







Hyunjae Kang 氏(Kyoto University)Dynamic Competition in Parental Investment and Child's Efforts: Implications for Intergenerational Mobility and Population Decline

Abstract: Competition for a limited number of seats in prestigious college generates a “rat-race” equilibrium effects, leading to increased household investment. I construct and estimate a dynamic tournament model where each household chooses the quality and hours of private tutoring as well as hours of student self-study. The model rationalizes the high amount of parental investments in secondary school despite their lower effects on academic achievement. The estimated model is first used to evaluate the impact of household investments on intergenerational persistence of earnings. I find that heterogeneity in parental investment significantly contributes to intergenerational earnings persistence. Removing child efforts amplifies this persistence by 30%, emphasizing the role of self-effort in moderating the intergenerational link. Secondly, by leveraging the number of competitors in the framework, I assess the heterogeneous impact of the rapidly shrinking cohort size on the demand for parental investment.


Patrick Devahastin 氏(Hiroshima University)Remote Work During the Pandemic: Impacts on Work Hours and Household Dynamics

Abstract: Despite the increased labour participation of housewives following "Abenomics," Japanese households persist in maintaining traditional gender roles, resulting in a greater disparity in household production compared to the workplace. This disparity remains largely unchanged due to consistent work hours among men. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the enforcement of social distancing measures prompted numerous companies in Japan to implement a "work-from-home" policy speedily. Since some workers start to spend more time at home and save time spent on commuting, they may spend more time on housework. Hence, the study aims to investigate whether remote work has influenced household time allocation. Employing the Difference in Differences (DiD) method and analysing panel data from Osaka University's Preference Parameter Study, we found the interaction between remote work and the pandemic caused a notable decrease in work hours in dual-income households. Regardless, our study concludes that remote work does not significantly alter household allocation dynamics during the pandemic.


関西労働研究会は、APIR(アジア太平洋研究所 リンク)から運営支援、住友電気工業株式会社とダイハツ工業株式会社から研究支援をそれぞれ受けています。