Google Scholar is better than I am at updating my publications.

Brief CV


Ph.D., Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, 2014

B.S., Environmental Studies, Gettysburg College, 2010

Professional Appointments

Senior Researcher (2022-present) Center for Watershed Sciences, University of California, Davis

Research Associate (2017-2022) Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia

Research Associate (2021) Department of Biology, University of Richmond

Adjunct Instructor (Summer 2020) Department of Biology, Virginia Commonwealth University

Adjunct Assistant Researcher (2016-2017), Department of Ecology and Evolution and Kansas Biological Survey, University of Kansas

Postdoctoral Fellow (2014-2017), Department of Biology, Virginia Commonwealth University

Grants and Fellowships - Includes proposals on which I was a major author but unable to be a PI due to institutional policy.

California Delta Science Program (2019-2021) with PIs Andrew Rypel (UC-Davis) and Dan Reuman (U. Kansas). Project: Synchrony of native fish movements: synthesis science toward adaptive water management in the Central Valley.

Gypsy Moth Slow the Spread Foundation Research Grant (2019-2020) with PI Derek Johnson (VCU). Project: Data science to support gypsy moth invasion management.

NSF-EAGER (2018-2020) with PIs Mike Pace (UVA) and Grace Wilkinson (Iowa St.). Project: Synchronization between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

The Nature Conservancy NatureNet Science Fellowship (2017-2019). Project: Synchrony and conservation of birds in a changing climate.

USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Postdoctoral Fellowship (2015-2017). Project: Impacts of climate variability and change on outbreaks of insect pests.


See my Google Scholar profile.

Software Packages

Reuman, D.C., T.L. Anderson, J.A. Walter, L. Zhao, & L.W. Sheppard (2019) 'wsyn': Wavelet approaches to studies of synchrony in ecology and other fields.

Reuman, D.C., J.A. Walter, T.L. Anderson, L. Zhao. 'mms': Tools for model selection for matrix models using resampling methods.

Walter, J.A. & C.D. Buelo. 'disturbhf': Disturbance detection for high-frequency time series.

Walter, J.A., R.A. Johnson, & G.M. Wilkinson. 'hotspomoments': statistical approaches to detecting ecosystem hot spots and hot moments.


Instructor, Infectious Disease Dynamics, Virginia Commwealth University, Department of Biology. Summer 2020. Understanding infectious disease dynamics through modelling laboratories in R and discussions of quality of media and government information surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic.

Laboratory Instructor, GIS Methods (EVSC 3020/5020), University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences. Fall 2011-Spring 2013, Fall 2014. This laboratory introduces students to the basics of creating effective maps and conducting basic spatial analyses using ArcGIS software.

Co-Instructor (with Dr. Robert J. Swap), Conservation Ecology: Biodiversity and Beyond (EVSC 2220), University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences. Fall 2013. This course introduces students to key concepts regarding the conservation of ecological systems, focusing on the connectedness of socio-environmental systems and the ubiquity of environmental change.

Instructor, Practical Concepts in Environmental Science (EVSC 1020), University of Virginia, Department of Environmental Sciences. Fall 2010-Spring 2011. This course introduces students to basic concepts in environmental sciences using short lectures and hands-on activities.

Workshop Leader, UVA Teaching Resource Center's August Teaching Workshop. August 2014. This workshop helps new TAs prepare for their first days as instructors and anticipate potential teaching challenges.


Research Mentor, Miriam Wanner, University of Virginia '23 Project: Dispersal explains geography of synchrony in giant kelp.

Graduate Committee Member, Kaitlyn McKnight, University of Wyoming (PhD).

Graduate Committee Member, Adeola Adeboje, University of Kansas (PhD).

Graduate Committee Member, Nat Coombs, University of Kansas (PhD).

Graduate Committee Member, Adele Balmer, Virginia Commonwealth University (PhD).

Research Mentor, Nat Coombs, University of Virginia '21 Project: Synchronous dynamics of larval fishes in the California Current.

Research Mentor, Asad Ali, University of Virginia '20 Project: Spatial synchrony in Lyme disease incidence.

Research Mentor, Goma Karki, Hollins University '18 Project: Spatial and temporal patterns of invasive fruit fly occurrence in California.

Senior Thesis Mentor, Jessica Neblett, University of Virginia '14 Project: Local and regional-scale suitability for red spruce in the Central Appalachians under current and future climate scenarios.

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Mentor, Ariel Firebaugh, Roanoke College '12 Project: Effect of host quality and landscape structure on gypsy moth density.