

Jan Feld, Edwin Ip, Andreas Leibbrandt, and Joseph Vecci (2022) Identifying and Overcoming Gender Barriers in Tech: A Field Experiment on Inaccurate Statistical Discrimination. CESifo Working Paper No. 9970. Available here. Revision Requested and the Journal of the European Economic Association.

Prakashan Veettil, Yashodha and Joseph Vecci,. (2023) Hypothetical bias and cognitive ability: Farmers’ preference for crop insurance products. Revision Requested at American Journal of Agricultural Economics.

Cecilia Jansson , Vikram Patil, Joseph Vecci, Prakashan Veettil and Yashodha . (2022) "Locus of Control, Economic Decision-Making and Aspirations: A Field Experiment in Odisha, India" Revision Requested at Economic Development and Cultural Change. Available here

Journal Publications:

Julio Mancuso , Ananta Neelim and Joseph Vecci (2024) Gender differences in self-promotion: Understanding the female modesty constraint. Conditional Acceptance at Experimental Economics.

Feld, J., Leibbrandt, A., Ip, E., & Vecci, J., (2023). Do Financial Incentives Encourage Women to Apply for a Tech Job? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment,  American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, 113: 432-35. Available here

Bhalotra, S.,  Clots-Figueras, I., Iyer I., and Vecci J., (2022) Leader Identity and Coordination.  Review of Economics and Statistics.  105 (1): 175–189. Available here.

Gangadharan, L., Grossman P., and Vecci J. (2021) Moving on Up: The Impact of Income Mobility on Anti-Social Behaviour. European Economic Review. 134. Available here

Ip, E, Leibbrandt, A. and Vecci, J. (2020) "How Do Gender Quotas Affect Hierarchical Relationships? Complementary Evidence from a Representative Survey and Labor Market Experiments".  Management Science. Available here

Gangadharan, L., Grossman, P., Komai, M., and Vecci, J (2019) "The impact of Social Identity and Inequality on Anti Social Behaviour”  European Economic Review. Available here

Gangadharan, L and Jain, T., Maitra, P. and Vecci, J  (2019) "Female leaders and their response to the social environment"  Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation.. Available here

BenYishay, A. , Grosjean P. and Vecci, J (2017) The Fish is the Friend of Matriliny: Reef Density Predicts Matrilineal Inheritance. Journal of Development Economics, 127: 234-249Available here 

Gangadharan, L and Jain, T., Maitra, P. and Vecci, J (2016), Social Norms and Governance: The Behavioral Response to Female Leadership, European Economic Review, Available here

Cardak, B and Vecci. J. (2016), Graduates, Dropouts and Slow Finishers: The Effects of Credit Constraints on University Outcomes, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 78: 323-346 (working paper here)

Cardak, B and Vecci, J. (2013), Catholic school effectiveness in Australia: A reassessment using selection on observed and unobserved variables, Economics of Education Review, 37: 34-45, ISSN 0272-7757.

Book Chapters:

Rigdon, M.L., Said, F., and Vecci, J. (2023). An overview of risk preferences in developing countries. In preparation for the Handbook of Experimental Development Economics. Edited by Utteeyo Dasgupta and Pushkar Maitra, Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Gangadharan L., Grossman P.J., Vecci J. (2020) Antisocial Behavior in the Workplace. In: Zimmermann K. (eds) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Springer, Cham.

Working Papers:

Buly Cardak, Edwin Ip, Nicolas Salamanca and Joe Vecci  (2021) Stability of Risk Preferences: New Evidence from Developing and Developed Countries. Available here

Utteeyo Dasgupta, Subha Mani, Joe Vecci and Tomas Zelinsky. (2020) Games of Prejudice – Experiments at the Extensive and Intensive Margin. Available here

Buly Cardak, Ananta Neelim, Kevin Wu and Vecci, J. (2017) "Would I Lie to you? Strategic Deception in the Face of Uncertain Penalties". Available here

Work in Progress:

"Identifying management skill”, with Sonia Bhalotra, David Deming, Farah Said and Ben Weidmann

“Understanding Measurement Error in Agriculture” with Victoria Baranov, Vikram Patil, Prakashan Veettil and Yashodha

"Understanding drivers of male backlash in response to female empowerment programs: evidence from India" with Claire Cullen, Sarthak Joshi and Julia Tablot-Jones.


Neelim A. and Vecci, J. (2013). Evaluation of the Solomon Islands rural development program. Washington, DC: World Bank Group. Available here

Gangadharan, L., T. Jain, P. Maitra and Vecci, J. (2016). ‘The Behavioural Implications Of Women’s Empowerment Programmes’. 2016/64. Helsinki: UNU-WIDER. Available here

Joe Vecci and Tomas Zelinsky (2019) “The Behavioural Challenges of Minorities: Social Identity and Role Models”. PLoS ONE.