
Research Papers:

      with Jefferson Duarte, Christopher S. Jones, Mehdi Khorram, Haitao Mo

      R&R at Review of Financial Studies (2024)

      Chicago Conference in Derivatives and Volatility (2023), SFS Cavalcade (2024, scheduled), WFA (2024, Scheduled) 

        with Sean Cao, Wei Jiang and Baozhong Yang

        Accepted at the Journal of Financial Economics (2023)

        Best Paper Awards for Annual Conference on Digital Economics, Global AI, Cavalcade Asian-Pacific, MFA, and CFRC conferences (2022)

         with Jefferson Duarte and Christopher Jones

        Forthcoming at the Journal of Finance (2023)

        Best Paper Award for Chicago Conference in Derivatives and Volatility (2019) 

        with Wayne Ferson and Andrew Siegel 

      Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (2024)

       with Timothy Dombrowski and Kelley Pace

      Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics (2022)

      Semifinalist for Best Paper in Markets & Institutions in FMA  (2017)

         with Wayne Ferson

        (Lead Article, Editor's Choice) Review of Asset Pricing Studies (2021)

         with Narasimhan Jegadeesh, Joonki Noh, Kuntara Pukthuanthong and Richard Roll

         Journal of Financial Economics (2019)

Formerly "A Toolkit for Factor-Mimicking Portfolios" 

        with Kuntara Pukthuanthong, Richard Roll and Tengfei Zhang

       Finalist, Crowell Prize, PanAgora Asset Management (2019), NFA (2019), CICF (2019)

       with Richard Roll and Kuntara Pukthuanthong

      Best Paper Award for PBFEAM Conference (2022)

      MFA (2022)

       with Christopher Jones, Jinchi Lv and Kuntara Pukthuanthong

      SoFIE (2021), NBER Time-Series Poster Session (2021)

       with Sina Ehsani

       MFA (2024)