
Behavioral Ecology, Natural History, & Art

Current Position: Associate Research Scholar & Lecturer

Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544

e-mails: jl101 at princeton.edu; jbl96 at cornell.edu; jlapblca at gmail.com

See also profiles on ResearchGate and Google Scholar

Welcome to my web site! I am a behavioral ecologist and natural historian working primarily on Neotropical bird species. I am currently an associate research scholar in Dr. Christie Riehl's lab at Princeton University, where I work with lab members on various projects pertaining to the behavioral ecology of Neotropical birds. I am also a lecturer and am teaching EEB's first-year graduate Tropical Ecology course this academic year. Check out my About Me section for a little more on my personal science story

Set of mist-nets set around part of a Greater Ani habitat, in a quiet cove with the waters of Gatun Lake in the foreground and tropical forest in the background

Aquatic mist-nets in place to catch Greater Anis as they move about in their territory; Barro Colorado Nature Monument, Panama.

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