
Faculty Position

  1. Since October 2010: Assistant Professor (מרצה בכיר), Department of Applied Mathematics, Holon Institute of Technology.

  2. 2004 - 2010: Tenure Track Lecturer, Department of Computer Science, Holon Institute of Technology.

  3. 2003 - 2004: Post-doctoral fellowship (invited by Prof. Mina Teicher), Department of Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University.

Higher Education

  1. 1998 - 2002: Ph.D., Institute of Computer Science, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    • Thesis: “Multiple-view Geometry of Algebraic Curves and Applications to Dynamic Scenes.”

    • Supervisor: Prof. Amnon Shashua.

  2. 1995 - 1996: M.Sc. in Mathematical Methods in Electrical Engineering (Signal Processing and Control of Systems), Paris-Orsay University.

    • Thesis: “Applications of partial differential equations to image processing: Deformable Surfaces For Image Interpolation and Fusion”.

  3. 1993 - 1996: Ecole des Mines de Paris,

    • One of the very top scientific universities in France. Studies in theoretical and applied sciences.

    • Curriculum: Applied Mathematics

    • Major Option: Signal Processing and Control of Signal

    • Second Option: Physics

  4. 1990 - 1993: B.Sc. in Mathematics and Physics

    • Lycée Louis-Le-Grand, Paris,

    • One of the very top scientific institutes for under-graduate scientific studies in France.

International Lectures and Seminars

  1. Lecture at the European Conference on Computer Vision, Copenhagen, 2002.

  2. Invitation to give a cycle of seminars in the Department of Mathematics at University of Milano, on Algebraic Geometry and Computer Vision.

  3. Invited researcher in Chuo University, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Engineering in June 2004: Lectures on (i) Algebraic Geometric Techniques in Computer Vision, and (ii) Symbolic Computations, Chow Forms and Solution of Polynomial Systems.

  4. Lecture at the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Setubal, 2006.

  5. Lecture at International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computations, San-Jose, CA, 2011.

  6. Lecture at AIMS Conference, Orlando, 2016.

  7. Lecture at SIAM Conference on Control, Pittsuburg, July 2017.

  8. Lecture at Mathematics, Signal Processing and Linear Systems Conference, Chapman University, Nov. 2017.

  9. Lecture at the 6th Asian Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization (NAO-Asia2018), November 5–9, 2018

Awards and Academic Honors

  1. B.Sc. with honors, 1993.

  2. Diploma of Ecole des Mines de Paris, with honors, 1996.

  3. M.Sc. with honors, 1996.

  4. Jerusalem award (אות העולה למצוינות בתחום המדע), (Jerusalem Municipality and Ministry of integration), 2009.