
jSche Simple Scheduler is the scheduler utility that can act as the Windows Service processing schedule setup "on the fly" - you may edit the user-friendly settings in the XML file and the service will reschedule events immediately when you save the updated configuration without of service restart.

See the detailed utility description on the

Utility Description page

jSche [jay ski] "Java Scheduler" utility is written in Java under the Apache License 2.0 and supports plugins that can be written extending the simple event class to provide user events to execute per given schedule and configure in the same schedule settings configuration file.

By default it's shipped with 4 event types allowing to setup either any Windows Command Line execution or any Java application prepared to be run from the command line, replay HTTP requests recorded by e.g. TcpMon / Fiddler / ... or perform cleaning of a (temporary) folder basing on it's maximum allowing size removing most old data there.

If you are java developer you may easily write your own plugin to act as the jSche execution event.

jSche is not based on Java Quartz Scheduler, its purpose is to give simple user-friendly interface that is easy-to-setup and clear to read.

3 points why you may want to use exactly jSche: