
I received Ph.D. on electrical engineering in 2000 from Tsinghua university. Considering continuous and rapid dynamics of technology advances and their big social and economy impacts, I am a big fan of open courseware. I took Udacity, Cousera, and Edx courses. My favorite courses are Geoff Hinton's neural network for machine learning course, and Michael Littman's Algorithms course on Udacity. I am now taking CUDA course from coursera and the course of Introduction to Artificial Intelligence from Udacity.


Programming Languages

Introduction to Computer Science

Algorithms, Crunching social networks

Neural networks for machine learning

Natural Language Processing

Professor and cite

Westley Weimer, Udacity

David Evans, Udacity

Michael Littman, Udacity

Geoff Hinton, U. Toronto, Coursera

Michael Collins, Columbia University


Parser for building a web browser


Graph algorithms for social networks

Autoencoder, Neural networks, Deep learning

Tagging, Parsing, Translation

What I really learned



Deep-first search and Breadth first search

Neural networks, deep learning, momentum methods, drop-out, neural network language model

Tagging, Parsing




Very interesting and Medium

This is the best course I have ever taken. It is inspiring. I got a certificate with distinction from coursera on this course.

Very good course and clear descriptions of NLP concepts and practices.