

英文姓名:Chia-Pin (Justandine) Chio

聯絡電話:(02) 3366-8092


聯絡地址:台北市10055徐州路17號 542室

E-mail: justandine AT / cpchio AT



國立中興大學 環境工程博士 (2005/1)

國立中興大學 環境工程碩士 (1994/6)

私立逢甲大學 環境科學學士 (1992/6)


國立臺灣大學公共衛生學院 環境及職業健康研究所、群體健康與永續環境之創新暨政策研究中心 專案計畫助理教授 (2019/8 ~ 迄今)


國立台灣大學職業醫學與工業衛生研究所、群體健康與永續環境之創新暨政策研究中心 專案計畫助理教授 (2012/5 ~ 2019/8)

國立台灣大學生物環境系統工程學系博士後研究員 (2005/8 ~ 2012/5)

台中上境科技股份有限公司專案顧問 (2005/7 ~ 2005/7)


空氣品質模式 (Air Quality Modeling), 氣膠科技 (Aerosol Technology), 風險評估 (Risk Assessment)


氣懸污染物與疾病 (Air-Borne Contaminants & Diseases)

生態與健康風險評估 (Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessments)


Ÿ台灣氣膠研究學會 (Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research, TAAR)

Ÿ台灣公共衛生學會 (Taiwan Public Health Association, TPHA)

Ÿ台灣風險分析學會 (Taiwan Chapter of Society for Risk Analysis)












行政院環境保護署「中部空品區細懸浮微粒暴露評估」(103.12.17~104.12.16) (計畫主持人:邱嘉斌專案計畫助理教授)

臺北市政府環境保護局北投垃圾焚化廠「103年度臺北市內湖、木柵、北投垃圾焚化廠附近地區空氣污染流行病學研究計畫(第三期)」(103.4.11~104.4.15) (計畫主持人:詹長權教授)

財團法人國家衛生研究院「南彰化地區居民環境流病世代之生物標記偵測與高敏感世代建立及追蹤」(103.1.1~103.12.30) (計畫主持人:詹長權教授)

行政院環境保護署「中部空品區細懸浮微粒暴露評估及成因分析」(102.9.18~103.9.17) (計畫主持人:詹長權教授)

行政院環境保護署「空氣微粒暴露評估方法建立及驗證(三)」(101.5.16~102.5.15) (計畫主持人:詹長權教授)

Old Project List


(A) Journal Articles (SCI full paper): List link

(B) Other papers (Non-SCI or Full paper): List link

(C) Conference papers

1. Cheng MT, Tsai YI, Yang HL, Chern RF, Wang BF, Chio CP, 1998. Studies of dry deposition and apportionment of airborne particulates. The 17th Annual Conference of American Association for Aerosol Research, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A., Jun 22-26. (Poster)

2. 鄭曼婷、邱嘉斌、楊宏隆、陳紀綸,1998。沿海地區大氣懸浮微粒污染來源分析。第十五屆空氣污染控制技術研討會論文,第733-740頁,高雄市,Nov 21-22。(Oral by Dr. Chio)

3. Cheng MT, Tsai YI, Chio CP, 1999. The characteristics of urban and suburban atmospheric particulates in central Taiwan. First Asia Aerosol Conference, Nagoya, Japan, Jul 27-29. (Oral by Prof. Cheng)

4. 鄭曼婷、邱嘉斌、黃美倫、王景良,1999。台中沿海與都會地區大氣粗細懸浮微粒特性及污染來源。第十六屆空氣污染控制技術研討會論文集,第19-25頁,台南市,Nov 26-27。 (Oral by Dr. Chio)

5. Cheng MT, Lin YC, Chio CP, Wang CF, 2000. Characterization of metallic elements in fine and coarse aerosols collected in central Taiwan during Asian dust-storm episodes. 7th International Conference on Atmospheric and Application to Air Quality (ASAAQ), Taipei, Taiwan, Oct 31-Nov 3. (Oral by Dr. Lin)

6. 鄭曼婷、林煜棋、邱嘉斌、王竹方、郭崇義,2000. 2000年大陸沙塵暴過境中部大氣懸浮微粒之化學成分分析。第十七屆空氣污染控制技術研討會論文集,第77-80頁,雲林縣,Dec 1-2。

(Oral by Dr. Lin)

7. 鄭曼婷、林煜棋、邱嘉斌、王竹方、郭崇義,2001. 大陸沙塵暴對中部空品區懸浮微粒物理化學特性之影響。大陸沙塵暴對台灣地區空氣品質影響與預測研討會論文集,第117-132頁,台北市,Mar 12。 (Poster)

8. Cheng MT, Chio CP, Liao CH, 2001. Source apportionment of PM10 in central and southern Taiwan. Proceeding of 9th Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, pp.153-156, Yunlin, Sep 14-15. (Oral by Liao)

9. 鄭曼婷、邱嘉斌,2001。中部都會區懸浮微粒之污染來源分析研究。慶祝中國文化大學成立40週年暨自然科學資料庫之建立與應用研討會報告論文集,第96-102頁,台北市,Nov 22。 (Oral by Dr. Chio)

10. 邱嘉斌、林煜棋、鄭曼婷、莊秉潔,2001。應用CMB7受體模式與PM軌跡模式解析中部都會區PM10懸浮微粒之污染來源。中華民國環境工程學會第十三屆年會及第十八屆空氣污染控制技術研討會論文集,第2-23頁,高雄縣,Dec 14-15。 (Oral by Dr. Chio)

11. Chio CP, Cheng MT, 2002. Source apportionment for episodic and non-episodic periods using receptor model in Taiwan central air basin. Abstracts of 6th International Aerosol Conference, Th3A2, pp.1151-1152, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 9-13. (Oral by Dr. Chio)

12. Tsuang BJ, Chen CL, Lin CH, Cheng MT, Kuo PH, Tsai YI, Chio CP, Pan RC, 2002. A Gaussian plume trajectory model to quantify the source/receptor relationship of primary pollutants and secondary aerosols. Abstracts of 6th International Aerosol Conference, Fr2E3, pp.1287-1288, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 9-13. (Poster)

13. Tsuang BJ, Chen CL, Lin CH, Cheng MT, Tsai YI, Chio CP, Pan RC, Kuo PH, 2002. Application of a Gaussian plume trajectory model to quantify the source/receptor relationship during episode and non-episode days in central Taiwan. 中華民國環境工程學會第十四屆年會及第十九屆空氣污染控制技術研討會論文集,第a-l-p05頁,台北市,Nov 29-30。 (Poster)

14. 賴沛君、邱嘉斌、鄭曼婷、蔡瀛逸、王茂松,2003。秋季高污染期間高雄縣污染來源分析研究。中華民國環境工程學會第十五屆年會及第二十屆空氣污染控制技術研討會論文集,第3-97頁,台中市,Nov. 28-29。 (Poster)

15. 鄭曼婷、林煜棋、邱嘉斌、王竹方、郭崇義,2004。2000年春季沙塵暴過境大氣微粒的元素組成及Ca/Al比值特徵。海峽兩岸沙塵暴與環境治理學術研討會論文集,呼和浩特,中國大陸。 (Poster)

16. Chio CP, Cheng MT, Chen SC, Liao CM, 2006. Ultrafine particle (UFP) mass and number concentrations estimated from PM2.5 mass concentration. Proceeding of 13rd Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, pp. Po-22-135, Tainan, Sep. 29-30. (Poster)

17. Chio CP, Liao CM*, 2007. Quantitative risk assessment of the human lung burdens-induced oxidative stress from diesel exhaust particles in southern Taiwan. The 5th Asia Aerosol Conference Abstract book Vol. II: Poster Presentation, pp. 325-327, Kaohsiung, Aug. 26-29. (Poster)

18. 江彧暉、邱嘉斌、廖中明,2007。工作人員暴露於二氧化鈦微粒之模式評估。中華民國環境工程學會第十九屆年會暨第二十四屆空氣污染控制技術研討會論文集。第254頁,高雄市,Nov 23-24。 (Poster)

19. Chou WC, Chio CP, Liao CM, 2008. Modeling airborne PM-bound arsenic exposure risk in semiconductor manufacturing facilities. Proceedings of 14th International Conference on the Heavy Metals in the Environment. pp. 388-391, Taipei, Nov. 16-23. (Poster)

20. 張思源、廖中明、陳詩潔、邱嘉斌,2009。亞熱帶台灣地區流感相關致病率之探討。2009年工業衛生暨環境職業醫學學術研討會,第208頁,台中市,Apr 25-26。 (Poster)

21. Chio CP, Chen WY, Wu GD, Ju YR, Liao CM, 2009. Invasion risk assessment for false mussel-induced predation on hard clam farms. Darwin 200: International Symposium on Global Biodiversity, Human Health and Well-being, China Medicine University, Po-15, Taichung, Dec. 3-9. (Poster)

22. Hsieh NH, Chio CP, Chen SC, Liao CM, 2009. Exacerbations risk assessment of influenza virus infection-associated asthma. Darwin 200: International Symposium on Global Biodiversity, Human Health and Well-being, China Medicine University, Po-16, Taichung, Dec. 3-9. (Poster)

23. Chio CP, Chou WC, Chen WY, Hsieh NH, Ling MP, Liao CM*, 2011. Assessing the risks for aquatic organisms posed by waterborne copper and silver nanoparticles. The SETAC Europe (21st) Annual Meeting 2011, TH-226, Milan, May 15-19. (Poster)

24. Cheng YH, Liao CM*, Chio CP, Hsieh NH, Chen WY, Chen SC, 2011. Assessing arsenic exposure and influenza A (H1N1) infection-associated lung function exacerbations risks. The SETAC Europe (21st) Annual Meeting 2011, TH-239, Milan, May 15-19. (Poster)

25. Chio CP, Liao CM, 2012. Reproductive hazard risk assessment for Taiwan population exposure to BPA and phthalate. Symposium on Ecosystem Service and Human Well-being, China Medicine University, P-07, Taichung, May 4. (Poster)

26. Cheng YH, Liao CM*, Hsieh NH, Chen SC, Chio CP, Ling MP, 2012. Optimal control measure implement for containing pandemics H1N1 2009 virus transmission indoors. Symposium on Ecosystem Service and Human Well-being, China Medicine University, P-08, Taichung, May 4. (Poster)

27. 邱嘉斌、蔡瀛逸、陳建隆、米孝萱、陳健民,2012. 臺南都會地區細懸浮微粒調查與污染源解析. 第十九屆國際氣膠科技研討會暨2012細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)管制策略研討會,第287-290頁,簡報編號PT-01,台中市,Sep. 21-22。(Poster)

28. Chio CP, Chen KT, Chang HL, Liao CM, 2012. Ecological characteristics of enterovirus severe cases in Taiwan during 1998-2008. 2012年台灣公共衛生年會暨學術研討會,pp.119-120 ,台中市,Oct. 6-7。(Oral by Dr. Chio)

29. Shen YC, Liu LH, Zhou Y, Kao J, Hui VPL, Ripin NH, Chio CP, Chan CC*, 2012. Study on urine metals (As, Hg, Cd) correlated with airborne PM10,daily activities and dietary uptake. 2012 Poster Conference of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, ST-01, Taipei, Dec. 20. (Poster)

30. Chio CP, Yuan TH, Shie RH, Chan CC*, 2013. Assessing vanadium and arsenic exposure near a petrochemical complex by two-stage dispersion models. The 22nd SRA-E Conference, Trondheim, Norway, Jun. 17-19. (Oral by Prof. Chan)

31. Chio CP, Wu CF, Chan CC*, 2013. Comparisons of air pollution levels measured on streets and fixed-site air monitoring stations. International Society for Exposure Science (ISES) 2013 Conference, Basel, Switzerland, Post-Viewing P1-01-15, Aug. 19-23. (Poster)

32. 邱嘉斌、何紀章、沈育正、吳章甫、詹長權,2013。PM2.5微環境採樣器與現有標準方法之採樣比對。2013年台灣氣膠學會年會暨第二十屆國際氣膠科技研討會,中壢市, Poster No. G1, Sep. 27-28。(Poster)

33. Chio CP, Ho CC, Shen YC, Wu CF, Chan CC*, 2013. Sampling layouts and spatial distributions of microenvironmental PM2.5 in Taiwan metropolitans. 8th Asian Aerosol Conference, Sydney, Australia, Poster No. PO-006, Dec. 2-5. (Poster)

34. Ho CC, Li RH, Cho CW, Lin HY, Chio CP, Chan CC, Wu CF*, 2013. Developing land use regression model for PM2.5 and trace elements in the Taipei metropolitan area. 8th Asian Aerosol Conference, Sydney, Australia, Oral Stream 4A at Venue 9B, Dec. 2-5. (Oral by Ho)

35. Chio CP, Shie RH, Chan CC*, 2014. Long-range transport aerosols and health impact in Taiwan: a review, 2014 APRU Global Health Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 24-27. (Poster)

36. Watcharavitoon P, Chan CC, Wu KY, Chio CP, 2014. Estimating cancer risk of residents among industrial estate areas, roadside areas and residential areas exposed to benzene in different region, 2014 APRU Global Health Workshop, Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 24-27. (Oral by Watcharavitoon)

37. 邱嘉斌、廖中明*,2014。氣候變遷與傳染疾病之綜合回顧:登革熱、流感及結核病。2014年台灣公共衛生年會暨學術研討會,台南市,Oct 25-26。(Invited, Oral by Dr. Chio)

(D) Theses

1. 邱嘉斌,台灣中部都會與沿海地區PM2.5及PM2.5-10氣膠化學組成及污染源貢獻量之研究 (link),國立中興大學環境工程系博士論文,2005年1月。

2. 邱嘉斌,受體模式化學質量平衡法共線問題特性探討 (link),國立中興大學環境工程系碩士論文,1994年6月。