
Coverage of FM radio stations encouraging rebel defections in Central African Republic, D R Congo, S Sudan & Uganda

(map from The Reach of Radio: Ending Civil Conflict through Rebel Demobilization)

Countries with reserved seats for women in parliament

(map from Maternal Mortality and Women’s Political Participation)

Local Learning/Interaction between Linguistic groups (Aggregation Level 5 from Ethnologue)

(map from The Geography of Linguistic Diversity and the Provision of Public Goods)

Darker shades represent more interaction between linguistic groups / learning about other groups.

Languages in Africa

(map created from data in Ethnologue used in The Health Costs of Ethnic Distance: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa)

Each colour represents a different language group. Multiple language areas are not visible in this map.

Maoist Conflict zones in India

(map from The Political Economy of the Maoist Conflict in India: An empirical Analysis)

Darker shades represent areas which have experienced more Maoist related conflict events.

Religious Intolerance across the world

(map from Religious Diversity, Intolerance, and Civil Conflict)

Darker shades represent higher levels of intolerance