
Doctoral Dissertation

  • PhD. in Animal Nutrition. International Thesis, Cum Laude qualification. Polythecnic University of Madrid, Madrid (Spain)

Title: “Traditional ingredients and new soybean products in diets of conventional and Iberian piglets: effects on digestive physiology and growth performance” (pdf)

Articles in Refereed Journals

  • Berrocoso JD, García-Ruiz A, Page G, Jaworski NW. The effect of added oat hulls or sugar beet pulp to diets containing rapidly or slowly digestible protein sources on broiler growth performance from 0 to 36 days of age. Poult. Sci 99: 6859-6886 (2020) (pdf)

  • Rajesh Jha, AK Singh, S Yadav, JD Berrocoso and B Mishra. Early Nutrition Programming (in ovo and Post-hatch Feeding) as a Strategy to Modulate Gut Health of Poultry: A Review. Frontiers Vet Sci (2019). (pdf)

  • Singh AK, Tiwari UP, Berrocoso JD, Dersjant-Li Y, Awati A, Jha R. Effects of a combination of xylanase, amylase and protease, and probiotics on major nutrients including amino acids and non-starch polysaccharides utilization in broilers fed different level of fibers Poult. Sci (2019) (pdf)

  • Jha, R., Singh AK, Yadav S, Berrocoso JFD, and Mishra B. Early nutrition programming (in ovo and post-hatching Feeding) as strategy to modulate gut health of poultry. Front Vet Sci. (2019) (pdf)

  • J. Herrera, B. Saldaña, L. Cámara, J. D. Berrocoso, and G.G. Mateos. Influence of grinding size of the main cereal of the diet on egg production and eggs quality of brown egg laying hens from 33 to 65 weeks of age. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 234 (2018) (pdf)

  • J. D. Berrocoso, S. Yadav, and R. Jha. Nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy value of macadamia nut cake for broiler chickens determined by difference and regression methods. 2017. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 234 (2017), 65-71 (pdf)

  • J. D. Berrocoso, R. Kida, A. K. Singh, Y. S. Kim, and R. Jha. Effect of in ovo injection of raffinose on growth performance and gut health parameters of broiler chicken. Poultry Science, 96 (2017), 1573–1580 (pdf)

  • Jha R., and J.D. Berrocoso. Dietary fiber and protein fermentation in the intestine of swine and their interactive effects on gut health and on the environment: A review. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 212 (2016), 18-26. (pdf)

  • Jha R., and J.D. Berrocoso. Dietary fiber utilization and its effects on physiological functions and gut health of swine: A review. Animal 9 (2015), 1441–1452. (pdf)

  • J.D. Berrocoso, B. Saldaña, P. Guzmán, L. Cámara and G.G. Mateos. Effects of fiber inclusion on growth performance and nutrient digestibility of piglets reared under different hygiene conditions. Journal of Animal Science, 93 (2015), 3919–3931 (pdf)

  • Jha R., and J.D. Berrocoso. Dietary fiber utilization and its effects on physiological functions and gut health of swine: A review. Animal 9 (2015), 1441–1452. (pdf)

  • J.D. Berrocoso, O. J. Rojas, J. Schoulders, J. C. González-Vega, and H. H. Stein. Concentration of digestible and metabolizable energy and digestibility of energy and amino acids in high protein canola meal, conventional canola meal, and in soybean meal fed to growing pigs. Journal of Animal Science 93 (2015), 2208-2217. (pdf)

  • J.D. Berrocoso, L. Cámara, P.G. Rebollar, P. Guzmán, G.G. Mateos. Influence of source and micronization of soybean meal on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and ileal mucose morphology of Iberian piglets. Animal 8 (2014), 555–564. (pdf)

  • J.D. Berrocoso, M.P. Serrano, L. Cámara, A. López and G.G. Mateos. Influence of source and micronization of soybean meal on nutrient digestibility and growth performance of weanling pigs. Journal of Animal Science 91(2013), 309–317 ((pdf)

  • J.D. Berrocoso, B. Saldaña, M.P. Serrano, L. Cámara, M.A. Ibañez and G.G. Mateos. Influence of crude protein content, ingredient complexity, feed form, and duration of feeding of the phase I diets on productive performance and nutrient digestibility of Iberian pigs. Journal of Animal Science 91 (2013), 1237–1246. (pdf)

  • J.D. Berrocoso, M.P. Serrano, L. Cámara, P.G. Rebollar and G.G. Mateos. Influence of diet complexity on productive performance and nutrient digestibility of weanling pigs. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 171 (2012), 214– 222. (pdf)

  • L. Cámara, J.D. Berrocoso, J.L Sánchez, C.J. López-Botez, and G.G. Mateos. Influence of net energy content of the diets on productive performance and carcass merit of gilts, boars and immunocastrated males slaughtered at 120kg BW. Meat Science, 98 (2014),773-800.

  • M. P. Serrano, L. Cámara, J. I. Morales, J.D. Berrocoso, C. J. López Bote, and G. G. Mateos. Effect of gender, housing density and the interaction on growth performance and carcass and meat quality of pigs slaughtered at 110 kg body weight. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 11 (2013), 89-99

  • J. I. Morales, M. P. Serrano, L. Cámara, J.D. Berrocoso, J. P. López, and G. G. Mateos. Growth performance and carcass quality of immunocastrated and surgically castrated pigs from crossbreds from Duroc and Pietrain. Journal of Animal Science, 91 (2013), 3955-3964.

  • J.I. Morales, L. Cámara, J.D. Berrocoso, J.P. López, G.G. Mateos and M.P. Serrano. Influence of sex and castration on growth performance and carcass quality of crossbred pigs from 2 Large White sire lines. Journal of Animal Science, 89 (2011), 3481-3489.


  • XXVIII Curso de Especialización FEDNA. Madrid, Spain. November 7-8, 2012. Participation in chapter as an autor under the title: “Necesidades en energía neta y lisina en cerdos crecimiento-cebo. Estudio cooperativo en granjas comerciales españolas. L. Cámara, M.P. Serrano, J.D. Berrocoso, J.I. Morales, J.P. López, J.L. Sánchez, J. Coma, C. Carrasco, J. Peinado y G.G. Mateos. Proceedings XXVIII Curso de Especialización FEDNA, (Ed.), Blas, P. G. Rebollar, and G.G. Mateos.

  • XXVIII Curso de Especialización FEDNA. Madrid, Spain. November 7-8, 2012. Participation in chapter as an autor under the title “Revisión 3ª edición Tablas Fedna: Utilización de aceites resultantes de process industriales en piensos para animales monogástricos: oleinas, aceites reconstituidos y lecitinas”. G.G. Mateos, B. Saldaña, P. Guzmán, M. Frikha, M. Vahid and J.D. Berrocoso.


  • JD. Berrocoso, J. Ellis, NW. Jaworski, G. Page, and A. García Ruiz .Effects of two rates of protein digestion kinetics and two sources of dietary fiber on growth performance of broiler from 0 to 36 days of age. Poultry Science, 98(E-Suppl. 1), pp 145 (abstract #361). Montreal, Canada, July 2019.

  • A. K. Singh, J. F. D. Berrocoso, Y. Dersjant-Li, A. Awati, and R. Jha. Effect of supplemental multi-enzymes and direct fed microbial on nutrients digestibility in broilers fed low and high fiber diets. Poultry Science, 94 (E-suupl. 1):9 (abstract #22). Louisville (Kentucky), July 2015.

  • A. K. Singh, J. D. Berrocoso, U. P. Tiwari, Y. Dersjant-Li, A. Awati, and R. Jha. Effect of supplemental multi-enzymes on growth performance of broilers fed low and high fiber diets. Poultry Science,, 94 (E-suupl. 1):129 (abstract #386P) 2015

  • J.D. Berrocoso, B. Saldaña, L. Cámara, M.P. Serrano, M.A. Ibáñez, and G.G. Mateos.Influence of ingredient complexity, feed form, and length of feeding of the phase I diets on nutrient digestibility and productive performance of Iberian pigs. Journal of Animal Science 90 2012, (Suppl. 3), 421 (Abstract 381). ADSA-ASAS. Animal Science Annual Meeting 2012. Phoenix (Arizona), July 2012.

  • J.D. Berrocoso, M.P. Serrano, L. Cámara, P.G. Rebollar, A. López, R. Abad and G.G. Mateos. Influence of soybean meal source and micronization (fine grinding) of soybean meal on productive performance and digestive traits of Iberian pigs from 30 to 51 days of age. Journal Animal Science 90 (Suppl. 3), 469 (Abstract 513). ADSA-ASAS. Animal Science Annual Meeting 2012. Phoenix (Arizona), July 2012.

  • G. Coca, M.P. Serrano, L. Cámara, P. Guzmán, J.D. Berrocoso, J. Coma and G.G. Mateos. Influence energy concentration of the diet and terminal sire line on growth performance and carcass and meat quality of pigs slaughtered at 115 kg of BW. Journal of Animal Science 90 (Suppl. 3), 61 (Abstract M155). ADSA-ASAS. Animal Science Annual Meeting 2012. Phoenix (Arizona), July 2012.

  • J.D. Berrocoso, J. D., Monteserín, E. A., Cámara, L., Serrano, M. P., Lázaro, R. P y Mateos, G. G. Effects of soybean meal of different origins and micronization of high protein soybean meal on nutrient digestibility and productive performance of weanling pigs. Journal of Animal Science 89 (Suppl. 1), 723 (Abstract 755). ADSA-ASAS. Animal Science Annual Meeting 2011. New Orleans (Louisiana), July 2011.

  • J.I. Morales, M.P. Serrano, L. Cámara, J.D. Berrocoso, J.P. López and G.G. Mateos. Effect of sex and housing density on growth performance, carcass quality, and fatty acid profile of pigs slaughtered at 110 kg BW. Journal of Animal Science 89 (Suppl. 1), 407 (Abstract T417). ADSA-ASAS. Animal Science Annual Meeting 2011. New Orleans (Louisiana), July 2011.

  • J.I. Morales, M.P. Serrano, L. Cámara, J.D. Berrocoso, J.P. López and G.G. Mateos.Productive performance and carcass quality of gilts and surgically and immune castrated male pigs from crossvreds of Duroc and Pietrain sire lines. Journal of Animal Science 89 (Suppl. 1), 407 (Abstract T418). ADSA-ASAS. Animal Science Annual Meeting 2011. New Orleans (Louisiana), July 2011.

  • E. Jiménez-Moreno, C. Romero, J. D. Berrocoso, M. Frikha, G. G. Mateos. Effects of the inclusion of oat hulls or sugar beet pulp in the diet on gizzard characteristics, apparent ileal digestibility of nutrients, and microbial count in the ceca in 36 day-old broilers reared on floor. Poultry Science 90 (Suppl. 1), 550 (abstract). Poultry Science Annual Meeting. St. Louis, (Missouri), July 2011.

  • J.D. Berrocoso, C.H. Zúñiga, M.P. Serrano, L. Cámara, and G.G. Mateos. Influence of diet quality on nutrient digestibility and productive performance of weanling pigs. Journal of Animal Science 88 (Suppl. 2), 668 (Abstract W258). ADSA-ASAS. Animal Science Annual Meeting. Denver (Colorado), July 2010

  • J.I. Morales, M.P. Serrano, L. Cámara, J.D. Berrocoso, J.P. López, G.G. Mateos. Carcass quality of pigs vaccinated against gonadotropin releasing factor compared to surgically castrated males and gilts from two different sire lines. Journal of Animal Science 88 (Suppl. 2), 365 (Abstract T181). ADSA-ASAS. Animal Science Annual Meeting. Denver (Colorado), July 2010

Conference Proceedings

  • XV Symposium in Animal Production. ITEA. Zaragoza, May 2013. Participation in oral communication as an author under the title: “Influencia de la inclusion de diferentes fuentes y niveles de fibra bajo condiciones sanitarias diferentes sobre los rendimientos productivos en lechones recien destetados”. J.D. Berrocoso, P. Guzman, B. Saldaña, L. Cámara y G.G. Mateos. AIDA (2013) 1, 159-161.

  • XV Symposium in Animal Production. ITEA. Zaragoza, May 2013. Participation in oral communication as co-author under the title: “Diferencias en composición química y relaciones con la calidad de la proteina de las harinas de soja según origen” P. García-Rebollar, M. Rodríguez, J.D. Berrocoso, L. Cámara, R. Lázaro, and G.G. Mateos. AIDA (2013) 1, 159-161.

  • XXVIII Curso de Especialización FEDNA. Madrid, Spain. November 7-8, 2012. Award for Young Researchers presented by FEDNA. Title: Influence of source and micronization (fine grinding) of soybean meal on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and mucose morphology of Iberian weanling pigs. J.D. Berrocoso.

  • XIV Symposium in Animal Production. ITEA. Zaragoza, May 2011. Participation in oral communication as author under the title: “Influencia de la micronización y el origen de la harina de soja en los rendimientos productivos en lechones destetados”. J.D. Berrocoso, E. Monteserín, L. Cámara, M.P. Serrano, R.P. Lázaro, R. P. y G.G. Mateos. AIDA (2011) 1, 252-254

  • XIV Symposium in Animal Production. ITEA. Zaragoza, May 2011. Participation in oral communication as co-author under the title: “Rendimientos productivos y calidad de la canal de hembras, machos castrados quirúrgicamente y machos inmunocastrados porcedentes de líneas paternas Duroc y Pietrain”. J.I. Morales, M.P. Serrano, L. Cámara, J.D. Berrocoso, J.P. López, y G.G. Mateos. AIDA (2011) 2, 679-681.

  • XIV Symposium in Animal Production. ITEA. Zaragoza, May 2011. Participation in oral communication as co-author under the title: “Efecto de la densidad en cebo sobre el rendimiento productivo, la composición de la carne y el perfil de ácidos grasos de cerdos sacrificados con 110 kg de peso”. J.I. Morales, M.P. Serrano, L. Cámara, J.D. Berrocoso, C.J. López-Bote, J.P. López, y G.G. Mateos. AIDA (2011) 1, 279-281.

    • XIV Symposium in Animal Production. ITEA. Zaragoza, May 2011. Participation in oral communication as co-author under the title: “Efecto del porcentaje de inclusión de lisina sobre la productividad en cerdos de cebo”. L. Cámara, M.P. Serrano, J.D. Berrocoso, E. Alcázar, J.L. Sánchez, y Mateos, G. G. AIDA (2011) 1, 195-197.

  • XIV Symposium in Animal Production. ITEA. Zaragoza, May 2011. Participation in oral communication as co-author under the title: “Efecto del nivel de la proteína bruta del pienso y del peso inicial de las pollitas sobre los parámetros productivos y la calidad del huevo en gallinas ponedoras rubies”. C. Jabbour, A, Pérez-Bonilla, M, Frikha, S, Mirzaie, J.D. Berrocoso, J. García y G. G. Mateos. AIDA (2011) 1, 186-188

  • III Congreso Argentino de Nutrición Animal, 2011 CAENA, Parque Norto, Buenos Aires, June 2011. Participation in oral communication as co-author under the title: “Influencia del nivel de nutrientes y la composición del pienso sobre la productividad en cerdos en cebo”. G.G. Mateos, M.P. Serrano, L. Cámara and J.D. Berrocoso.