
Working Papers

Drivers of Public Procurement Prices: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Markets (with Claudia Allende, Rodrigo Carril, José Ignacio Cuesta, and Andrés González-Lira)

Revision Requested at the International Journal of Industrial Organization

German Long-Term Health Insurance: Theory Meets Evidence (with Hanming Fang, Martin Karlsson, and Nicolas R. Ziebarth) (online Appendix)

Revision Requested at the Journal of Political Economy

Quality regulation and competition: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Markets (with José Ignacio Cuesta and Morten Sæthre)

Revision Requested at the Review of Economic Studies

Social and Economic Activity Predicts Daily Hospital Emergency Visits (with Jorge Alé-Chilet and Patricio Domínguez)

An earlier version circulated as Where are the missing Emergencies? Lockdown and Health Risk during the pandemic

Lock-in in Dynamic Health Insurance Contracts: Evidence from Chile


The Economics of the Public Option: Evidence from Local Pharmaceutical Markets (with José Ignacio Cuesta, Felipe Gonzalez, and Cristóbal Otero), American Economic Review, 2024.

Trade Associations and Collusion among many Agents: Evidence from Physicians  (with Jorge Alé-Chilet), The RAND Journal of Economics, 2021.

             online Appendix

Countervailing Market Power and Consumer Surplus: An Empirical Examination (with Jorge Alé-Chilet), AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2020.

Exit, Voice, or Loyalty? An Investigation into Mandated Portability of Front-Loaded Private Health Plans (with Hanming Fang, Martin Karlsson, and Nicolas R. Ziebarth), Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2019.

How robust are reference pricing studies on outpatient medical procedures? (with Tim Brown), Health Economics, 2018.

Work in Progress

Physician Supply and Health Outcomes: The Role of Occupational Licensing (with Tomás Larroucau, Pablo Muñoz, and Cristóbal Otero)

Centralizing Procurement: The Role of Scale, Selection, and Variety (with Claudia Allende, José Ignacio Cuesta, Rodrigo Carril, and Andrés Gonzalez-Lira)

The Impact of Recommendation Systems on Experts: Evidence from Physicians (with Jorge Alé-Chilet, Alejandra Benítez, and Martín González)

Adverse Selection and Lock-out with Dynamic Incentives in Medicare Part D (with Eduardo Azevedo and Sebastian Fleitas)

The Incentives of Patients and Providers in Out-of-network Emergency Visits (with Jorge Alé-Chilet and Kathleen Hui)

Nudging Teams toward Cost-Effective Health Care: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Surgery (with Jorge Alé-Chilet, Naomi Friedman-Sokuler, and Hannah Trachtman)

Policy Papers

New Century, Old Disparities: Gender and Ethnic Wage Gaps in Latin America (with Hugo Ñopo, and Natalia Winder), IADB Working paper series No. 109, 2009

Safe and Sound Social Policy: Reconciling Protection with Productivity, with  Hugo Ñopo, in Pages, Carmen (ed) "The Age of Productivity, Transforming Economies From the Bottom Up", 2010.