
See also ...

Radio Window

What kind of signal are we looking for ?

Hmm ... (input memory from) ...


If I was an alien, I would use the local sun and a mirror to

reflect the light and send it out in óne direction at a time!

(use a parabol as a concave mirror/reflector)

Why ?


It has a lot of power!

so You can see it from a looooooooooooooong distance ... :-)


It can send out signal in many frequencies


The mirror can only be placed in space (I guess)!

(So the civilization must be "grown up")



In the meanwhile ...

Keep it simple


Start with the beginning

What come first ?

1 will come ***before*** 2 and 3 and so on, right ?

In space we only have óne things in common, us and them:

the atoms

And atom number one is Hydrogen (H)

It sends out electromagnetic energy at specific frequencies.

And one of these frequencies is at 1.420405 GHz

(the beginning)



around 1.420405 GHz (expected frequency, prime search)

around 4.462334 GHz (1.42 * Pi, secondary search)

around 8.924668 GHz (1.42 * 2 * Pi, secondary search)

around 13.387002 GHz (1.42 * 3 * Pi, secondary search)

and ...


around 1.420405 GHz (expected frequency, prime search)

around 2.840810 GHz (1.42 * 2, secondary search)

around 4.261215 GHz (1.42 * 3, secondary search)

around 5.681620 GHz (1.42 * 4, secondary search)

around 7.102025 GHz (1.42 * 5, secondary search)

around 8.522430 GHz (1.42 * 6, secondary search)

around 9.942835 GHz (1.42 * 7, secondary search)

around 11.363240 GHz (1.42 * 8, secondary search) ************ Focus here (Found internal markpointer at Psa 6,1 and 12,1) ************************************************************

around 12.783645 GHz (1.42 * 9, secondary search)

Compare with ...

Satellite 10,7 - 12,75 GHz

10,7 - 12,75 GHz


Radio Window

299792458 (m/s) / 1420405000 (Hz)* 8 = 0,211061252 m / 8 = around 2,64 cm