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IDEAS Economics:

Top 5% authors according to 1) Number of distinct works, 2) Number of Downloads through RePEc Services over the past 12 months

Top 10% Economists in Spain, as of August 2023. Position 88 (all publication years) and position 17 (publications last 10 years).




71. Sevilla, A., J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and P. Cuevas-Ruiz (2025). "A new conceptualization of Childcare in Economic Models: A Paradigm Shift for Addressing Gender Inequality in the Labor Market," Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Expected July 2025.

70. Bosworth, S.J., J.I. Giménez-Nadal and A. Sevilla (2024). “Parental Time Investments and Instantaneous Well-being in the United States,” Scottish Journal of Political Economy, minor revision, conditionally accepted.

69. Echeverría, L., J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and J.A. Molina (2024). "Commuting in dual-earner households: International Gender Differences with Time Use Surveys," Review of Economics of the Household, forthcoming.

68. Theloudis, A., J. Velilla, P.A. Chiappori, J.I. Giménez-Nadal and J.A. Molina (2024). Commitment and the Dynamics of Household Labor Supply,” Economic Journal, forthcoming. 

67. Escario, J.J., J.E. Espejel-Blanco, J.I. Giménez-Nadal and A. Wilkinson (2024). Differences in the maximum proportion of spent income devoted to online gambling among adolescents due to conflictual relationships,” Telematics & Informatics.

66. Casado, J.M., J.I. Giménez-Nadal, J.M. Labeaga and J.A. Molina (2024). Family size and food consumption: Exploring economies of scale with panel data,” Journal of Family and Economic Issues.

65. Campaña, J.C., J.I. Giménez-Nadal and J. Velilla (2024).Measuring gender gaps in work time in Latin American countries,” Applied Economic Letters.

64.  Campaña, J.C., and J.I. Giménez-Nadal (2024).Gender gaps in time devoted to Commuting: Evidence from Peru, Ecuador, Chile, and Colombia,” Journal of Family and Economic Issues.

63. Giménez-Nadal, J.I., J.A Molina and J. Velilla (2024). Intermediate activities while commuting”, Review of Economics of the Household.

62.  Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., and A. Sevilla (2024). “Trends in Effort at Work in the UK,” Oxford Economic Papers 76(3): 628-646.

61. Campaña, J.C., J.I. Giménez-Nadal, J.A. Molina and J. Velilla (2024).The shifters of intrahousehold decision-making in European countries,” Empirical Economics 66: 1055–1101.

Entry in The Conversation Spain (In Spanish)

60. Giménez-Nadal, J.I., J.A Molina and J. Velilla (2024).The daily mobility of the elderly: Urban/rural differences in ten developed countries”, The Annals of Regional Science 72, 141–161.

59. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., R. Ortega and J. Velilla (2024). Differences in commuting between employee and self-employed workers: The case of Latin America,” Journal of Transport Geography 114: 103770.

58. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., and J. Velilla (2024). “Home-based work, time allocations, and subjective well-being: Gender differences in the United Kingdom,” Empirica 51: 1-33.

57. Bellido, H., J.I. Giménez-Nadal and J.A. Molina (2023).Body Mass Index and the distribution of housework among British couples,” Review of Economics of the Household 21(4): 1247-1268 (IF=2.943, D4, 126/379).

56. Echeverría, L., J.I. Giménez-Nadal and J.A Molina (2023). Active Commuting and the Health of Workers,” Journal of Transport and Health 31: 101626.

55. Echeverría, L., J.I. Giménez-Nadal and J.A Molina (2023). Citizen security and urban commuting in Latin America,” Urban Studies 60(13): 2585-2611.

Shortlisted in "Urban Studies Best Article 2023"  list.

X entry as Urban Studies Shorlisted articles

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54. Campaña, J.C., J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and J. Velilla (2023). Measuring gender gaps in time allocation in Europe,” Social Indicators Research 165: 519-553.

Entry in The Conversation Spain

53. Giménez-Nadal, J.I., J.A Molina and J. Velilla (2023).Should we cheer together? Gender differences in joint and solo activities’ instantaneous well-being, with an application to COVID-19 lockdowns”, Journal of Happiness Studies 24: 529–562.

52. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., J.A. Molina and J Velilla (2023). “Occupational sorting and the transmission of self-employment between generations,” Applied Economics Letters 30(12): 1631-1634.

51. Escario, J.J., J.I. Giménez-Nadal and A. Wilkinson (2022). Predictors of adolescent truancy: The importance of cyberbullying, peer behavior, and parenting style,” Children and Youth Services Review 143:106692.   

50. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., C. Gracia-Lázaro and J.A. Molina (2022).Increasing the public bike use by citizens: efficiency and demand,” Economic Analysis and Policy 76: 745-754.

49. Echeverría, L., J.I. Giménez-Nadal and J.A Molina (2022). Who uses green mobility? Exploring profiles in developed countries,” Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 163: 247-265.

48. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., J.A. Molina and J Velilla (2022). Commuting time and sickness absence of US workers,” Empirica 49: 691-719.

47. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., J.A. Molina and J Velilla (2022). The intergenerational correlation of employment in Europe: A cross-country analysis”, Applied Economics Letters 29(11): 1022-1026.

46.  Echeverría, L., J.I. Giménez-Nadal and J.A Molina (2022).Green mobility and well-being,” Ecological Economics 195, 107368.

45. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., and J. Velilla (2022) Modelling the location of self-employed workers in urban areas,” Applied Economics Letters 29(10): 906-909.

44. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., J.A. Molina and J Velilla (2022). Intergenerational correlations of self-employment in Western Europe,” Economic Modelling 108: 105741.

Link to The Conversation Spain (Spanish)

43. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., J.A. Molina and J. Velilla (2022). Trends in commuting time: A cross-country analysis,” Transport Policy 116: 327-342.

Link to The Conversation Spain (Spanish)

Link to El confidencial (Spanish)

42. Casaló, L., J.J. Escario and J.I. Gimenez-Nadal (2022).Time devoted by Spanish teenagers to Internet activities: differences due to socio-demographic characteristics and affection received,” Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas 177: 3-20.

41. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., J.A. Molina and J Velilla (2021). “Two-way commuting: Asymmetries from time use surveys,” Journal of Transport Geography 95, Article 03146.

40. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., J.A. Molina and J. Velilla (2021). Testing urban efficiency wages in France and Spain”, Empirical Economics 61: 2205-2236.

39. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., J.A. Molina and J Velilla (2021). Commuting and self-employment in Western Europe,” Journal of Transport Geography 88: Article 102856.

38. Campaña, J.C., J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and J.A. Molina (2021). Sex ratios and work in Latin American households: Evidence from Mexico, Ecuador and Chile," Latin-American Economic Review 30(3).

37. Molina, J.A, J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and J. Velilla (2020). “Sustainable commuting: results from disciplines related to population and empirical evidence from car pooling” Sustainability 12(22): 9587. SI: Sustainable Household Behaviors: Consumption and Mobility.

36. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., J.A. Molina and J. Velilla (2020). Work time and well-being for workers at home: evidence from the American Time Use Survey,” International Journal of Manpower 41(2): 184-206.

35. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., J.A. Molina and J. Velilla (2019). Modeling commuting time in the US: Bootstrapping techniques to avoid overfitting,” Papers in Regional Science 98: 1667-1684.

34. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., and J.A. Molina (2019). Green commuting and gasoline taxes in the United States,” Energy Policy 132: 324-331.

33.  Molina, J.A., A. Ferrer, J.I. Gimenez-Nadal, C. Gracia-Lazaro, Y. Moreno and A. Sanchez (2019). The effect of kinship on intergenerational cooperation: A lab experiment with three generations,” Review of Economics of the Household 17(2): 535-552.

32. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., L. Mangiavacchi and L. Piccoli (2019). Keeping inequality at home: the genesis of gender roles in housework”, Labour Economics 58(2): 52-68.

31. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., M. Lafuente, J.A. Molina and J. Velilla (2019). Resampling and bootstrap algorithms to assess the relevance of variables: Applications to cross-section entrepreneurship data,” Empirical Economics 56(1): 233-267.

30. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I, J.A. Molina and E. Silva (2019).On the relationship between violent conflict and wages in Colombia,” Journal of Development Studies 55(4): 473-489.

29. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., and J.A. Molina (2019). Daily feelings of US workers and commuting time”, Journal of Transport and Health 12: 21-33.

28.  Gimenez-Nadal, J.I, J.A. Molina and Y. Zhu (2018).­­­­­­­Intergenerational mobility of housework time in the United Kingdom,” Review of Economics of the Household 16(4): 911–937.

27.  Gimenez-Nadal, J.I, J.A. Molina and J. Velilla (2018). Spatial distribution of US employment in an urban efficiency wage setting,” Journal of Regional Science 58(1): 141-158.

26. Campaña, J.C., J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and J.A. Molina (2018) Gender norms and the gendered distribution of total work in Latin-American families,” Feminist Economics 24(1): 35-62.

25.  Gimenez-Nadal, J.I, J.A. Molina and J. Velilla (2018). The commuting behavior of workers in the United States: differences between the employed and the self-employed,” Journal of Transport Geography 66(1): 19-29.

24.  Wang, H., and J.I. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., (2018). Teens and Twenties: cultural and preferences differences in the uses of time in Spain,” Applied Economics Letters 25(1): 51-55.

23. Fernández-Crehuet, J.M., J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and I. Dánvila del Valle (2017) The International Multidimensional Fertility Index©: The European Case,” Social Indicators Research 132(3): 1331-1358.

22. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I, J.A. Molina and R. Ortega (2017).Like my parents at home? Gender differences in children’s housework in Germany and Spain,” Empirical Economics 52(4): 1143-1179.

21.  Campaña, J.C., J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and J.A. Molina (2017). “Increasing the human capital of children in Latin America: The role of parent’s time into childcare,” Journal of Development Studies 53(6): 805-825.

20.  Fernández-Crehuet, J.M., J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and L. E. Reyes-Recio (2016) The National Work-Life Balance Index©: The European case,” Social Indicators Research 128(1): 341-359.

19. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I, and J.A. Molina (2016). Commuting Time and Household Responsibilities: Evidence using Propensity Score Matching,” Journal of Regional Science 56(2): 332-359.

18. Campaña, J.C., J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and J.A. Molina (2016). “The satisfaction of university students: differences by field of study,” Applied Economics Letters 23(7): 506-509.

17. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I, and J. A. Molina (2015). Voluntary Work and Daily Happiness in the US,” Economic Inquiry, 53(4): 1735-1750.

16. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I, and J. A. Molina (2015).Health status and the allocation of time: cross-country evidence in Europe,” Economic Modelling, 46(2): 188-203.

15.  Giménez-Nadal, J.I., and A. Sevilla (2014)Total work time in Spain: evidence from time diary data,” Applied Economics, 46(16): 1894-1909.

14. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I, and J. A. Molina (2014)Regional unemployment, gender and time allocation of the unemployed,” Review of Economics of the Household, 12(1): 105-127.

13. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I, and J. A. Molina (2014) Commuting Time and Labor Supply in the Netherlands: A Time Use Study,” Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 48(3): 409-426.

12.  Molina, A., J.I. Giménez-Nadal, J.A. Cuesta, C. Garcia-Lazaro, Y. Moreno and A. Sanchez (2013)Gender differences in cooperation: experimental evidence on high school students,” PLoS ONE, 8(12): e83700.

11. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I, and R. Ortega (2013)Health Status and Time Allocation in Spain,” Applied Economics Letters, 20(15): 1435-1439.

10. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I, and J. A. Molina (2013)Parents’ Education as a Determinant of Educational Childcare Time,” Journal of Population Economics, 26(2): 719-749.

9.   Gimenez-Nadal, J. I., and A. Sevilla-Sanz (2012).Trends in Time Allocation: A Cross-country Analysis,” European Economic Review, 56(6): 1338-1359.

8.   Sevilla-Sanz, A., J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and J. Gershuny (2012).Leisure Inequality in the United States: 1965-2003,” Demography 49(3): 939-964.

7.   Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., A. Sevilla-Sanz and J.A. Molina (2012).Social Norms, Partnerships and Children,” Review of Economics of the Household, 10(2): 215-236.

6.   Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., J.A. Molina and R. Ortega (2012).Self-employment and the work-family conflict,” Applied Economics, 44(17): 2133-2147.

5.  Bellido, H., J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and R. Ortega (2011).Measuring Satisfaction of the Unemployed: A Composite Indicator and Policy Implications,” Applied Economics Letters, 18(17): 1687-1690.

4.  Giménez-Nadal, J.I., and A. Sevilla-Sanz (2011).The Time-Crunch Paradox,” Social Indicators Research, 102(2): 181-196.

3.  Sevilla-Sanz, A., J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and C. Fernandez (2010). Gender Roles and the Division of Unpaid Work in Spanish Households,” Feminist Economics 16(4): 137-184.

2.  Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., M. Marcen and R. Ortega (2010).How do children affect parents’ allocation of time?Applied Economic Letters 17(17): 1715-1719.

1.   Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., and R. Ortega (2010).Self-Employment and time stress: the effect of leisure quality,” Applied Economic Letters 17(17): 1735-1738.



5.  Giménez-Nadal, J.I., J.A. Molina and A. Sevilla (2023). Effort at work and workers’ well being”, Research in Labor Economics, in: Time Use in Economics, volume 51, pages 35-53, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 

4.   Campaña, J.C., J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and J.A. Molina (2020). Self-employed and employed mothers in Latin American families: are there differences in paid work, unpaid work, and childcare? Journal of Family and Economic Issues 41(1): 52-69.

3.   Gimenez-Nadal, J.I. (2018). The Substitution Effect from the Profit Function in Consumption: expressions from the Marshallian, Hicksian, and Frischian demand functions,” Economics and Business Letters 7(3): 92-97.

2.   Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., and R. Ortega (2015). Time dedicated to family by university students: Differences by academic area in a case study,” Journal of Family and Economic Issues 36(1): 132-142.

1.   Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., M. Marcen and R. Ortega (2012). Substitution and Presence Effects of Children on Mothers’ Adult Care Time,” Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 33(1): 2-10.



11. Amuedo-Dorantes, C., J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and A. Sevilla (2024). “COVID-19, Work from Home, and the Organization of Work Time: Evidence from the U.S.” in COVID-19 and Inequality, Ed (K. Counch), Edward Elgar, work in progress.

10. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., A. Sevilla and J. Velilla (2024). Advancing Gender Equality in Parenting: The Remaining Challenge,” in Research Handbook on Time-Use and Society, Ed (J. Gershuny and O. Sullivan), Edwar Elgar Publishing, forthcoming.

9. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., and J.A. Molina (2024). “Time use” in Encyclopedia of Consumption, Ed. (J.M. Labeaga and J.A. Molina), Edwar Elgar Publishing, forthcoming.

8.   Molina, J.A., J.I. Giménez-Nadal and J. Velilla (2023).Deberíamos pasar el tiempo juntos? Diferencias de género en el bienestar asociado a las actividades que se realizan individualmente o con otras personas. Una aplicación a la pandemia Covid-19”, I Congreso interuniversitario OIT sobre justicia social, trabajo decente y objetivos de desarrollo sostenible, Vol. II pp. 31-49, Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social, ISBN: 978-84-8417-602-2.

7. Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., and J.A. Molina (2023). “Commuting, Family and Wages” in Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Ed (Klaus F. Zimmermann), Springer.

6.  Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., and J.A. Molina (2022). “Time Use Surveys” in Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Ed (Klaus F. Zimmermann), Springer.

5.  Chiappori, P.A., J.I. Gimenez-Nadal, J.A. Molina and J. Velilla (2022)Household Labor Supply: Collective Evidence in Developed Countries” in Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Ed (Klaus F. Zimmermann), Springer.

4.   Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., J.A. Molina and A. Sevilla (2022). Temporal flexibility, breaks at work, and the motherhood wage gap” in Mothers in the Labor Market, Ed (J.A. Molina), Chapter 4, pp. 83-105, Springer.

3.    Gimenez-Nadal, J.A. Molina and J. Velilla (2020). Oferta de trabajo y demografía en Europa: Evolución durante la última década con los datos EU-SILC,Congreso interuniversitario sobre el Futuro del Trabajo, Vol. 2, pp-495-510. Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), ISBN: 978-84-8417-521-6.

2.   Hagell. A., S. Peck, N. Zarrett, J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and J. Symonds (2012) “Time trends in adolescent time use in the UK,” in Ann Hagell (ed). Changing Adolescence: Social Change and Its Role in Adolescent Mental Health. Bristol, UK: The Policy Press (ISBN: 9781447301042).

1.   Gimenez-Nadal, J.I. (2011). “Time Use Within the Household: Household Production, Work-Life Balance and Racial Discrimination,” Digital Archive Data from the University of Zaragoza, Prensas Universitarias (ISBN: 9788469494721, 9788469494721).



2.   Gimenez-Nadal, J.I.; and J.A Molina (2022). “The gender gap in time allocation,” IZA World of Labor.

Entry in blog Nada es Gratis (NeG).

1.   Gimenez-Nadal, J.I. (2015). Gender inequality in leisure time” in Bettio F., Sansonetti S., (eds.), Visions on Gender Equality, Report prepared by ENEGE Network for the European Commission, DG Justice Unit D2.



4.   Calvo, R., and J.I. Gimenez-Nadal (2018). Why are they so happy? Unraveling the happiness paradox of older latinos,” Innovation in Aging 2 (S1, P&P Gerontological Society of America Meeting): 566.

3.   Gimenez-Nadal, J.I, and J.A. Molina (2016). Health inequality and the use of time for workers in Europe,” IZA Journal of European Labor Studies 5:2.

2.  Grossbard, S.A., J.I. Gimenez-Nadal and J. A. Molina (2014) Racial Intermarriage and Household Production,” Review of Behavioral Economics 1(4): 295-347 (lead article).  Reprint:  Grossbard (ed). The Marriage Motive: A Price Theory of Marriage. Springer, pp. 123-163, 2014. Reprint: Grossbard, S.A. (2015), The Economics of Marriage, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

1.    Gimenez-Nadal, J.I., and M. Navarro (2008). “El Mercado de Trabajo en la Unión Europea,” Revista de Gestion Pública y Privada, 11, 29-48.