About me

 I am currently an assistant professor at Paris Dauphine University (France). I work on algorithmic game theory and more precisely on algorithmic mechanism design and algorithmic cooperative game theory. During my PhD at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France), supervised by Patrice Perny, I worked on linear programming formulation for some combinatorial problems where the aggregating function is non-affine (like the ordered weighted average or the Choquet integral).

For more details check my PhD thesis.


Since 01/09/2014: Assistant professor at Paris Dauphine University (LAMSADE).

01/11/2013– 31/07/2014 : Assistant professor at Kyushu University (Japan), Makoto Yokoo’s lab.

01/09/2013– 31/10/2013 : Postdoc position at Kyushu University (Japan), Makoto Yokoo’s lab.

2012–2013 : Attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche (ATER) at the University Pierre & Marie Curie (LIP6).

2009–2012 : Monitorat at University Pierre & Marie Curie (LIP6).


2009–2013 : Ph.D in computer science, decision theory, within the Decision and operations research team in LIP6 (computer science laboratory of the University Paris 6), under the supervision of Prof. Patrice Perny.

Subject : Multiobjective decision making with rank-dependent aggregation functions: optimization algorithms and mechanism design.

2009 : Master of science in Computer Science, Operations Research and Decision Making, at Pierre et Marie Curie University, Paris 6, 2.1 honours.

2007–2009 : Engineer degree of Télécom Paristech, management Information Systems, at Télécom Paristech engineering school.

2006 : License degree in Mathematics and Computer Science, Equivalent to a Bach- elor of science, at René Descartes University, Paris 5, First class honours.


Address : room P615, LAMSADE, Paris Dauphine University, Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75775 Paris Cedex 16

Email : julien.lesca@dauphine.fr

Phone : 01 44 05 48 00