Brief CV


Principal Researcher

RIM, Department of Mathematical Sciences,

Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul, Korea

Email: kgjeong6 (at)  

ORCID: 0000-0001-7628-7835



2006.09 ~ 2012.02  PhD in Quantum Information Theory, Nano Science and Technology,  

                                     Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

                                     Supervisor: Prof. Dong Pyo Chi

               Thesis title: "Randomizing Channels in Quantum Information Theory"

2003.03 ~ 2006.02  MSc in Quantum Information Theory, Nano Science and Technology, 

                                     Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

                                     Supervisor: Prof. Dong Pyo Chi

1995.03 ~ 2002.02  BSc in Physics, Korea University, Korea



2022.09 ~ present    Principal Researcher,

                                     Research Institute of Mathematics (RIM),

                                     Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University,

                                     Seoul, Korea

2019.03 ~ 2022.08    Senior Researcher,

                                     Research Institute of Mathematics (RIM),

                                     Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University,

                                     Seoul, Korea

2018.01 ~ 2019.02   Senior Researcher,

                                     Industrial & Math. Data Analytics Research Center (IMDARC),

                                     Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University,

                                     Seoul, Korea

2017.09 ~ present   Associate Member,

                                     KHUQI (Kyung Hee University Quantum Information group), 

                                     Kyung Hee University (KHU), Seoul, Korea

2016.05 ~ present  Associate Member,

                                     School of Computational Sciences, 

                                     Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Seoul, Korea

2016.03 ~ 2017.12   Research Fellow,

                                     Center for Macroscopic Quantum Control (CMQC),

                                     Department of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University,

                                     Seoul, Korea

                                     Mentor: Prof. Hyunseok Jeong

2012.03 ~ 2016.02  Research Fellow,

                                     School of Computational Sciences, 

                                     Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Seoul, Korea

                                     Mentor: Prof. Jaewan Kim


Honors & Awards