The Magic Of Belief

The Magic of Belief ~ Your Beliefs Create Your Reality[

So I went back to look at the little book ( IT WORKS) and then saw others similiar in that they were written in unpretenious times ~ war times and still stand the test of time and all the changes and advancements. One brilliant little book is The Magic of Belief. I also saw a clip on utube ~ a reading of a chapter of the book. He talks about the great power that we possess when we align our subconscious mind with the conscious mind. When we bypass reason and tune into our emotions ( which is what adverising is doing all the time) and our intuitions and take one step in that direction ~ this is powerful. When we start to really believe something and make a decision based on that belief we tap into a definite broadcast like a radio station and all of the universe can't help but to bring it into matter...materialize it ~ manifest it. This is quantum physics. Marilyn Jennet too, spells this out. She speaks of the power that we tap when we link the conscious and the subconsious mind. She explains it well in that the Conscious mind is male energy and the subconscious mind is female energy. So power of creation is harnessed when the conscious thought is impregnated into the subsconscious mind because once it is planted here it can't but become real, become matter, become manifest. Nothing can stop it being birthed. The subconsious is a powerful deliverer of whatever is planted in it, be it good or bad it doesn't have the ability to discriminate. Imagine what would happen in your life when you harness this ~ when you really get this ~ wow what a power. This is it....this is what we're doing anyway...we can't help but do this in life....the problems come from not consciously implanting what we want and just going about 'hoping' that things will just get sorted. And then we wonder why we are not getting the life we want!


The main work that we have to do is to 'decide' what it is we want in life and then implant this in the subconscious ~ then it materialises. It doesn't happen for us because we don't make a decision (de-cision). Making a decision cuts away all distractions and starts the road forming. It becomes easy and it seems then that what we want appears or happens 'automagically'.

It begins with a thought and then this grows in strenght into a belief, which then has the automagical power to propel us into action ~ which then gives a form ~ physical shape to that thought. The thought, through the belief which was planted in the subconscious mind, has materialised.

There was also a great reference to Willam James about how everything that we think every thought finds its own verification. In other words built in every thought is a self fullfilled prophecy...because it can only seek out what it has been programmed to do. A thought about failing an exam can only produce that evidence (FAILING), it cant produce the opposite. To produce the opposite would require the thought of success. The thought is the seed for the fruit to come. The thought produces "like" fruits. 'BY THEIR FRUITS YOUR SHALL KNOW THEM'. This is how life then becomes the mirror of our thoughts. If you want to know what you need to change in your thought patterns then look at what you have going on in your life.

Look at anything that you are not happy with and follow it back ~ like following a thread back into your subconscious mind ~ revealing the belief that is behind it. Now ~ the choice is.. Do you hold onto it and keep doing what you're doing and so, keep getting the same results that you've been getting ? ~ or choose to change your belief. You now have a choice!

Life is your mirror...a mirror of your subconsious mind.

Enter this magical process with a kind and gentle heart. It is not about blaming yourself or anyone else. It is about healing ~ healing unconscious patterns that have been shaping your life up until now. It is about responsibility...its not about blame...blaming self, or anyone else, or circumstances.

It's simply about Re Sponse abilty = my ability to respond. And we can only respond to life and any situation at the level of our response- abilty that we have developed and evolved to. That's why ~ to develop ourselves ( our job) and to grow as a human being is the best legacy we can give our families and is our contribution the world. Our families will have less baggage to carry and to deal with. Less baggage will be passed on and in it's place will be the lightness of gifts and the joy of life and living ~ to pass on.



©Mary McCallion Dempsey

Change your beliefs ~ Change your life...with Love