Philosophy of Race

PHIL 4332: Philosophy of Race


Spring 2023, University of Texas at Dallas


Instructor: Dr. Jonathan Tsou


Course Description: This course examines metaphysical and epistemological questions related to race: What is race? Do races exist? If races exist, what is the nature of their reality? Are races objective or non-objective categories? The course will explore a wide variety of philosophical perspectives on race (e.g., racial eliminativism, social constructionism, realism, naturalism). Topics covered in the course include: (1) historical perspectives on race, (2) anti-realist perspectives on race, (3) social constructionist perspectives on race, (4) realist perspectives on race, and (5) biological perspectives on race. Students will read a variety of important philosophical readings on race, including works by Naomi Zack, Anthony Appiah, Charles Mills, Quayshawn Spencer, Sally Haslanger, and Ian Hacking.

Course Texts:

Course Evaluation:

Attendance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20%

Classroom Participation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10%        

Examination (week 7) . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20%

Writing Assignment (week 12) . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20%

Final Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30%

The exam (week 7) is multiple choice and covers materials from weeks 1-6. The written assignment (week 12) requires students to defend a perspective (eliminativist, social constructionist, realist) on race (6-8 pages). Final papers (10-12 pages) can be on any topic covered in the course (and can expand on analyses given in the writing assignment. Students are expected to do some independent research for final papers.

Course Schedule:

1. Historical Perspectives on Race

Week 1                   


Week 2                   


Week 3            

2. Anti-Realism about Race: Racial Eliminativism

Week 4               


Week 5                               

3. Social Constructionist Positions on Race

Week 6                   


Week 7                   


Week 8                    

Week 9                   

4. Realism about Race: Folk and Scientific Concepts

Week 10                 

Week 11                 


5. Biological Perspectives on Race

Week 12                 

Week 13                 

Week 14                 

6. Race and Racism

Week 15              


Week 16                 


Exam week             Submit final paper – Thursday May 12

Grading Scale

Letter Grade         Range       

A+                           95-100

A                              90-94

A-                            86-89

B+                           82-85

B                              78-81

B-                            74-77

C+                           70-73

C                             66-69

C-                            62-65

D+                           58-61

D                             54-57

D-                            50-53

F                              0-49


Academic Integrity and Dishonesty

The value of this course depends on each student doing his or her own work. Academic dishonesty undermines individual learning and is unfair to the other students in class. Academic dishonesty in any form—including plagiarism, collusion, cheating, and misrepresentation—will not be tolerated and will lead to failure in the course and being reported to the Dead of Students. For information on academic dishonesty, see UTD’s Academic Integrity and Academic Dishonesty pages. Students are expected to abide by UTD’s Student Code of Conduct and the Comet Creed: “As a Comet, I pledge honesty, integrity, and service in all that I do.”

Class Attendance and Participation

Students are expected to attend class regularly and be prepared to discuss the course materials. Students who fail to participate in class regularly are inviting scholastic difficulty. A portion of the grade for this course is directly tied to your attendance and participation. It also includes engaging in group or other activities during class that solicit your feedback on materials covered in the lectures.

Classroom Conduct

During class, please turn off your phones, and do not send text messages, surf the internet, or check email. During classroom discussions, please be courteous and respectful towards your peers and instructor.


It is the policy and practice of UTD to make reasonable accommodations for students with properly documented disabilities. However, written notification from the Office of Student Accessibility (OSA) is required. If you are eligible to receive an accommodation and would like to request it for this course, please discuss it with me and allow one week advance notice. Students who have questions about receiving accommodations, or those who have, or think they may have, a disability (mobility, sensory, health, psychological, learning, etc.) are invited to contact OSA for a confidential discussion. OSA is located in the Student Administration Building, AD 2.224. They can be reached by phone at 972-883-2098, or by email at  

Academic Support Resources

If you require academic support, please see the University’s Student Services and Support and Student Success Center pages.