
Fondecyt Postdoctoral Proyect Nr 3130407, "Uncertainty Models for Network Design and Scheduling Problems", PI, 2013-2014.

Fondecyt Initiation Project Nr 11140579, "Approximation algorithms for load balancing problems via local properties", PI, 2015-2017.

Millennium Nucleus Information and Coordination in Networks, Associate Researcher, 2015-2017.

International Collaboration Project USA and Germany, Conicyt, "Fast Approximation Algorithms for Massive Data Sets", Associate Investigator, 2016-2018.

Fondecyt Regular Nr 1181527, "Approximation algorithms for highly symmetric combinatorial problems", PI, 2018-2021.

Millennium Nucleus for the Discovery of knowledge in Complex Data. Adjoint Researcher, 2020-2021.

Fondecyt Regular Nr 1221460, "Symmetry Handling Methods: Fundamental Domains, Vector Orderings, and Partial Symmetries", PI, 2022-2025.

Fondef Idea. “Plataforma de simulación del riesgo para la gestión integrada y planificación óptima de recursos críticos en redes de salud de emergencia para enfrentar condiciones extremas en la demanda hospitalaria”, Researcher, 2022-2024.