Welcome to the 2023-2024 JOY Website!

What is JOY?

JOY - Jain Organization of Youth is the youth group at our temple. We participate and organize many volunteering opportunities both inside and outside the temple. JOY is a great way to make new friends and gain great new experiences!

How do I join JOY?

If you are 13 or older, you can contact one of the board members or advisors and give them your completed general membership form, which can be found in the forms tab, along with the $20 fee.

Why Should I Join Joy?

Joy is an amazing opportunity to meet new people and create connections. Joy also teaches members valuable life lessons that can be applied in the future. Also, all the volunteering that Joy does makes members feel proud that they did something positive in the wonderful community we are part of!

Go check out our events page to stay informed about our upcoming events and to sign up!

To see our amazing pictures from all of our events in the past, view our photos!

Click here to view the 2023-2024 General Membership Form.