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Silvia Walz came by to see the Taller Perill in 2008, before I had completely finished equipping it as a space that could be offered both physically as a workshop and also conceptually as a space devoted to contemporary jewellery. She thought it well suited for carrying out her Joyas Sensacionales ( Sensational Jewellery) project.

I found the project interesting and attractive and also felt very fortunate to have made contact with her.

Nevertheless, I could have no idea quite what Joyas Sensacionales would mean for the Taller Perill.

Crucial to the Taller Perill as a stimulus, identity and experience, have been the themes presented by Silvia to focus the project, which run as guiding threads, softly, tirelessly, with small, affectionate tugs, accompanying the jewellers in all the different evolutionary phases of their creative language.

Joyas Sensacionales has worked as a group, organising things, running around like crazy, fantasising projects and making a whole bunch of friends. There have been times when the Taller has seemed like a black hole, sucking up all our energies. However, there’s no doubt that these have all been given back to us in the shape of great times, mutual learning, working as a team and also resulting in two or three exhibitions a year. Exhibiting pieces of contemporary jewellery that show the creative focus of various people with one criteria in common: the consideration of contemporary jewellery as both creative language and artistic expression.

From 2008 onwards and to the end of time, the Taller Perill will be the home of Joyas Sensacionales.

Alicia Giráldez.