Final Reflection

Post Race Coverage

As I reflect on my experience as the center of my action research and a 1st year teacher at Phillip O. Berry Technology, it has been an distinct honor and privilege to meet new and seasoned teachers within my field of work, help introduce technology to my fellow colleagues, and to allow students to explore many ways technology can enhance their learning beyond the four walls of the classroom.

Within my community of practice at Phillip O. Berry Academy of Technology, there were some challenges this year but, I didn't allow them to be impossibilities for the sake of my action research. As a first year educator who had transitioned from the corporate sector to educational sector, the key relationships that were formed during the use of Professional Learning Communities involved our leadership team, support staff, and many teachers of Phillip O. Berry Academy of Technology. In the process of enhancing the learning of students to be engaged, I realized a plethora of subjects being taught at our school could benefit incorporating technology into the classroom through the usage of Moodle and other technological advances.

My key goal for driving these actions was to develop a framework to not only focus on Physics classes but, all classes since we are striving to increase or maintain scores 77% or higher. As I worked cooperatively with teachers to help boost the morale of learning for students, it allowed me focus on the importance of building relationships beyond the course of this year alone. I learned that surrounding myself with professionally-minded people allowed me to be honest, open-minded, and willing to share my thoughts (vice-versa) when trust was established among my peers. I knew I could have not done this work alone and I'm truly glad that we were able to come together to make the learning experience rewarding for all of us.

Most importantly, Phillip O. Berry Academy of Technology scored its highest cumulative scoring ever (84%) by placing the emphasis on learning rather than just "covering material" to get by. Again, it took all the teachers in my school to come together to make this experience rewarding. Leading the efforts of my action research through the different cycles, allowed me to be involved by leveraging my expertise in technology and developing a framework to assist other educators to utilize technology to possibly improve student achievement.

In closing, it has been a pleasure finishing my 1st season of action research that will forever be a highlight of my career as an IT educator, philanthropist, student, and technologist. My action research metaphorically reminds me of a winning NASCAR season where a driver that wins a race continues to drive to see the next race. Each driver realizes that their success is not their own. The success heavily involves having a great pit crew to keep you focused to perform at your best (optimal level) and a crew chief monitoring your progress to help you experience the challenges of obstacles with the hope of the driver learning from the experiences to become a better driver for the next season. Lastly, I have to thank my team sponsors who are the legend of drivers (alumni & practitioners) who have paved the way for me to pursue this opportunity and provide the tools to be successful.

Thank you all for taking this great ride with me and helping me to finish this season strong.

In your hands, you hold today...

In your dreams, you hold tomorrow...

In your faith, you hold forever.
