Ormondt, “MR Image Reconstruction From Sparsely Sampled Scans Based On Multilayer Perceptrons And Using Regularization Techniques”, IEEE-INNS-ENNS IJCNN Conference Proceedings, IEEE Press, Vol. I, pp. 336-341, Como, Italy, July 2000.

[Cnf.38] D.A. Karras, M. Reczko, B.G. Mertzios, D. Graveron-Demilly, D. van Ormondt and R.C. Papademetriou, “Neural Network Reconstruction Of MR Images From Noisy And Sparse K-Space Samples”, IEEE-ICSP 2000 Conference Proceedings, IEEE Press, Vol.III, pp.2115-2118, Beijing, 8/2000

[Cnf.39] R.C. Papademetriou and D.A. Karras, “Information Theoretic Reconstruction of Moment-Coded Grey-Scale Images”, IEEE-ICSP 2000 Conference Proceedings, IEEE Press, Vol.III, pp.2119-2122, Beijing, 8/2000

[Cnf.40] D.A. Karras, B.G. Mertzios and R.C. Papademetriou, “Efficient Local Techniques In Financial Time Series Forecasting”, IMACS 2000 Conference Proceedings, IMACS ISBN 3-9522075-1-9, EPFL Lausanne, 8/2000

[Cnf.41] I.M Dokas, D.A. Karras, D.C Panagiwtakopoulos, “Fuzzy Logic Applications in Solid Waste Management”, 7th Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Ermoupolis, Syros Island, Greece, Sept. 2001, pp. 157-165.

[Cnf.42] D.A. Karras, S.A. Karkanis, D. Iakovidis, D. E. Maroulis and B.G. Mertzios, “Improved Defect Detection in Manufacturing Using Novel Multidimensional Wavelet Feature Extraction Involving Vector Quantization and PCA Techniques”, 8th EPY Conference Proceedings, Cyprus, Oct. 2001, pp.165-173.

[Cnf.43] D.A. Karras, S.A. Karkanis, D. Iakovidis, D. E. Maroulis and B.G. Mertzios, “Support Vector Machines for Improved Defect Detection in Manufacturing Using Novel Multidimensional Wavelet Feature Extraction Involving Vector Quantization and PCA Techniques”, NIMIA 2001, NATO-ASI IEEE Conf. Proceed., Crema, Italy, Oct. 2001, pp. 139-144.

[Cnf.44] D.A. Karras, M. Reczko, B.G. Mertzios, D. Graveron-Demilly, D. van Ormondt, “Bayesian MRI Reconstruction In Sparsely Sampled K-Spaces With Priors Based On Self Organizing Feature Maps”, NIMIA 2001, NATO-ASI IEEE Conf. Proceed., Crema, Italy, Oct. 2001, pp.85-89.

[Cnf.45] D.A. Karras, I. Koutsias and B.G. Mertzios, “A Systematic Second Order Meaning Extraction Methodology In Document Collections For Internet Data Mining Using Supervised Neural Networks”, LFTNC 2001, NATO ASI Proceedings, Siena, Italy, Oct. 2001, pp. 169-182.

[Cnf.46] S.A. Karkanis, G.D. Magoulas, D.K. Iakovidis, D.A. Karras, D.E. Maroulis, “Evaluation of Textural Feature Extraction Schemes For Neural Network-Based Interpretation Of Regions In Medical Images”, ICIP2001, Proceedings IEEE, pp.281-284.

[Cnf.47] S.A. Karkanis, D.K. Iakovidis, D.A. Karras, D.E. Maroulis, “Detection of Lesions In Endoscopic Video Using Textural Descriptors On Wavelet Domain Supported By Artificial Neural Network Architectures”, ICIP2001, Proceedings IEEE, pp.833-836.

[Cnf.48] M. Reczko, D.A. Karras, B.G. Mertzios, D. Graveron-Demilly, D. van Ormondt, “Improved MRI Reconstruction From Reduced Scans K-Space By Integrating Neural Priors In The Bayesian Restoration”, EMBC 2001, 23rd IEEE Conf. Proceedings on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Constantinoupolis, Turkey, Oct. 2001.

[Cnf.49] D. A. Karras, R. C. Papademetriou, P. Stamatakis, “Evaluating One-Way Functions in Communication Systems Using Genetic Algorithms Modeling”, in Proceedings Applied Modelling and Simulation (AMS) 2002, IASTED International conference , MIT Cabridge, MA, USA, 4-6 November, 2002, pp. 88-92.

[Cnf.50] D. A. Karras, R. C. Papademetriou, T. Dimitrakopoulos, “On Integrating FEC And Spread Spectrum Modulation Techniques For Modeling Low Error Probability Digital Watermarking”, in Proceedings Applied Modelling and Simulation (AMS) 2002, IASTED International conference , MIT Cabridge, MA, USA, 4-6 November, 2002, pp. 93-98

[Cnf.51] D. A. Karras, N. Karatzidis, D. Klitsas, “Efficient Dataflow Modeling Of Multilayer Perceptrons With Applications To Evoked Potential Based Medical Diagnosis”, in Proceedings Applied Modelling and Simulation (AMS) 2002, IASTED International conference , MIT Cabridge, MA, USA, 4-6 November, 2002, pp. 289-293.

[Cnf.52] D.A. Karras and B.G. Mertzios, “A Robust Meaning Extraction Methodology Using Supervised Neural Networks”, Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002, Canberra, December 2002, in Springer Verlag Lectures Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 2557, pp. 498-510.

[Cnf.53] D.A. Karras and B.G. Mertzios, “Improved Defect Detection Using Novel Wavelet Feature Extraction Involving Principal Component Analysis and Neural Network Techniques”, Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002, Canberra, December 2002, in Springer Verlag Lectures Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 2557, pp. 638-647.

[Cnf.54] D.A. Karras, V.Zorkadis, “Strong Pseudorandom Bit Sequence Generators Using Neural Network Techniques and Their Evaluation for Secure Communications”, Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002, Canberra, December 2002, in Springer Verlag Lectures Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 2557, pp. 615-626

[Cnf.55] I.M Dokas, D.A. Karras and D.C Panagiwtakopoulos, “A fuzzy Expert System Application for Reliability Estimation of Landfill Operation”, ISWA 2002 - “Appropriate Environmental and Solid Waste Management and Technologies for Developing Countries”, Istanbul 2002, Vol. 2, pp. 803-810.

[Cnf.56] V.Zorkadis, D.A. Karras and E.S. Siougle, “A Privacy Friendly Electronic Payment Model: Balancing Copyright & Privacy Protection Requirements”, in Advances in Communications and S/W Technologies, eds. V.V. Kluev, 2002, WSEAS press, pp. 167-171, ISBN 960-8052-71-8

[Cnf.57] Papakostas, G.A.; Karras, D.A.; Mertzios, B.G., “Image coding using a wavelet based Zernike moments compression technique”, DSP 2002, 14th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, 2002.Volume: 2 , 1-3 July 2002, pp:517 – 520.

[Cnf.58] Dimitris A. Karras, Vasilios Zorkadis, “Quality Assessment of Hash Functions for Message Authentication Based Secure Internet Communications using Neural Networks”, IICAI 2003, pp.1003-1013.

[Cnf.59] Dimitris A. Karras, R. C. Papademetriou, “On the Use of Genetic Algorithms in Verifying and Producing Message Digests for Secure Communication Systems”, IICAI 2003, pp. 1338-1349.

[Cnf.60] Karras, D.A.; Mertzios, B.G., “On edge detection in MRI using the wavelet transform and unsupervised neural networks”, 2003. 4th EURASIP Conference focused on Video/Image Processing and Multimedia Communications, Vol.2, 2-5 July 2003, pp. 461-466.

[Cnf.61] Karras, D.A.,”Improved defect detection using support vector machines and wavelet feature extraction based on vector quantization and SVD techniques”, In the Proceedings of IJCNN-IEEE 2003, Vol.3, 20-24 July 2003, pp.2322 – 2327.

[Cnf.62] Karras, D.A.; Zorkadis, V., “Improving pseudorandom bit sequence generation and evaluation for secure Internet communications using neural network techniques”, In the Proceedings of IJCNN-IEEE 2003, Vol.2, 20-24 July 2003, pp.1367 – 1372.

[Cnf.63] Karras, D.A.; Mertzios, B.G.; Graveron-Demilly, D.; van Ormondt, D., “Improved Bayesian MRI reconstruction involving neural priors based on a regularization approach”, In the Proceedings of IJCNN-IEEE 2003, Vol.1, 20-24 July 2003, pp.596 – 600.

[Cnf.64] Karras, D.A.; Zorkadis, V., “Neural network based benchmarks in the quality assessment of message digest algorithms for digital signatures based secure Internet communications”, In the Proceedings of IJCNN-IEEE 2003, Vol.2, 20-24 July 2003, pp.1076 – 1080.

[Cnf.65] V. Pasias, D. A. Karras, R.C. Papademetriou, “Survivability-supported Traffic Engineering in Multiservice Networks”, HERCMA 2003, Sept. 2003, Vol.1, pp.188-196.

[Cnf.66] D.A. Karras, R.C. Papademetriou, M. Tziritas, “Message Authentication and Cryptographic Protocol Implementation Issues in Embedded Applications”, HERCMA 2003, Sept. 2003, Vol.2, pp.928-939.

[Cnf.67] D.A. Karras, R.C. Papademetriou, M. Tziritas, “A Security Oriented Hierarchical Proxy Agent Architecture for Embedded Applications in Communication Networks, HERCMA 2003, Sept. 2003, Vol.1, pp.203-207.

[Cnf.68] Karras, D.A.; “Neural network models based on regularization techniques for off-line robot manipulator path planning”, In the Proceedings of IJCNN-IEEE 2004, Vol.1, 25-29 July 2004, pp.39 – 44.

[Cnf.69] Pasias, V.; Karras, D.A.; Papademetriou, R.C., “Traffic engineering in multi-service networks comparing genetic and simulated annealing optimization techniques”, In the Proceedings of IJCNN-IEEE 2004, Vol.3, 25-29 July 2004, pp.2325-2330.

[Cnf.70] Karras, D.A.; “A combined genetic optimization and multilayer perceptron methodology for efficient digital fingerprint modeling and evaluation in secure communications”, In the Proceedings of IJCNN-IEEE 2004, Vol.3, 25-29 July 2004, pp.2319-2324.

[Cnf.71] Karras, D.A.; Vlitakis, C.E.; Boutalis, Y.S.; Mertzios, B.G., “Optimizing the structure of hierarchical mixture of experts using genetic algorithms”, 2nd International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Systems, 2004, Vol.1, 22-24 June 2004

pp.144 – 149.

[Cnf.72] Pasias, V.; Karras, D.A.; Papademetriou, R.C., “Traffic engineering and routing in survivable multiservice networks”, In the Proceedings of the IEEE International Zurich Seminar on Communications 2004, February 2004, pp.48-51.

[Cnf.73] George A. Papakostas, Yiannis S. Boutalis, Dimitris A. Karras, B. G. Mertzios, “On the Reconstruction Performance of Compressed Orthogonal Moments”, in the proceedings of ICINCO (2) 2004, pp. 468-474

[Cnf.74] Dimitris A. Karras, “An Empirical Test Suite for Message Authentication Evaluation in Communications Based on Support Vector Machines”, ICAISC 2004 (IEEE), LNAI Springer, pp. 622-627

[Cnf.75] Dimitris A. Karras, “Efficient Digital Fingerprint Production and Evaluation for Secure Communication Systems Based on Genetic Algorithms”, ICAISC 2004 (IEEE), LNAI Springer, pp. 628-633

[Cnf.76] D.A. Karras, G.B. Mertzios, “Discretization Schemes and Numerical Approximations of PDE Impainting Models and a Comparative Evaluation on Novel Real World MRI Reconstruction Applications”, in the proceedings of the IEEE-IST 2004 International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, May 2004, pp.153-158.

[Cnf.77] Karras, D.A.; Mertzios, B.G.; Graveron-Demilly, D.; van Ormondt, D., “Two-Stage Neural Network Models for MR Image Reconstruction from Sparsely Sampled k-space”, in the proceedings of the IEEE-IST 2004 International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, May 2004, pp.123-128.

[Cnf.78] Dimitris A. Karras: “A Hierarchical Support Vector Machine Based Solution for Off-line Inverse Modeling in Intelligent Robotics Applications”. ICANN (2) 2005, pp.: 619-624

[Cnf.79] Vasilios Zorkadis, Dimitris A. Karras, M. Panayotou: “Efficient Neural Network Models and Information Theoretic Feature Extraction in Improved E-Mail Spam Categorization”, IICAI 2005, pp: 1345-1356

[Cnf.80] I. M. Dokas, D. A. Karras, D. C. Panagiotakopoulos: “Landfill Operation Reliability Management Based on Fuzzy Expert Systems”. IICAI 2005, pp: 1988-1997

[Cnf.81] Vasilios Pasias, Dimitris A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou: “Traffic Engineering in Multi-service Networks based on Genetic Optimisation”. IICAI 2005, pp: 3337-3352

[Cnf.82] Dimitris A. Karras, Basil G. Mertzios, D. Graveron-Demilly, D. van Ormondt: “Improved MRI Mining by Integrating Support Vector Machine Priors in the Bayesian Restoration”. MLDM 2005, pp: 325-333

[Cnf.83] Zorkadis, V.; Panayotou, M.; Karras, D.A., “Improved spam e-mail filtering based on committee machines and information theoretic feature extraction”, IJCNN '05 Proceedings, 2005 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Volume 1, 31 July-4 Aug. 2005 Page(s):179-184 vol. 1, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/IJCNN.2005.1555826

[Cnf.84] Karras, D. A., “Efficient reconstruction of moment-coded noisy medical images using maximum entropy”, IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques 2005, May 13, 2005 Page(s):109 - 112

[Cnf.85] Karras, D. A., “Efficient medical image compression/reconstruction applying the discrete wavelet transform on texturally clustered regions”, IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques 2005, May 13, 2005 Page(s):87-91

[Cnf.86] Karras, D. A. and Mertzios, B. G., “Efficient segmentation in MRI applying discrete wavelet transform and topology preserving neural networks”, IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques 2005, May 13, 2005 Page(s): 113 - 118

[Cnf.87] I. Papagianakis, R. Papademetriou, D. A. Karras and M. Tziritas, “Business processes modeling methodologies for complex organizations”, HERCMA 2005, Sept. 2005, (

[Cnf.88] P. Papazoglou, D. A. Karras and R. C. Papademetriou, “A dynamic channel assignment system for cellular telecommunications”, HERCMA 2005, Sept. 2005, (

[Cnf.89] V. Pasias, D. A. Karras and R. C. Papademetriou, “Efficient heuristic solutions for wireless communication systems planning”, HERCMA 2005, Sept. 2005, (

[Cnf.90] Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou, “Traffic Engineering in Multiservice Networks Based on Computational Intelligence”, IWSSIP 2005, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, Email:, IBSN: 0-907776-20-5, (Print), IBSN: 0-907776-21-3 (Online), IBSN: 0-907776-22-1 (CD-Rom), Sept. 2005, pp. 153-158.

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[Cnf.91] Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou, “On Traffic Engineering in Survivable Multi-service Backbone Networks”, IWSSIP 2005, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, Email:, IBSN: 0-907776-20-5, (Print), IBSN: 0-907776-21-3 (Online), IBSN: 0-907776-22-1 (CD-Rom), Sept. 2005, pp. 159-164.

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[Cnf.92] George Papakostas, Yiannis Boutalis, Sofoklis Samartzidis, Dimitrios A. Karras, Basil Mertzios, “Combining backpropagation and genetic algorithms to train neural networks”, IWSSIP 2005, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, Email:, IBSN: 0-907776-20-5, (Print), IBSN: 0-907776-21-3 (Online), IBSN: 0-907776-22-1 (CD-Rom), Sept. 2005, pp. 171-177.

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[Cnf.93] Dimitrios A. Karras, Panagiotis Sotiropoulos, Basil G. Mertzios, “Analysis of Singular Systems using the Haar Wavelet Transform”, IWSSIP 2005, Inderscience Enterprises Ltd, Email:, IBSN: 0-907776-20-5, (Print), IBSN: 0-907776-21-3 (Online), IBSN: 0-907776-22-1 (CD-Rom), Sept. 2005, pp. 195-198.

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[Cnf.94] P.M. Papazoglou and D.A. Karras, "Towards an e-learning system development for technological higher education in Greece", 2nd International Conf. in Information Technology and Quality, organized by Univ. Paisley, UK, Spetses, Greece, 4-5/6/2005, paper A4.07

[Cnf.95] P.Papazoglou, D.Karras and I.Stavrakas, “The contribution of e-learning aspects in Technological Higher Education in Greece”, paper [507-147], 2005 WSEAS International Conference on Engineering Education, Vouliagmeni, Athens, Greece, July 8-10, 2005

[Cnf.96] D. A. Karras, B.G Mertzios, “Improved MRI Restoration by Integrating Bayesian formalism and Support Vector Machines in a Time Delayed priors Framework”, Proc. of the IST 2006 IEEE workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Minori, Italy, 29 April 2006, IEEE Cat. Number 05EX1003C, ISBN 0-7803-8293-9.

[Cnf.97] D. A. Karras, “Robust Defect Detection Using Improved Higher Order Wavelet Descriptors and Support Vector Machines for Visual Inspection Systems”, Proc. of the IST 2006 IEEE workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Minori, Italy, 29 April 2006, IEEE Cat. Number 05EX1003C, ISBN 0-7803-8293-9.

[Cnf.98] G.A. Papakostas, Y.S. Boutalis, D.A. Karras and B.G. Mertzios, “Efficient Computation of Orthogonal Moments by Suppressing the Factorial Terms”, Proc. of the IST 2006 IEEE workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Minori, Italy, 29 April 2006, IEEE Cat. Number 05EX1003C, ISBN 0-7803-8293-9.

[Cnf.99] Imran Khan, Syed Wajahat Raza, Dimitrios A. Karras, Mussarat Abdullah, Faisal Shafique Butt, “A Second Order Spread Spectrum Watermarking Scheme Using Multi-Threshold Wavelet Codec”, Proc. of the IST 2006 IEEE workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, Minori, Italy, 29 April 2006, IEEE Cat. Number 05EX1003C, ISBN 0-7803-8293-9.

[Cnf.100] P.M.Papazoglou, D.A.Karras, R.C.Papademetriou, “Novel DCA algorithms for efficient Channel Assignment in Cellular Communications and their evaluation through a generic Java Simulation System”, paper 517-390, Proceedings of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Optimization, Lisbon, Portugal, September 22-24, 2006, pp.565-570

[Cnf.101] Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou,”On The Efficiency Of Hierarchical Network Design”, in Proceedings of the 15th IASTED International Conference Applied Simulation and Modelling, ASM 2006, Rhodes, Greece, June 26, 2006 to June 28, 2006, pp. 111-115

[Cnf.102] P.M.Papazoglou, D.A.Karras, R.C.Papademetriou,,”Evaluating New Efficient DCA Schemes through a Generic Simulation System for Large Scale GSM Cellular Telecommunications”, in Proceedings of the 15th IASTED International Conference Applied Simulation and Modelling, ASM 2006, Rhodes, Greece, June 26, 2006 to June 28, 2006, pp. 169-174

[Cnf.103] Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou,”A Framework for Traffic Engineering and Routing in Survivable MultiService High Bit Rates Optical Networks”, in Proceedings ELMAR-2006, IEEE, Zadar, Croatia, 07-09/6/2006, pp. 353-357

[Cnf.104] Karras, D.A. “An Improved Text Categorization Methodology Based on Second and Third Order Probabilistic Feature Extraction and Neural Network Classifiers”,in book “Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, eds. Bogdan Gabrys, Robert J. Howlett and Lakhmi C. Jain, LNAI 4251, Springer, series LNAI, volume 4251, year 2006, isbn 3-540-46535-9, pp. 9 -20, 10TH International Conference KES 2006, Bournemouth UK, 9-11/10/2006

[Cnf.105] Vasilios Pasias, Dimitrios Karras, and Rallis C. Papademetriou, “Heuristic Algorithms for Efficient Wireless Multimedia Network Design”, in Proceedings 32nd Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Euromicro SEAA 2006 , IEEE Press, Croatia 2006, pp. 372-378

[Cnf.106] P. M. Papazoglou, D. A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou, “A Multi-agent Architecture for Designing and Simulating Large Scale Wireless Systems Resource Allocation”, in Proceedings KES-AMSTA, 2007, Vroclaw, Poland, 31/5/2007-1/6/2007, Springer Verlag LNAI series (4496), pp. 405-415

[Cnf.107] D. A. Karras, B. G. Mertzios , C. Alexopoulos and D. Mitzias, “A Robust Hierarchical Neural Network Methodology for Improved Image Classification Performance”, IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques – IST 2007 Krakow, Poland, May 4–5, 2007.

[Cnf.108] G. A. Papakostas, D. A. Karras, B. G. Mertzios and Y. S. Boutalis, “An Efficient Invariant Image Recognition Methodology using Wavelet Compressed Zernike Moments Denoised through Self Organizing Maps”, IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques – IST 2007 Krakow, Poland, May 4–5, 2007.

[Cnf.109] Karras, D.A., “A Robust Feature Extraction Methodology for Improved Face Detection Performance within a Complex Background”, IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques – IST 2007 Krakow, Poland, May 4–5, 2007.

[Cnf.110] M.P. Hanias and D.A. Karras, “Efficient Non Linear Time Series Prediction using non Linear Signal Analysis and Neural Networks in Chaotic Diode Resonator Circuits”, In ICDM 2007 Proceedings, P. Perner (Ed.): ICDM 2007, LNAI 4597, pp. 329–338, 2007, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007, Leipsig, Germany, July 16-17, 2007.

[Cnf.111] Papakostas, G. A., Boutalis, Y. S., Karras, D. A., Mertzios, B. G., “Fast Computation of Orthogonal Fourier-Mellin Moments Using Modified Direct Method”, 14th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 2007 and 6th EURASIP Conference focused on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services, Page(s):153 – 156, Maribor, Slovenia, 27-30 June 2007

[Cnf.112] Papakostas, G. A., Boutalis, Y. S., Karras, D. A., Mertzios, B. G., “Highly Compressed Zernike Moments by Smoothing”, 14th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 2007 and 6th EURASIP Conference focused on Speech and Image Processing, Multimedia Communications and Services, Page(s):201 - 204, Maribor, Slovenia, 27-30 June 2007

[Cnf.113] Papazoglou, P.M., Karras, D.A., Papademetriou, R.C., “A Preliminary Analysis of Multi-Agent and Multi-Threading Technologies for Efficient Modelling and Simulation of Wireless Communication Systems”, 2nd IC-EpsMsO, 2nd International Conferences on Experiments / Process / System Modelling / Simulation & Optimization, Athens, Greece, 4-6 July, 2007

[Cnf.114] P. M. Papazoglou, D. A. Karras, R. C. Papademetriou, Improved Simulation System Performance for Wireless Communications using Efficient Multi-Threading Architectures”, Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS International Conference on COMMUNICATIONS, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Island, Greece, pp. 366-371, July 26-28, 2007

[Cnf.115] Papazoglou, P.M., Karras, D.A., Papademetriou, R.C., “Multi-threading as a Tool for Efficient Simulation of Wireless Communication Systems”, IEEE EUROCON 2007, The International Conference on "Computer as a Tool", pp.: 2184 – 2192, Warsaw, Poland, 9-12 Sept. 2007.

[Cnf.116] M.P.Hanias, D.A.Karras, “Improved Multistep Nonlinear Time Series Prediction by applying Deterministic Chaos and Neural Network Techniques in Diode Resonator Circuits”, in Proceedings 2007 IEEE International Symposium Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP 2007), Alcala de Henares(Madrid) Spain, October 3-5, pp. 243-248, 2007, IEEE Catalog Number: 07EX1620C

[Cnf.117] D.A.Karras, “Improved Video Compression Schemes of Medical Image Sequences based on the Discrete Wavelet Transformation of Principal Textural Regions and Intelligent Restoration Techniques”, in Proceedings 2007 IEEE International Symposium Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP 2007), Alcala de Henares(Madrid) Spain, October 3-5, pp. 33-38, 2007, IEEE Catalog Number: 07EX1620C

[Cnf.118] D.A.Karras, “On Improved MRI Segmentation Using Hierarchical Computational Intelligence Techniques and Textural Analysis of the Discrete Wavelet Transform Domain”, in Proceedings 2007 IEEE International Symposium Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP 2007), Alcala de Henares(Madrid) Spain, October 3-5, pp. 151-156, 2007, IEEE Catalog Number: 07EX1620C

[Cnf.119] D. A. Karras, “A Hierarchical Support Vector Machine based Trajectory Tracking Methodology for Modeling Robot Manipulators Inverse Dynamics”, in Proc. IICAI-07, 3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-07), December 17-19 2007, NIA, Pune, India

[Cnf.120] P. M. Papazoglou, D. A. Karras, R. C. Papademetriou, “Simulating and Evaluating Dynamic Channel Assignment Schemes in Wireless Communication Networks through an Improved Multi-Agent System”, in Proc. IICAI-07, 3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-07), December 17-19 2007, NIA, Pune, India

[Cnf.121] D. A. Karras, V. C. Zorkadis, “An Improved Evaluation Framework for the Quality Assessment of Hash Functions in Data Communications based on Computational Intelligence and Nonlinear Methodology”, in Proc. IICAI-07, 3rd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-07), December 17-19 2007, NIA, Pune, India

[Cnf.122] Ioannis M. Dokas, Konstantinos Kitis, Christos Dodis, Demetrios Panagiotakopoulos, Demetrios A. Karras: «Knowledge Acquisition and Risk Analysis in Material Recovery Facilities by a Virtual Team», ITEE 2007: 333-341

[Cnf.123] P.M. Papazoglou, D.A. Karras, R.C. Papademetriou, “On the Multi-threading Approach of Efficient Multi-Agent Methodology for Modelllng Cellular Communications Bandwidth Management”, in Proc. 2nd KES International Symposium on Agent and Multiagent Systems: Technologies and Applications, 27-28 March 2008, Incheon, Korea, BEST RESEARCH PAPER AWARD

[Cnf.124] D. A. Karras, “Efficient MRI Reconstruction Using a Hybrid Framework for Integrating Stepwise Bayesian Restoration and Neural Network Models in a Memory Based Priors System”, HAIS 2008: 237-246

[Cnf.125] Stamatopoulos, V.G.; Moise, A.; Karras, D.A, “A new modification of Singular Value Decomposition using Independent Component Analysis with applications to MRS imaging quantification”, IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, 2008, IST 2008, 10-12 Sept. 2008 Page(s):330 – 334, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/IST.2008.4659995

[Cnf.126] P.M. Papazoglou, D.A. Karras, R.C. Papademetriou, “On the implementation of ant colony optimization scheme for improved channel allocation in wireless communications”, 4th International IEEE Conference Intelligent Systems, 2008, IS 2008, Volume 1, 6-8 Sept. 2008 Page(s):6-41 - 6-50, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/IS.2008.4670437

[Cnf.127] P.M. Papazoglou, D.A. Karras, R.C. Papademetriou, “A Multi-Agent Simulation Model for Wireless Communications Involving an Improved Agent Negotiation Scheme Based on Real Time Event Scheduling Mechanisms”, EMS '08, Second UKSIM European Symposium on Computer Modeling and Simulation, 2008, 8-10 Sept. 2008 Page(s):246 – 252, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/EMS.2008.86

[Cnf.128] P.M. Papazoglou, D.A. Karras, R.C. Papademetriou, “On Improved Event Scheduling Mechanisms for Wireless Communications Simulation Modelling”, New Technologies, Mobility and Security, 2008, NTMS '08,

5-7 Nov. 2008, Page(s):1 – 5, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/NTMS.2008.ECP.73

[Cnf.129] D.A. Karras, V.C. Zorkadis, “On Efficient Security Modelling of Complex Interconnected Communication Systems based on Markov Processes”, New Technologies, Mobility and Security, 2008, NTMS '08, 5-7 Nov. 2008, Page(s):1 – 7, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/NTMS.2008.ECP.72

[Cnf.130] Dimitrios A. Karras, “An Improved Modular Neural Network Model for Adaptive Trajectory Tracking Control of Robot Manipulators”, ICONIP (1) 2008: 1063-1070

[Cnf.131] Dimitrios A. Karras, Vasilios Zorkadis, “Towards a Reliable Evaluation Framework for Message Authentication in Web-Based Transactions Based on an Improved Computational Intelligence and Dynamical Systems Methodology”, ICONIP (1) 2008: 595-602

[Cnf.132] Dimitrios A. Karras, “On Efficient Content Based Information Retrieval Using SVM and Higher Order Correlation Analysis”, ICONIP (2) 2008: 112-119

[Cnf.133] Stavros Adam, Dimitrios A. Karras, Michael N. Vrahatis, “Revisiting the Problem of Weight Initialization for Multi-Layer Perceptrons Trained with Back Propagation”, ICONIP (2) 2008: 308-315

[Cnf.134] Papakostas, G.A.; Karras, D.A.; Mertzios, B.G, “Dealing with peaks overlapping issue in quantifying metabolites in MRSI”, IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, 2009, IST 2009, 11-12 May 2009 Page(s):58 – 62, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/IST.2009.5071602

[Cnf.135] Karras, D.A.; “Compression of MRI images using the discrete wavelet transform and improved parameter free bayesian restoration techniques”, IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, 2009, IST 2009, 11-12 May 2009, art. no. 5071627, pp. 179-182

[Cnf.136] D. A. Karras: “On a New Similarity Analysis in Frequency Domain for Mining Faces within a Complex Background”. ICDM 2009: 301-309

[Cnf.137] Dimitris A. Karras, Basil G. Mertzios: “On the Integration of Neural Classifiers through Similarity Analysis of Higher Order Features”. ICDM 2009: 361-371

[Cnf.138] P. M. Papazoglou, D. A. Karras, Rallis C. Papademetriou: “On Cellular Network Channels Data Mining and Decision Making through Ant Colony Optimization and Multi Agent Systems Strategies”. ICDM 2009: 372-387, BEST RESEARCH PAPER AWARD

[Cnf.139] Stavros Adam, Dimitrios A. Karras, Michael N. Vrahatis: “A Data Mining Approach in the Analysis of the Weight Space of Multilayer Perceptron Solving Complex Real World Tasks”, Industrial Conference on Data Mining - Posters 2009: 38-52

[Cnf.140] I. Khan, Dimitrios A. Karras, “An Efficient Cross Layer Intra and Inter Domain Mobility Solution for IEEE 802.16e Mobile WiMAX”, 16th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 2009. IWSSIP 2009. Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/IWSSIP.2009.5367691 , Publication Year: 2009 , Page(s): 1 - 7 , IEEE Conferences

[Cnf.141] Hanias, M.P.; Karras, D.A.; Mobarak, M.; “Non-Linear Analysis and Time Series Prediction of an Electrical Analogue of the Mechanical Double Pendulum”, 16th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 2009, IWSSIP 2009. Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/IWSSIP.2009.5367787, Publication Year: 2009 , Page(s): 1 - 5 , IEEE Conferences

[Cnf.142] Papazoglou, P.M.; Karras, D.A.; Papademetriou, R.C.;“An Efficient Distributed Event Scheduling Algorithm for Large Scale Wireless Communications Simulation Modelling”, 16th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 2009, IWSSIP 2009. Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/IWSSIP.2009.5367690, Publication Year: 2009 , Page(s): 1 - 7, IEEE Conferences

[Cnf.143] Stamatopoulos, V.G.; Karras, D.A.; Moschopoulos, C.; Kossida, S..; “Interpretation of Coherence Phase and Rhythmic Cumulant Results; A Simulation Study”, 16th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing, 2009, IWSSIP 2009. Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/IWSSIP.2009.5367689, Publication Year: 2009 , Page(s): 1 - 6, IEEE Conferences

[Cnf.144] Papakostas, G.A.; Karras, D.A.; Mertzios, B.G.; van Ormondt, D., Graveron-Demilly, D.; “On quantifying MRS metabolites using a constrained Genetic Algorithm”, IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST), 2010, IST 2010, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/IST.2010.5548469, Publication Year: 2010 , Page(s): 46-51, IEEE Conferences

[Cnf.145] de Beer, R.; van Ormondt, D.; Di Cesare, F.; Graveron-Demilly, D.; Karras, D.A.; Starcuk, Z.; “Accelerating batched 1D-FFT with a CUDA-capable computer”, IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST), 2010, IST 2010, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/IST.2010.5548530, Publication Year: 2010 , Page(s): 446-451, IEEE Conferences

[Cnf.146] Chatzichristofis, S.A.; Boutalis, Y.S.; Karras, D.A.; Mertzios, B.G.; “Content based MRSI image indexing and retrieval involving a fuzzy descriptor”, IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST), 2010, IST 2010, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/IST.2010.5548475, Publication Year: 2010 , Page(s): 373-378, IEEE Conferences

[Cnf.147] Popa, E.; Karras, D.A.; Mertzios, B.G.; Sima, D.; de Beer, R.; van Ormondt, D.; Graveron-Demilly, D.; “Handling arbitrary unknown lineshape in in vivo MRS without searching in function space”, IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST), 2010, IST 2010, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/IST.2010.5548463, Publication Year: 2010 , Page(s): 361-364, IEEE Conferences

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