How to Build and Implement of Framework and Tool-Set

1. Strong recommended to running Operating Systems (OS) on Linux Fedora;

2. If you using Windows, X Windows, or Solaris as a hosts OS, you need to installed VM VirtualBox software;

3. Make sure that JSVM and NS-2 can be running well (refers to What is JSVM and How to Using and How to Install and Running NS-2 on Fedora);

4. Tool-set from SVEF (please visit: Tutorial of SVEF Frameworks and download SVEF version 1.4)

5. Several inputs (source video).

(download input - source video that using in this works: stefanqcif15; stefancif30; busqcif15; buscif30; foremanqcif15; foremancif30; cityqcif15; and citycif30).

6. Following the instructions: