Juno Workshop Repository

This site is the repository of all documents and presentations made at the recent IOPW Atmospheres Section "Earth-Based Observations to Support Juno" Workshop on November 8, 2015 at DPS 2015 in National Harbor, MD. This page is open and accessible to all who wish to review the proceedings of this workshop. Full video of each presentation is available at:

Video Presentations

Following are Powerpoint presentations that were given at the workshop and support materials:

1 Orton_Juno_introduction.pptx
2 bagenal_JunoP&F.pptx
3 hansen junocam_workshop_2015_w_movie.ppt
4 levin_MWR_GB.pptx
5 Mura-Adriani_JIRAM and GB obs.pptx
6a UVS_DPS_Workshop_Overview.ppt
6b juno_swg_hisaki_kimura.pptx
6c HST-Juno.pptx
6d HST_Juno_large_proposal_DG.pptx
7 bagenal_JunoGB.pptx
10 fletcher-2015nov08_juno.pptx
11 Bjoraker_Juno_Support.pptx
12 orton near-IR monitoring + Penprase.pptx
13 Irwin Juno Workshop Irwin 2015.pptx
14 Sanchez-Lavega_PlanetCam-M14_Final1.pptx
15 wong_junoHST_dps15_v1.pptx
16 orton approach phase + web site.pptx