Jun's CV

Jun NAKANISHI, is a Group Leader of Mechanobiology group in Research Center for Functional Materials, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS). He also serves as a professor in Department of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering in Waseda University and a visiting professor in Department of Material Science and Technology in Tokyo University of Science. Jun received Bachelor (1996), Master (1998), and Doctor (2001) degrees of Science from University of Tokyo under supervision of Prof. Yoshio Umezawa. He became a Special Postdoctoral Researcher at RIKEN in 2002, a Research Associate in Waseda University in 2005, and a JST PRESTO Researcher in the same year. He joined to NIMS in 2006 and became an Independent Scientist in the next year. Then, he became a group leader in the year 2016. He won Japan Society of Analytical Chemistry Award for Younger Researchers in 2009 and Young Scientists' Prize for Minister of MEXT, Japan in 2011. He has been appointed as an associate editor of Analytical Sciences from 2013 to 2017.