Lab. for Multiphysics & Multiscale Mechanics


Welcome to the research group for Multiphysics and Multiscale Mechanics in the department of mechanical engineering at Hanbat National University. Our group is conducting various researches related to the design of material systems, energy systems, and nano-bio systems based on multiphysics -multiscale modeling and simulations. 

- Design of Materials Systems (Design of materials property with Molecular Dynamics)

- Design of Energy Systems (Li-ion battery / Secondary batteries / Bio-energy)

- Design of Nano-Bio Systems (Molecule delivery / Sensing) 


2024.05.01-05.04 | Attending a Conference

We attended KSME Spring Meeting in Jeju. Subeen Kim, Jiseok Han,  and Minjoong Kim had presentations.

2024.04.22 | Journal Publication

Hyunwoo Lim's first work was published in journal "IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification (IF:7.0)". "Modeling and validation of driving performance of electric vehicle converted from internal combustion engine vehicle." [Link] Congratulations! 

2024.03.29 | Research grant 

Subeen Kim receives a research grant as P.I. from Korea Foundation for Women in Science Engineering and Technology "Multiscale-Multiphysics Design for High-performance K-ion Batteries".  Congratulations!

2024.03.21 | Outstanding Presentation Prize

Subeen Kim won the outstanding presentation prize from 2023 KSME spring meeting! "Multiphysics Simulation System for Controlled Drug Delivery via Optics and Photothermal Properties of Plasmonic Hybrid Nanogels" Congratulations!

2024.02 | New Members

Seunggyun, Sowon, Minjeong, Ji in, Yegyu, and Hoyoung joined our group as a undergraduate intern. Welcome!

2023.11.01-11.04 | Attending a Conference

We attended KSME Fall Meeting in Songdo, Incheon. Subeen Kim and Myungseo Lee had presentations.

2023.08.11 | Journal Publication

Minjoong Kim's first work collaborating with Chungnam National University was published in journal "Chemical Engineering Science (IF: 4.7)""Characterization of passive microfluidic mixer with a three-dimensional zig-zag channel for cryo-EM sampling". [Link] Congratulations! 

2023.06.14 | Journal Publication

Subeen Kim's first work collaborating with University of Seoul was accepted in journal "Journal of Nanobiotechnology (IF: 10.2, JCR top 5%)""Spatiotemporally controlled drug delivery via photothermally driven conformational change of self-integrated plasmonic hybrid nanogels". [Link] Congratulations! 

2023.05.17-20 | Attending a Conference

We attended KSME spring meeting in Busan. Subeen Kim and Minjoong Kim had presentations.

2022.07.08 | MMM Alumni News

Yun Kim has got the admission letter to the Ph.D program from universities within US ranking Top 20 (Georgia Institute of Technology, The Pennsylvania State University, University of Minnesota). Congratulations!

Farewell party for Yun Kim.



Address: N7-405, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hanbat National University, 125 Dongseodaero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea