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>> February 1, 2024 : Technical Leader in R&D Center, Qunova Computing (Korea)

>> May 15, 2023 : AI/Bio Team Lead in R&D Center, Gene Story Korea (Korea)

>> September 15, 2021 : Managing director in R&D Center, PharmCADD CO. (Korea)

>> November 1, 2019 : Director in R&D Center, PharmCADD CO. (Korea)

>> January 1, 2018 : BK21 Research Professor [Research fellow] with Prof. Kwang-Il Goh in Korea University (Korea)

>> November 1, 2016 : BK21 Research Professor [Research fellow] with Prof. Petter Holme in Sungkyunkwan University (Korea)

>> June 1, 2016 : BK21 Research Professor with Prof. Petter Holme in Sungkyunkwan University (Korea)

>> December 1, 2015 : Research Fellow with Prof. Hyunggyu Park in Korea Institute for Advanced Study (Korea)

>> December 1, 2013 : Postdoctoral Associate with Prof. Susanne Mandrup in Southern Denmark University (Denmark)

>> October 17, 2013 : Second son "Noah Lee" is born in Incheon, Korea

>> June 1, 2011 : Postdoctoral Associate with Prof. Eivind Almaas and Prof. Finn Drabløs in NTNU (Norway)

>> October 3, 2010 : First son "Johan Lee" is born in Umea, Sweden

>> March 1, 2009 : Postdoctoral Associate with Prof. Petter Holme in Umea University (Sweden)

>> February 21, 2009 : Wedding!! Groom= "Sungmin Lee", Bride= "Hyun Kyoung Park"

>> December 10, 2008 : Got the postdoc grant from the Wenner-Gren foundation during 2-years

>> September 1, 2008 : Postdoctoral Associate with Prof. Yup Kim in Kyung Hee University (Korea)