
Pragmatism and Philosophy of Science

Primary/ Secondary Readings

Bibliography compiled by Jonathan Tsou

(HIPS 29700, University of Chicago Spring 2005)

C. S. Peirce (1839-1914)

Juliette & Charles S. Peirce in the garden of Arisbe

(Milford, Pennsylvania, 1907)

  • Articles *
  • "The Fixation of Belief" (1877)
  • "How to Make Our Ideas Clear" (1878)
  • "The Maxim of Pragmatism" (1903)
  • "Pragmatism as the Logic of Abduction" (1903)
  • "What Pragmatism is" (1905)
  • "Issues of Pragmaticism" (1905)
  • "The Basis of Pragmatism in the Normative Sciences" (1906)
  • "Pragmatism in Retrospect: A Last Formulation" (1906)
  • "The Architecture of Theories" (1891)
  • "The Doctrine of Necessity" (1892)
  • "Lowell Lectures on the History of Science" (1892)
  • "The Scientific Attitude and Fallibilism" (1896-99)
  • "Philosophy and the Sciences: A Classification" (1902-3)
    • (*) Reprinted in The Essential Peirce, vol. 2 (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press); Charles S. Peirce: Selected Writings (New York: Dover); Philosophical Writings of Peirce (New York: Dover).
    • Secondary Literature:
  • Chance, Love and Logic: Philosophical Essays, including an essay on the pragmatism of Peirce by John Dewey. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. (1923)
  • Misak, C. (ed.) (2004). The Cambridge Companion to Peirce. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Reynolds, A. (2002). Peirce's Scientific Metaphysics: The Philosophy of Chance, Law, and Evolution. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.
  • Rescher, N. (1996). Peirce's Philosophy of Science. Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame University Press.
  • Hookway, C. (1985). Peirce. London: Routlege & Kegan Paul.
  • Misak, C.J. (2004). Truth and the End of Inquiry: A Peircean Account of Truth. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • Royce, J. & Kernan, F. (1916). "Charles Sanders Peirce". Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 13: 701-709. (JSTOR)
  • Morris, C.W. (1937). "Peirce, Mead, and Pragmatism". Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 11: 109-127. (JSTOR)
  • Townsend, H.G. (1928). "The Pragmatism of Peirce". Philosophical Review 37: 297-303. (JSTOR)
  • Nagel, E. (1940). "Charles S. Peirce, Pioneer of Modern Empiricism". Philosophy of Science 7: 69-80. (JSTOR)
  • Goudge, T.A. (1940). "Peirce's Treatment of Induction". Philosophy of Science 7: 56-68. (JSTOR)
  • Hill, W.H. (1940). "Peirce's 'Pragmatic' Method". Philosophy of Science 7: 168-181. (JSTOR)
  • Burks, A.W. (1943). "Peirce's Conception of Logic as a Normative Science". Philosophical Review 52: 187-193. (JSTOR)
  • Burks, A.W. (1946). "Peirce's Theory of Abduction". Philosophy of Science 13: 301-306. (JSTOR)
  • Alston, W. (1956). "Pragmatism and the Theory of Signs in Peirce". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17: 79-88. (JSTOR)
  • Frankfurt, H.G. (1958). "Peirce's Account of Inquiry". Journal of Philosophy 55: 588-592. (JSTOR)
  • Frankfurt, H.G. (1958). "Peirce's Notion of Abduction". Journal of Philosophy 55: 593-597. (JSTOR)
  • Ayer, A. J. (1968). The Origins of Pragmatism: Studies in the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce and William James. San Francisco, CA: Freeman, Cooper.
  • Rescher, N. (1976). "Peirce and the Economy of Research". Philosophy of Science 43: 71-98. (JSTOR)
  • Kemp-Pritchard, I. (1981). "Peirce on Philosophical Hope and Logical Sentiment". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42: 75-90. (JSTOR)
  • Misak, C. (1987). "Peirce, Levi, and the Aims of Inquiry". Philosophy of Science 54: 256-265. (JSTOR)
  • Hacking, I. (1990). The Taming of Chance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (conclusion)

William James (1842-1910)

  • Books
  • Pragmatism: A New Name for Some Old Ways of Thinking (1907)
  • Meaning of Truth: A Sequel to Pragmatism (1909)
  • Essays in Radical Empiricism (1903-4)
  • A Pluralistic Universe (1909)
  • Articles
  • "The Sentiment of Rationality" (1879)
  • "The Will to Believe" (1896)
  • "Absolutism and Empiricism" (1884) (JSTOR)
  • "The Pragmatic Method" (1904) (JSTOR)
  • "Humanism and Truth" (1904) (JSTOR)
  • "Humanism and Truth Once More" (1905) (JSTOR)
  • "The Essence of Humanism" (1905) (JSTOR)
  • "Is Radical Empiricism Solipsistic?" (1905) (JSTOR)
  • "G. Papini and the Pragmatist Movement in Italy" (1906) (JSOTR)
  • "Pragmatism's Conception of Truth" (1907) (JSTOR)
  • "A Word More on Truth" (1907) (JSTOR)
  • "The Meaning of the Word 'Truth'" (1908) (JSTOR)
  • "The Pragmatist Account of Truth and its Misunderstanders" (1908) (JSTOR)
  • "Bradley or Bergson?" (1910) (JSTOR)
  • Secondary literature:
  • Schiller, F.C.S. (1915). "Realism, Pragmatism, and William James". Mind 24: 516-524. (JSTOR)
  • Baum, M. (1933). "The Development of James's Pragmatism Prior to 1879". Journal of Philosophy 30: 43-51. (JSTOR)
  • Putnam, R. A. (ed.) (1997). The Cambridge Companion to William James. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Rorty, R. (1982). Consequences of Pragmatism. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. (ch. 9) (JSTOR)
  • Putnam, H. (1994). Pragmatism. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
  • Putnam, H. (1997). "James' Theory of Truth", in R. A. Putnam 1997.
  • Gale, R.M. (1991). "Pragmatism versus Mysticism: The Divided Self of William James". Philosophical Perspectives 5: 241-286. (JSTOR)
  • Bird, Graham (1986). William James. New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Durkheim, E. (1955). Pragmatism and Sociology. Trans. J.C. Whitehouse. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gross, N. (1997). "Durkheim's Pragmatism Lectures: A Contextual Interpretation. Sociological Theory, 15: 126-149. (JSTOR)
  • White, M.G. (2002). A Philosophy of Culture: The Scope of Holistic Pragmatism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. (ch. 2)

John Dewey (1859-1952)

  • Books
  • Experience and Nature (1925)
  • Logic: The Theory of Inquiry (1938)
  • Articles **
  • "The Realism of Pragmatism" (1905) (JSTOR)
  • "What Pragmatism means by Practical" (1908) (JSTOR)
  • "William James" (1910) (JSTOR)
  • "The Pragmatism of Peirce" (1916) (JSTOR)
  • Creative Intelligence: Essays in the Pragmatic Attitude, by John Dewey et al. (1917)
  • "The Development of American Pragmatism" (1925)
  • "An Empirical Account of Appearance" (1927) (JSTOR)
  • "The Vanishing Subject in James' psychology" (1940) (JSTOR)
  • "William James as Empiricist" (1942)
  • "William James and the World Today" (1942)
  • "Peirce's Theory of Linguistic Signs, Thought, and Meaning" (1946) (JSTOR)
  • "Common Sense and Science: Their Respective Frameworks" (1948) (JSTOR)
  • "The Subject Matter of Metaphysical Inquiry" (1915) (JSTOR)
  • "Events and the Future" (1926) (JSTOR)
  • "Appearing and Appearance" (1927)
  • "Qualitative Thought" (1930)
  • "Context and Thought" (1931)
  • "Unity of Science as a Social Problem" (1938)
  • "Theory of Valuation" (1944)
  • "Time and Individuality" (1940)
    • (**) Reprinted in John Dewey: The Middle Works and The Later Works; The Essential Dewey: Pragmatism, Education, Democracy, ed. L. Hickman.

Secondary Literature:

  • Schilpp, P. A. (ed.) (1939). The Philosophy of John Dewey, Library of Living Philosophers, vol. 1. Evanston and Chicago, IL: Tudor.
  • Moore, E.C. (1961). American Pragmatism: Peirce, James, and Dewey. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Rorty, R. (1982). Consequences of Pragmatism. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. (ch. 5)
  • Misak, C.J. (ed.) (1999). Pragmatism. Calgary, AB: University of Calgary Press.
  • White, M. (1999). "Peirce's Summum Bonum and the Ethical Views of C.I. Lewis and John Dewey". Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59: 1029-1037. (JSTOR)
  • Godfrey-Smith, P. (2002). "Dewey on Naturalism, Realism and Science". Philosophy of Science 69 (supp): S25-S35. (PSA)
  • Richardson, A.W. (2002). "Engineering Philosophy of Science: American Pragmatism and Logical Empiricism in the 1930s". Philosophy of Science, 69 (supp): S36-S47. (PSA)
  • Howard, D. (2003). "Two Lefts Make a Right: On the Curious Political Career of North American Philosophy of Science at Midcentury", in G. Hardcastle & A.W. Richardson (eds.), Logical Empiricism in North America. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
  • Shusterman, R. (1994). "Pragmatism and Liberalism between Dewey and Rorty". Political Theory 22: 391-413. (JSTOR)
  • Buxton, M. (1997). "The Influence of William James on John Dewey's Early Work". Journal of the History of Ideas, 45: 126-149. (JSTOR)
  • Dalton, T.C. (2002). Becoming John Dewey: Dilemmas of a Philosopher and Naturalist. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University PRess.
  • Hildebrand, D.L. (2003). Beyond Realism and Antirealism: John Dewey and the Neopragmatists. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press.


C. I. Lewis (1883-1964)

  • Works
  • "A Pragmatic Conception of the A Priori" (1923) (JSTOR)
  • Mind and the World Order: Outline of a Theory of Knowledge (1929)
  • "Logical Positivism and Pragmatism." (1941)
  • Schilpp, P.A. (1968). The Philosophy of C.I. Lewis. LaSalle, IL: Open Court.
  • Works
  • "Two Dogmas of Empiricism" (1951) (JSTOR)
  • "Ontological Relativity" (1968) (JSTOR)
  • "Epistemology Naturalized" (1969)
  • Word and Object (1960)
  • Ontological Relativity and Other Essays (1969)
  • The Web of Belief (with J.S. Ullian) (1970)
  • From Stimulus to Science (1995)
  • Ricketts, T. (1982). "Rationality, Translation, and Epistemology Naturalized", Journal of Philosophy, 79, 117-136. (JSTOR)
  • Stabler, E.P. (1984). "Rationality in Naturalized Epistemology", Philosophy of Science, 51: 64-78. (JSTOR)
  • Giere, R.N. (1985). "Philosophy of Science Naturalized", Philosophy of Science, 52: 331-356. (JSTOR)
  • Kim, J. (1988). "What is 'Naturalized Epistemology'?" Philosophical Perspectives, 2: 381-405. (JSTOR)
  • Solomon, M. (1989). "Quine's Point of View", Journal of Philosophy, 86: 113-136. (JSTOR)
  • Fogelin, R. (1997). "Quine's Limited Naturalism", Journal of Philosophy, 94: 543-563. (JSTOR)
  • Kitcher, P. (1992). "The Naturalists Return", Philosophical Review, 101: 53-114. (JSTOR)

Hilary Putnam (1926-)

  • Works
  • The Many Faces of Realism (1987)
  • Realism with a Human Face (1990)
  • Renewing Philosophy (1992)
  • Words and Life (1994)
  • Pragmatism: An Open Question (1995)
  • Enlightenment and Pragmatism (2001)
  • Rorty, R. (1993). "Putnam and the Relativist Menace", Journal of Philosophy, 990: 443-461. (JSTOR)
  • Rorty, R. (1996). Review of Pragmatism: An Open Question, Philosophical Review. (JSTOR)
  • Rorty, R. (1992). Review of Representationalism and Reality by Putnam. (JSTOR)
  • Cherryholmes, C.H. (1992). "Notes on Pragmatism and Realism", Educational Researcher, 21: 13-17. (JSTOR)
  • Hooke, E.F. (2003). "On the Possibility of a Pragmatic Discourse Bioethics: Putnam, Habermas, and the Normative Logic of Bioethical Inquiry", Journal of Medicine & Philosophy, 29: 635-653. (PDF)
  • Borradori, G. (ed.) (1994). The American Philosopher: Conversations with Quine, Davidson, Putnam, Nozick, Danto, Rorty, Cavell, MacIntyre, and Kuhn. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Richard Rorty (1931-2007)

  • Works
  • Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature (1979)
  • Consequences of Pragmatism (1982)
  • Fisk, M. (1972). "The World Regained", Journal of Philosophy, 69: 667-669. (JSTOR)
  • Forster, P.D. (1992). "What is at stake between Rorty and Putnam?" Philosophy & Phenomenological Research, 52: 585-603. (JSTOR)
  • Baker, L.A. (1992). "'Just Do It': Pragmatism and Progressive Social Change". Virginia Law Review, 78: 697-718. (JSTOR)
  • Shusterman, R. (1994). "Pragmatism and Liberalism between Dewey and Rorty", Political Theory, 22: 391-413. (JSTOR)
  • Rorty, R. (1985). "Philosophy Without Principles", Critical Inquiry, 11: 459-465. (JSTOR)
  • Knapp, S. & Michaels, W.B. (1985). "A Reply to Richard Rorty: What is Pragmatism?" Critical Inquiry, 11: 466-473. (JSTOR)
  • Guignon, C.B. (1986) "On Saving Heidegger from Rorty", Philosophy & Phenomenology Research, 46: 401-417. (JSTOR)
  • Reeves, C.E. (1986). "Deconstruction, Language, Motive: Rortian Pragmatism and the Uses of 'Literature'", Journal of Aesthetics & Art Criticism, 44: 351-356. (JSTOR)
  • Trembath, P. (1989). "The Rhetoric of Philosophical 'Writing': Emphatic Metaphors in Derrida and Rorty", Journal of Aesthetics & Art Criticism, 47: 169-173. (JSTOR)
  • Rochberg-Halton, E. (1987). "Why Pragmatism Now?" Sociological Theory, 5: 194-200. (JSTOR)
  • Kraut, R. (1990). "Varieties of Pragmatism", Mind, 99: 157-183. (JSTOR)