Merk Photos


I have scanned all the pictures that were found at Harry and Shirley Merk's house (it took about 100 hours to do this). Some of these pictures are very old, some are very small, some are 8 x 10s or larger. What I need is for all of the Merk descendants to look through ALL of the albums below and DOWNLOAD ANY THAT YOU WANT. You can then take them to any photo developer and get as many copies as you'd like.

The albums that are named Janet, James, Joyce and Jenny contain photos that have been placed in boxes that will be sent to Janet, James, Joyce and Jenny -- Those pictures were LOOSE pictures found and I separated them as I found them. HOWEVER, there are more pictures in all the other albums.


The names of each folder of pictures is a description of the actual photo albums so that I could find the original pictures again.

  • CHILDREN: If you want the original sent to you (4J's) then tell me what photo album and what number the picture is and I will place it in your box.

  • GRANDCHILDREN: If you want the original, tell me what photo album and what number the picture is and I will place it your PARENT'S box and you can get it from your parent.

  • OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS: Please feel free to contact me at and I will get the original pictures to you if none of the original 4 children want these pictures.

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