
E-mail: x.y "@", where x=my first name, y=my last name.


Campus de Beaulieu, bâtiments 22 et 23

263 avenue du Général Leclerc, CS 74205

35042 RENNES Cédex


Since September 2022, I am a junior Professor at IRMAR, Université de Rennes.

I defended my habilitation thesis on October, 25th, 2022.

In September 2020, I was recruited as a Professeur Monge at the CMLS laboratory of Ecole Polytechnique (on leave from Université Paris-Saclay).

In Septembre 2014, I was recruited as maître de conférence at Université Paris-Saclay.

I was a PhD student at the University of Cergy-Pontoise. My advisor was Mathieu Lewin. I defended my thesis on december, 12th 2013.

From october, 2013 to march, 2014, I was in Caltech for a research stay, in collaboration with Rupert Frank.

Research interests:

- Nonlinear Analysis;

- Variational Methods;

- Dispersive Partial Differential Equations, Strichartz estimates;

- Spectral Theory;

- Mathematical Physics, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Electron-Positron Pair Production.

- Harmonic Analysis.