I am an associate professor at the department of mathematical sciences in Seoul National University.
jungsoo dot kang at snu dot ac dot kr
jungsoo dot kang at me dot com
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Seoul National University,
Gwanak-Ro 1, Gwanak-Gu,
Seoul 08826, South Korea
Research Interests
Differential geometry, geometric analysis, dynamical systems, and in particular symplectic geometry and Floer theory.
On closed characteristics of minimal action on a convex three-sphere (with A. Abbondandolo and O. Edtmair)
arXiv preprint 2024Strong Arnold chord conjecture via normalized capacities (with J. Zhang)
arXiv preprint 2024Rabinowitz Floer homology for prequantization bundles and Floer Gysin sequence (with J. Bae and S. Kim)
Mathematische Annalen 2024, journal link, arXiv linkOn the strong Arnold chord conjecture for convex contact forms
arXiv preprint 2023Rabinowitz Floer homology of negative line bundles and Floer Gysin sequence (with P. Albers)
Advances in Mathematics 2023, journal link, arXiv linkRelative Hofer-Zehnder capacity and positive symplectic homology (with G. Benedetti, appendix by A. Abbondandolo and M. Mazzucchelli)
Journal of fixed point theory and applications (C. Viterbo's 60th birthday volume) 2022, journal link, arXiv linkSymplectic homology of convex domains and Clarke's duality (with A. Abbondandolo)
Duke Mathematical Journal 2022, journal link, arXiv linkOn a systolic inequality for closed magnetic geodesics on surfaces (with G. Benedetti)
Journal of Symplectic Geometry 2022, journal link, arXiv linkOn a local systolic inequality for odd-symplectic forms (with G. Benedetti)
Portugaliae Mathematica 2020, journal link, arXiv linkA local contact systolic inequality in dimension three (with G. Benedetti)
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 2021, journal link, arXiv linkTwo closed orbits for non-degenerate Reeb flows (with M. Abreu, J. Gutt, and L. Macarini)
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2020, journal link, arXiv linkLocal invariant for scale structures on mapping spaces
Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 2019, journal link, arXiv linkVanishing of Rabinowitz Floer homology on negative line bundles (with P. Albers)
Mathematische Zeitschrift 2017, journal link, arXiv linkOn reversible maps and symmetric periodic points
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 2016, journal link, arXiv linkOn the minimal number of periodic orbits on some hypersurfaces in R2n (with J. Gutt)
Annales de I'Institut Fourier 2016, journal link, arXiv linkReal holomorphic curves and invariant global surfaces of section (with U. Frauenfelder)
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 2016, journal link, arXiv linkSome remark on symmetric periodic orbits in the restricted three-body problem
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A 2014, journal link, arXiv linkSymplectic homology of displaceable Liouville domains and leafwise intersection points
Geometriae Dedicata 2014, journal link, arXiv linkEquivariant symplectic homology and multiple periodic Reeb orbits
International Journal of Mathematics 2013, journal link, arXiv linkKünneth formula in Rabinowitz Floer homology
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 2013, journal link, arXiv linkGeneralized Rabinowitz Floer homology and coisotropic intersections
International Mathematical Research Notices 2013, journal link, arXiv linkExistence of leafwise intersection points in the unrestricted case
Israel Journal of Mathematics 2012, journal link, arXiv linkInvariance property of Morse homology on noncompact manifolds
arXiv preprint 2010Survival of infinitely many critical points for Rabinowitz action functional
Journal of Modern dynamics 2010, journal link, arXiv link