Jun-ichi Mukuno's Home Page


Name : Jun-ichi Mukuno (椋野純一)

Current Position : Lecturer, Liberal Arts Education Center, Ashikaga University (足利大学 共通教育センター 専任講師)

E-mail : mukuno.junichi(at)g.ashikaga(dot)ac(dot)jp

Affiliated academic society :

  • The Mathematical Society of Japan (日本数学会)

  • The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (電子情報通信学会)


I am interested in the relations among curvature, topology, and geodesic completeness on Lorentzian geometry and in general indefinite metric geometry, which is called pseudo-Riemannian geometry or semi-Riemannian geometry. In particular, I study a generalization of Myers theorem to pseudo-Riemannian geometry. I am also interested in applications of differential geometry to machine learning.

Research Interests : Lorentzian geometry, pseudo-Riemannian geometry (semi-Riemannian geometry), Calabi--Markus phenomenon, Hawking and Penrose's singularity theorems, Relation between curvature and topology, Myers theorem, Information geometry


  • Lecturer, Liberal Arts Education Center, Ashikaga University (足利大学 共通教育センター 専任講師), 2022 April--Present

  • Instructor, Academic Support Center, Kogakuin University (工学院大学 学習支援センター 講師), 2018 April--2022 March.

  • Postdoctoral Researcher (ポストドクトラル研究員), Research Center for Smart & Tough Machines (難環境作業スマート機械技術研究センター), Toyota Technological Institute, 2017 August--2018 March.

  • Part-time Instructor (非常勤講師), Nagoya City University, 2016 April--2017 September.

  • Part-time Instructor (非常勤講師), Aichi Institute of Technology, 2015 April--2017 September.

  • Postdoctoral Researcher (博士研究員), Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University, 2015 April--2017 August.

  • Designated Assistant Professor (特任助教), Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University, 2014 April--2015 March.

  • JSPS Research Fellow (DC2), Nagoya University, 2012 April--2014 March.


  • Ph.D. in Mathematical Science, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University, Japan, 2014 March. (Dissertation: Properly discontinuous isometric group actions on pseudo-Riemannian manifolds)

  • Master of Mathematical Science, Graduate School of Mathematics, Nagoya University, Japan, 2010 March.

  • Bachelor of Science, Department of Mathematics, School of Science, Nagoya University, Japan, 2008 March.


  • JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists No. 20K14315, 2020 April--2024 March.

  • JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) No. 15K17537, 2015 April--2018 March.

  • Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows No. 24-205, 2012 April--2014 March.


  • Best Poster Award, 8th International Meeting on Lorentzian Geometry, September 20–23, 2016.

  • 平成 22 年度名古屋大学学術奨励賞, 2011年3月.

  • 2009年度多元数理論文賞, 2010年2月.