

4. Moris JV, Gamba R, Arca B, Bacciu V, Casula M, Elia M, Malanchini L, Spadoni GL, Vacchiano G, Ascoli D. 2024. A geospatial dataset of wildfires in Italy, 2007-2022. Technical report. Research project FIRE-BOX.

3. Berckum NM, Pérez-Invernón FJ, Moris JV, Gordillo-Vázquez  FJ, Füllekrug M, Pezzatti GB, Conedera M, Lapierre J, Huntrieser H. 2023. Lightning-induced wildfire in the Valais (Switzerland). Zenodo [Video].

2. Moris JV, Álvarez-Álvarez P, Conedera M, Dorph A, Hessilt TD, Hunt HGP, Libonati R, Menezes LS, Müller MM, Pérez-Invernón FJ, Pezzatti GB, Pineda N, Scholten RC, Veraverbeke S, Wotton BM, Ascoli D. 2022. Database on holdover time of lightning-ignited wildfires. Zenodo [Dataset].

1. MASTREE+ dataset. 2022.


5. R scripts and data for "Moris JV, Ascoli D, Hunt HGP. 2024. Survival functions of holdover time of lightning-ignited wildfires. Electric Power Systems Research." can be found in the appendix 2.

4. Reproducible examples for "Moris JV, Álvarez-Álvarez P, Conedera M, Dorph A, Hessilt TD, Hunt HGP, Libonati R, Menezes LS, Müller MM, Pérez-Invernón FJ, Pezzatti GB, Pineda N, Scholten RC, Veraverbeke S, Wotton BM, Ascoli D. 2023. A global database on holdover time of lightning-ignited wildfires. Earth System Science Data 15: 1151-1163." can be found at 6th file.

3. Reproducible examples for "Hacket-Pain A, Foest JJ, Pearse IS, LaMontagne JM, Koenig WD, Vacchiano G, Bogdziewicz M, Caignard T, Celebias P, van Dormolen J, Fernández-Martínez M, Moris JV, Palaghianu C, Pesendorfer M, Satake A, Schermer E, Tanentzap AJ, Thomas PA, Vecchio D, … Ascoli D. 2022. MASTREE+: time-series of plant reproductive effort from six continents. Global Change Biology 28: 3066-3082." cab be found in the appendix 6.

2. R scripts for "Moris JV, Vacchiano G, Ravetto Enri S, Lonati M, Motta R, Ascoli D. 2017. Resilience of European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) forests to wildfires in the western Alps. New Forests 48: 663-683." can be found in the appendix 3.

1. R scripts for "Moris JV, Vacchiano G, Ascoli D, Motta R. 2017. Alternative stable states in mountain forest ecosystems: the case of European larch (Larix decidua) forests in the western Alps. Journal of Mountain Science 14: 811-822." can be found in the appendix 1.