
Please see the new team wiki for the JWST observations!

This website here was for the JWST proposal preparation

Welcome to our JWST GO Cycle 1 proposal (PI Coe) to observe the triply-lensed z = 11 galaxy MACS0647-JD (Coe+13)!

  • The three lensed images are AB mag 25.6, 25.8, and 27.1 redward of Lya.

  • None are spatially resolved, despite magnifications of 8, 7, and 2. That means the size is r < 100 pc!

  • HST grism data support the redshift (Pirzkal+15) and detect the Lyman break at z = 11.1 (Ryan+ in prep.).

  • Deep Spitzer imaging (100 hours) yielded uncertain constraints (Lam+19).

  • The redshift is also supported by lensing (Coe+13, Chan+17).

  • CLASH also delivered an exceptional number (~30) of z ~ 6 – 8 candidates in this field (Bradley+14).

The science goals will be to constrain physical properties and confirm redshifts of the z ~ 11 galaxy and other high-z candidates.

We have considered three JWST observing modes:

1. NIRCam imaging

2. NIRSpec MSA (microshutter array)

3. MIRI MRS (IFU) + imaging simultaneously

This should be a Small proposal (< 25 hours). Dropping MIRI will reduce the Cycle 1 request to ~15 hours. If accepted, the Cycle 1 data will inform our Cycle 2 request: likely higher resolution NIRSpec spectroscopy and MIRI MRS + imaging.

I will waive any proprietary period. If approved, these public data would be important to support the community's GO Cycle 2 proposals.