
"Understanding the Effects of Legalizing Undocumented Immigrants", (joint with Joan Monras and Ferran Elias). Accepted for publication at the  Journal of Labor Economics. Latest draft, December 2023: link

Media: LE MONDE link ; NADA ES GRATIS link ; VOXEU - CEPR link ; CATO Institute link ; ARA link ; UPF link ; LaCaixa link ; Nacional link ; La Información link ; Div-in-Div Blog link ; La Vanguardia link

"Employment effects of on-the-job human capital acquisition", Labour Economics, Vol. 67, 101937 (2020). (joint with Joaquin Naval and José I. Silva).

"Local labor market effects of public employment", Regional Science and Urban Economics, Volume 82, May 2020, 103406. (joint with J. Jofre-Monseny and José I. Silva). 

"Job Search Activities in Times of Crisis: Evidence for Natives and Immigrants in Spain", The Manchester School, Vol. 86, Issue 2 March 2018, 248–278.

"Immigration and local spending in social services: Evidence from a massive immigration wave", International Tax and Public Finance, Vol. 23, Issue 6, December 2016 , 1004-1029. (joint with J. Jofre-Monseny and P. Sorribas-Navarro).  

"The Ins and Outs of Unemployment in a Two-Tier Labor Market", Labour Economics, Vol. 24, October 2013, 161-169. (joint with José I. Silva).

"The ins and outs of unemployment and the assimilation of recent imigrants in Spain", Journal of Population Economics, Vol. 24, Num. 4, 2011, 1309-1330. (joint with José I. Silva).

"Spanish Pension System: Population Aging and Immigration Policy", Hacienda Pública Española - Revista de Economía Pública, Vol. 195, Num. 4, 2010, 37-64.

"Unskilled Migration in a Segmented Labor Markets: The Effects on Welfare", FinanzArchiv, Public Finance Analysis, Vol. 64, Num. 2, 2008, 199-217.

Working papers

"Public Transportation, Fare Policies and Tax Salience" , (joint with Maria Cervini-Pla and Mariona Tomàs)

Latest draft, November 2023: link

Media: NADA ES GRATIS link; ARA link

"Labor Market Stability and Fertility Decisions", (joint with Joan Monras and Eduardo Polo-Muro)

Latest draft, May 2024: link

Previous versions: CEPR Discussion Paper DP 18613, link ; Federal Reserve San Francisco WP, link

"Income Shifting and Tax Avoidance: Evidence from an Uruguayan Tax Reform", (joint with Dirk Foremny and Leonel Muinelo Gallo)

Latest draft, December 2018: link

Work in progress

"Are immigrants a threat or a boon for local labor markets?"