Professor  Julien GASPARINI


Address: Institut d'Ecologie et des Sciences de l'Environnement - Paris (IEES - Paris)

campus Pierre et Marie Curie                                                       

Sorbonne Université 

4 place Jussieu

case 237, couloir 44-45, 5ème étage, bureau 506                                                                                  

75252 Paris cedex 05


Tel: +33 1 44 27 38 23

Fax:+33 1 44 27 35 16

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2018-now: Director of the master Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution (master BEE, Sorbonne University)

Master Biodiversité, écologie et évolution (BEE) | Sorbonne Université (

2017-now: Adjunct director of the doctoral School 227 (Sorbonne University and MNHN): "Science de la nature et de l'homme: evolution et écologie"

L'école doctorale 227 | Enseignement et Formations (


2017-now : Professor at Sorbonne University

2012 : "Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches" at the University of Pierre et Marie Curie 

2008-2017 : Assistant Professor at the University of Pierre et Marie Curie

2004-2007: Postdoc at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), in the Department of Ecology & Evolution (Prof Alexandre Roulin)

2000-2004: PhD supervised by Dr Thierry Boulinier,  University of Pierre et Marie Curie , France.

1999-2000: Master supervised by Dr Thierry Boulinier and Dr Karen McCoy,  University of Pierre et Marie Curie , France.

1995-1999: Studies in Biology with specialisation in Ecology,  University of Pierre et Marie Curie , France. 


Maternal effect

Maternal effects occur when a mother's phenotype or her environment influence her offspring's phenotype. They represent an important processes (beside genetics) by which the phenotype is shaped. Maternal effects can act at three different stages

- prezygotic stage

- postzygotic-prenatal stage

- postzygotic-postnatal stage

In particular, maternal effects encountered during the development of the embryo could have a great importance in shaping life-history evolution. In birds, as in oviparous species, the egg (prezygotic-prenatal stage) constitutes the unique environment where the embryo develops and therefore represents an important source by which mother can modulate the phenotype of her offspring. A major aim of my studies is to investigate the importance of the different egg components (shell, white and yolk) in shaping individual phenotype in birds.


The immune system is a major component of parasite resistance in vertebrates. The study of immunology in an ecological context, referred to as 'immuno-ecology', has proved fruitful to understand host-parasite interaction. To investigate which factors determine the ecological causes and consequences of immune responses in the face of a pathogen, I am studying aspects of immunity in growing individuals. For this purpose, I am using different avian system to investigate the long-term consequences of mounting an immune response as a nestling.

Adaptive function of colour polymorphisms

The display of alternative heritable colour morphs within a population is frequently found in animals and plants. Even though colour polymorphism is often not neutral with respect to fitness components, their function and maintenance remains a largely unsolved problem. Using the tawny owl and Feral pigeon as a model organisms, we are examining why different morphs differ in many respects including physiology and behaviour. This is an important aspect to understand how genetic colour polymorphisms are maintained in natural population. 

Urban Ecology

Urban areas constitute a new selective forces for population that have colonised this environment. Using the pigeon as a model system, we tried to identify how this environment has shaped the behaviour, the physiology and the ecology of urban populations.


Avian system

Feral pigeon (Columba livia)

Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)

Tawny owl (Strix aluco


65. Schmitt, C., Cavaud, L., Moullec, H., Leroux-Coyaux, M., Walch, L. & Gasparini, J. 2024. No experimental evidence of an adaptive antioxidative response induced by trace metals exposure in feral pigeons. Journal of Ornithology.

64. Duffaut, C, Brondeau, F & Gasparini J. Exploring human appreciation and perception of spontaneous urban fauna in Paris, France », Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography (online), ; DOI :

63. Valverde, I, Defosseux, I, Le Bot, T, Jouvion, G, Le Barzic, C, Arné, P & Gasparini J. 2024. Effect of urbanization on the trace element concentrations in the kidney, liver and spines of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus). Science of the Total Environment, 914,169944.

62. Duffaut, C., Brondeau, F. & Gasparini, J. 2023. An original and efficient fertilizer for cherry tomato plants grown in urban agriculture: Feral pigeon guano. Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems, 8, e20046. 

61. Jeantet, A., Sandmeyer, L., Campech, C., Audebert, F., Agostini, S., Pellerin, A. & Gasparini J. 2023. The “parasite detoxification hypothesis”: potential detoxification of feral pigeons (Columba livia) by parasitic helminths in a polluted environment. Ecotoxicology. 32, 666-673.

60. Dupont, S., Baudry, E. & Gasparini J. 2020. Eumelanic coloration and age interact to influence breath rate following a boldness test in urban pigeons. Global Journal of Ecology, 5, 115-119.

59. Pick, J.L., Hatakeyama, M., Ihle, K.E., Gasparini, J., Haussy, C., Ishishita,S.,  Matsuda, Y., Yoshimura, T., Kanaoka, M.M., Shimizu‐Inatsugi, R., Shimizu  K.K., Tschirren, B. 2020. Artificial selection reveals the role of transcriptional constraints in the maintenance of life history variation. Evolution Letters, 4, 200-211.

58. Partecke, J., Hegyi, G., Fitze, P., Gasparini, J. & Schwabl, H. 2020. Maternal effects and urbanization: Variation of yolk androgens and immunoglobulin in city and forest blackbirds. Ecology and Evolution, 10, 2213-2224.

57. Leclaire, S., Chatelain, M., Pessato, A., Buatois, B., Frantz, A. & Gasparini, J. 2019.  Pigeon odor varies with experimental exposure to trace metal pollution. Ecotoxicology, 28, 76-85.

56. Chatelain, M., Gasparini, J., Frantz, A. & Angelier F. 2018. Reproduction impairments in metal-polluted environments and parental hormones: No evidence for a causal association in an experimental study in breeding feral pigeons exposed to lead and zinc. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.06.043

55. Côte, J., Boniface, A., Blanchet, S., Hendry, A.P., Gasparini, J. & Jacquin L. 2018. Melanin-based coloration and host-parasite interactions under global change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 20180285.

54. Ringot, G., Gasparini, J., Wagner, M., Cheikh Albassatneh, M. & Frantz, A. 2018. More and smaller resting-eggs along a gradient for pollution by metals: dispersal, dormancy, detoxification strategies in Daphnia? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 124, 11-20

53. Lardy, S., Gasparini, J., Corbel, H., Frantz, A., Perret, S., Zahn, S., Criscuolo, F. & Jacquin L. 2018. Telomere erosion varies with sex and age at injection but not with maternal antibodies. Journal of Experimental Zoology part A. 327, 562-569.

52. Aouissi, H.A., Gasparini, J., Belabed, A.I. & Bouslama, Z. 2017. Impact of greenspaces in city on avian species richness and abundance in Northern Africa. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 340, 394-400.

51. Chatelain, M., Pessato, A., Frantz, A., Gasparini, J. & Leclaire, S. 2017. Do trace metals influence visual signals? Effects of trace metals on iridescent and melanic feather colouration in the feral pigeon. Oïkos, 126, 1542-1553.

50. Scriba, M.F., Gasparini, J., Jacquin, L., Mettke-Hofmann, C., Rattenborg, N.C. & Roulin, A. 2017. The effect of food quality during growth on spatial memory consolidation in adult pigeons. Journal of Experimental Biology, 220, 573-581.

49. Skandrani, Z., Bovet, D., Gasparini, J., Baldaccini, N. E. & Prévot, A.-C. 2017 Sociality enhances birds’ capacity to deal with anthropogenic ecosystems. Urban Ecosystems, 20, 609-615.

48. Corbel, H., Legros, A., Haussy, C., Jacquin, L., Gasparini, J., Karimi, B. & Frantz, A. 2016 Stress response varies with plumage colour and local habitat in feral pigeons. Journal of Ornithology, 157, 825-837.

47. Chatelain, M., Frantz, A., Gasparini, J. & Leclaire, S. 2016 Experimental exposure to trace metals affects plumage bacterial community in the feral pigeon. Journal of Avian Biology, 47, 521-529.

46. Frantz, A., Federici, P., Legoupi, J., Jacquin, L. & Gasparini, J. 2016 Sex-associated differences in trace metals concentrations in and on the plumage of a common urban bird species. Ecotoxicology (London, England) 25, 22-29. (doi:10.1007/s10646-015-1562-1).

45. Chatelain, M., Gasparini, J. & Frantz, A. 2016 Do trace metals select for darker birds in urban areas? An experimental exposure to lead and zinc. Global change biology 22, 2380-2391. (doi:10.1111/gcb.13170).

44. Chatelain, M., Gasparini, J., Haussy, C. & Frantz, A. 2016 Trace Metals Affect Early Maternal Transfer of Immune Components in the Feral Pigeon. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 89, 206-212. (doi:10.1086/685511).

43. Chatelain, M., Gasparini, J. & Frantz, A. 2016 Trace metals, melanin-based pigmentation and their interaction influence immune parameters in feral pigeons (Columba livia). Ecotoxicology 25, 521-529. (doi:10.1007/s10646-016-1610-5).

42. Skandrani, Z., Prevot, A.C., Baldaccini, N.E. & Gasparini, J. 2016 On the interplay between phylogeny and environment on behaviour of two urban bird species, Columba livia and Corvus corone (Aves). Italian Journal of Zoology 83, 98-102. (doi:10.1080/11250003.2015.1118562).

41. Leclaire, S., Czirjak, G.A., Hammouda, A. & Gasparini, J. 2015 Feather bacterial load shapes the trade-off between preening and immunity in pigeons. Bmc Evolutionary Biology 15. (doi:10.1186/s12862-015-0338-9).

40. Ismail, A., Jacquin, L., Haussy, C., Perret, S. & Gasparini, J. 2015 Transfer of humoural immunity over two generations in urban pigeons. Biology letters 11. (doi:10.1098/rsbl.2015.0780). Highlighted in Science News.

39. Ismail, A., Jacquin, L., Haussy, C., Perret, S. & Gasparini, J. 2015 Food availability modulates the effects of maternal antibodies on growth and immunity in young feral pigeons. Journal of Avian Biology 46, 489-494. (doi:10.1111/jav.00698).

38. Leclaire, S., Pierret, P., Chatelain, M. & Gasparini, J. 2014 Feather bacterial load affects plumage condition, iridescent color, and investment in preening in pigeons. Behav. Ecol. 25, 1192-1198. (doi:10.1093/beheco/aru109).

37. Chatelain, M., Gasparini, J., Jacquin, L. & Frantz, A. 2014 The adaptive function of melanin-based plumage coloration to trace metals. Biology Letters 10. (doi:10.1098/rsbl.2014.0164).Featured in Science News.

36. Emaresi, G., Bize, P., Altwegg, R., Henry, I., van den Brink, V., Gasparini, J. & Roulin, A. 2014 Melanin-Specific Life-History Strategies. Am. Nat. 183, 269-280. (doi:10.1086/674444).

35. Gasparini, J., Jacquin, L., Laroucau, K., Vorimore, F., Aubry, E., Castrec-Rouelle, M. & Frantz, A. 2014 Relationships Between Metals Exposure and Epidemiological Parameters of Two Pathogens in Urban Pigeons. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 92, 208-212. (doi:10.1007/s00128-013-1172-7).

34. Ismail, A., Jacquin, L., Haussy, C., Legoupi, J., Perret, S. & Gasparini, J. 2013 Food Availability and Maternal Immunization Affect Transfer and Persistence of Maternal Antibodies in Nestling Pigeons. Plos One 8. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0079942).

33. Recapet, C., Dauphin, L., Jacquin, L., Gasparini, J. & Prevot-Julliard, A.-C. 2013 Eumelanin-based colouration reflects local survival of juvenile feral pigeons in an urban pigeon house. Journal of Avian Biology 44, 583-590. (doi:10.1111/j.1600-048X.2013.00087.x).

32. Jacquin, L., Recapet, C., Prevot-Julliard, A.C., Leboucher, G., Lenouvel, P., Erin, N., Corbel, H., Frantz, A. & Gasparini, J. 2013 A potential role for parasites in the maintenance of color polymorphism in urban birds. Oecologia 173, 1089-1099. (doi:10.1007/s00442-013-2663-2).  Featured in Ornithomedia.

31. Zocevic, A., Vorimore, F., Vicari, N., Gasparini, J., Jacquin, L., Sachse, K., Magnino, S. & Laroucau, K. 2013 A Real-Time PCR Assay for the Detection of Atypical Strains of Chlamydiaceae from Pigeons. Plos One 8. (doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0058741).

30. Jacquin, L., Haussy, C., Bertin, C., Laroucau, K. & Gasparini, J. 2013 Darker female pigeons transmit more specific antibodies to their eggs than do paler ones. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 108, 647-657. (doi:10.1111/bij.12001).

29. Derelle, R., Kondrashov, F.A., Arkhipov, V.Y., Corbel, H., Frantz, A., Gasparini, J., Jacquin, L., Jacob, G., Thibault, S. & Baudry, E. 2013 Color differences among feral pigeons (Columba livia) are not attributable to sequence variation in the coding region of the melanocortin-1 receptor gene (MC1R). BMC research notes 6, 310-310. (doi:10.1186/1756-0500-6-310).

28. Frantz, A., Pottier, M.-A., Karimi, B., Corbel, H., Aubry, E., Haussy, C., Gasparini, J. & Castrec-Rouelle, M. 2012 Contrasting levels of heavy metals in the feathers of urban pigeons from close habitats suggest limited movements at a restricted scale. Environmental Pollution 168, 23-28. (doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2012.04.003).

27. Jacquin, L., Blottiere, L., Haussy, C., Perret, S. & Gasparini, J. 2012 Prenatal and postnatal parental effects on immunity and growth in 'lactating' pigeons. Functional Ecology 26, 866-875. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2435.2012.01988.x).

26. Jacquin, L., Recapet, C., Bouche, P., Leboucher, G. & Gasparini, J. 2012 Melanin-based coloration reflects alternative strategies to cope with food limitation in pigeons. Behav. Ecol. 23, 907-915. (doi:10.1093/beheco/ars055).

25. Gasparini, J., Erin, N., Bertin, C., Jacquin, L., Vorimore, F., Frantz, A., Lenouvel, P. & Laroucau, K. 2011 Impact of urban environment and host phenotype on the epidemiology of Chlamydiaceae in feral pigeons (Columba livia). Environmental Microbiology 13, 3186-3193. (doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2011.02575.x).

24. Roulin, A., Emaresi, G., Bize, P., Gasparini, J., Piault, R. & Ducrest, A.-L. 2011 Pale and dark reddish melanic tawny owls differentially regulate the level of blood circulating POMC prohormone in relation to environmental conditions. Oecologia 166, 913-921. (doi:10.1007/s00442-011-1955-7).

23. Jacquin, L., Lenouvel, P., Haussy, C., Ducatez, S. & Gasparini, J. 2011 Melanin-based coloration is related to parasite intensity and cellular immune response in an urban free living bird: the feral pigeon Columba livia. Journal of Avian Biology 42, 11-15. (doi:10.1111/j.1600-048X.2010.05120.x). Featured in BBC Earth News. 10 most downloaded article of JAB.

22. Bize, P., Piault, R., Gasparini, J. & Roulin, A. 2010 Indirect Costs of Parasitism are Shaped by Variation in the Type of Immune Challenge and Food Availability. Evolutionary Biology 37, 169-176. (doi:10.1007/s11692-010-9092-5).

21. Bize, P., Stocker, A., Jenni-Eiermann, S., Gasparini, J. & Roulin, A. 2010 Sudden weather deterioration but not brood size affects baseline corticosterone levels in nestling Alpine swifts. Hormones and Behavior 58, 591-598. (doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2010.06.020).

20. Jacquin, L., Cazelles, B., Prevot-Julliard, A.-C., Leboucher, G. & Gasparini, J. 2010 Reproduction management affects breeding ecology and reproduction costs in feral urban Pigeons (Columba livia). Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie 88, 781-787. (doi:10.1139/z10-044).

19. Gasparini, J., Piault, R., Bize, P. & Roulin, A. 2009 Synergistic and antagonistic interaction between different branches of the immune system is related to melanin-based coloration in nestling tawny owls. J. Evol. Biol. 22, 2348-2353. (doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2009.01831.x).

18. Piault, R., Gasparini, J., Bize, P., Jenni-Eiermann, S. & Roulin, A. 2009 Pheomelanin-Based Coloration and the Ability to Cope with Variation in Food Supply and Parasitism. Am. Nat. 174, 548-556. (doi:10.1086/605374).

17. Stier, K.S., Almasi, B., Gasparini, J., Piault, R., Roulin, A. & Jenni, L. 2009 Effects of corticosterone on innate and humoral immune functions and oxidative stress in barn owl nestlings. Journal of Experimental Biology 212, 2084-2090. (doi:10.1242/jeb.024406).

16. Gasparini, J., Bize, P., Piault, R., Wakamatsu, K., Blount, J.D., Ducrest, A.-L. & Roulin, A. 2009 Strength and cost of an induced immune response are associated with a heritable melanin-based colour trait in female tawny owls. J. Anim. Ecol. 78, 608-616. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2656.2008.01521.x). Highlighted in Nature News.

15. Gasparini, J., Piault, R., Bize, P. & Roulin, A. 2009 Pre-hatching maternal effects inhibit nestling humoral immune response in the tawny owl Strix aluco. Journal of Avian Biology 40, 271-278. (doi:10.1111/j.1600-048X.2008.04590.x).

14. Boulinier, T., McCoy, K.D., Yoccoz, N.G., Gasparini, J. & Tveraa, T. 2008 Public information affects breeding dispersal in a colonial bird: kittiwakes cue on neighbours. Biology Letters 4, 538-540. (doi:10.1098/rsbl.2008.0291).

13. Piault, R., Gasparini, J., Bize, P., Paulet, M., McGraw, K.J. & Roulin, A. 2008 Experimental support for the makeup hypothesis in nestling tawny owls (Strix aluco). Behav. Ecol. 19, 703-709. (doi:10.1093/beheco/arm152).

12. Roulin, A., Gasparini, J. & Froissart, L. 2008 Pre-hatching maternal effects and the tasty chick hypothesis. Evolutionary Ecology Research 10, 463-473.

11. Roulin, A., Gasparini, J., Bize, P., Ritschard, M. & Richner, H. 2008 Melanin-based colorations signal strategies to cope with poor and rich environments. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 62, 507-519. (doi:10.1007/s00265-007-0475-2).

10. Staszewski, V., Gasparini, J., McCoy, K.D., Tveraa, T. & Boulinier, T. 2007 Evidence of an interannual effect of maternal immunization on the immune response of juveniles in a long-lived colonial bird. J. Anim. Ecol. 76, 1215-1223. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2656.2007.01293.x).

9. Gasparini, J., Boulinier, T., Gill, V.A., Gil, D., Hatch, S.A. & Roulin, A. 2007 Food availability affects the maternal transfer of androgens and antibodies into eggs of a colonial seabird. J. Evol. Biol. 20, 874-880. (doi:10.1111/j.1420-9101.2007.01315.x).

8. Fitze, P.S., Tschirren, B., Gasparini, J. & Richner, H. 2007 Carotenoid-based plumage colors and immune function: Is there a trade-off for rare carotenoids? Am. Nat. 169, S137-S144. (doi:10.1086/510094).

7. Aragon, P., Massot, M., Gasparini, J. & Clobert, J. 2006 Socially acquired information from chemical cues in the common lizard, Lacerta vivipara. Anim. Behav. 72, 965-974. (doi:10.1016/j.anbehav.2005.11.023).

6. Bize, P., Gasparini, J., Klopfenstein, A., Altwegg, R. & Roulin, A. 2006 Melanin-based coloration is a nondirectionally selected sex-specific signal of offspring development in the Alpine swift. Evolution 60, 2370-2380.

5. Gasparini, J., Roulin, A., Gill, V.A., Hatch, S.A. & Boulinier, T. 2006 Kittiwakes strategically reduce investment in replacement clutches. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 273, 1551-1554. (doi:10.1098/rspb.2005.3457).

4. Gasparini, J., Roulin, A., Gill, V.A., Hatch, S.A. & Boulinier, T. 2006 In kittiwakes food availability partially explains the seasonal decline in humoral immunocompetence. Functional Ecology 20, 457-463. (doi:10.1111/j.1365-2435.2006.01130.x).

3. Gasparini, J., McCoy, K.D., Staszewski, V., Haussy, C. & Boulinier, T. 2006 Dynamics of anti-Borrelia antibodies in Blacklegged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) chicks suggest a maternal educational effect. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne De Zoologie 84, 623-627. (doi:10.1139/z06-024).

2. Gasparini, J., McCoy, K.D., Tveraa, T. & Boulinier, T. 2002 Related concentrations of specific immunoglobulins against the Lyme disease agent Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in eggs, young and adults of the kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla). Ecol. Lett. 5, 519-524. (doi:10.1046/j.1461-0248.2002.00345.x).

1. Gasparini, J., McCoy, K.D., Haussy, C., Tveraa, T. & Boulinier, T. 2001 Induced maternal response to the Lyme disease spirochaete Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in a colonial seabird, the kittiwake Rissa tridactyla. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 268, 647-650.

Book chapter

1.Emaresi, G., Bize, P., Gasparini, J., Piault, R., Roulin, A. 2011.  Plumage polymorphism in melanin-based coloration: a case study in the tawny owl Strix aluco. In Ecology and Conservation of European Forest-Dwelling Raptors. Inigo Zuberogoitia and José Enrique Martínez.

General audience / Vulgarisation (In french)

Gasparini J. 2008. Les effets maternels chez les oiseaux. Nos Oiseaux 55: 233-236.

Gasparini J. et Bourouf L. 2009. Opération capture de pigeons ! L’écho-Cantonnier n°33 : page 15.

Roulin, A., Bize, P., Ducret B., Emaresi, G., Etter, H., Henrioux, J-D, Henrioux, P., Gasparini J., Piault R. & Ravussin P-A. 2010. Faune cavicole se reproduisant dnas les nichoirs à chouettes hulottes Strix aluco en Suisse romande. Nos Oiseaux 57: 109-111.

Participation au livret : Le pigeon en ville. Ecologie de la réconciliation et de la nature en ville. Natureparif.