
From time to time, I make contributions to open-source software. Where these contributions have not been incorporated into the distributed source, they are provided below.


    • SNMP::Info module support for 3Com/H3C

    • Patches to permit searches by MAC address of format abcd-ef01-2345 (as issued by some 3Com devices)


    • Wraprancid: an update for Rancid 2.3.2 and above of wrancid, which is wrapper to enable third-party methods of obtaining a configuration from a device.

    • h3crancid: Rancid support for Comware devices (3Com Superstack 4 / H3C / HP Networking / some Huawei) for rancid 2.x

    • cmwrancid: Rancid support for Comware devices for rancid 3.x (replacing h3crancid)

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