PhD students

I am delighted to have supervised/supervise the following (former) PhD students:

  • Webster Gova, Stellenbosch PhD, ongoing, A novel machine learning approach to forecast production structure evolution

  • Wouter Bam, joint Stellenbosch - KULeuven PhD, defended October 10, 2019, Industrial policy-making in mineral-rich developing countries

  • Glenn Magerman, KULeuven PhD, defended May 18, 2016, Networks in International Trade

I am happy to have been part of the following PhD committees:

  • Yezid Hernandez Luna (2019) ‘International Trade and Labour Markets: Empirical and Theoretical Evidence’ - Aix-Marseille School of Economics, Aix-Marseille University (supervisor: Prof. F. Trionfetti)

  • Janez Kren (2018) ‘Essays on Recent Developments in International Trade’ – KULeuven (supervisor: Prof. J. Van Hove)