Fun Stuff

You just might be addicted to currency tracking if...

1. You actually ask the pastor at church if you can raid the collection plate for dollar bills, and put an equal amount in $20's $5's or whatever to replace it.

2. You go 20 miles away to get your gas, because it is a truck-stop along a major east-west highway, where bills can get a free lift out west!

3. The clerks at your local convenience store know you...and know that, if they are low on ones, and they ask you - you will sell them 100 or more marked bills at a pop.

4. If the clerks at that convenience store know to save any marked bills they come across for you, as long as they don't have YOUR signature stamp on them - and they actually KNOW your signature stamp.

5. You always get in on neighborhood gossip to find out who's traveling where - and then recruit those neighbors into being "Appleseeds" for you...that is to say, you talk them into taking a scad of your bills with them on vacation.

6. You plan your vacations around where you need hits.

7. You NEVER pay with exact change - you'd never give the guy 13 cents when you could give him another marked bill and take 87 cents in change!

8. You have actually programmed a special ringtone into your phone JUST for dollar-bill hits...and you dance whenever you hear that ringtone.

9. You hardly EVER spend anything but $1 bills...MARKED $1 bills. You don't even use credit cards unless it totally can't be helped.

10. You get panicked when you discover you may not have enough marked ones on you to get you through your day, and realize that you may actually have to spend some unmarked bills of other denominations.

11. You cringe at the thought of spending an unmarked bill.

12. You get withdrawal pains after having a no-hit day.

13. You ask the cashier, "Could I please have change for this in one dollar bills?"

14. You buy a brick of ones with your income tax refund.

15. You go to a yard sale just to see if they are out of change, especially ones.

16. You eavesdrop other people's conversations near the snack machine hoping they will be asking for change.

17. Everyone at work knows to come to you to break a twenty.

18. You use the self check out register so that you can purchase each inexpensive item individually with large bills - just so you can get the maximum change.

19. You check for hits in the morning before you make coffee.

20. You keep a spreadsheet documenting every hit - with a tab for new counties and tabs for Series, FRB and Block Letters to see if any empty spots can be filled in.

21. You realize you have done these things, or you thought, "Now why didn't I think of that?!?"