

Analyzing Linear DSGE models: the Method of Undetermined Markov States, February 2023,  pdf , online Appendix, Codes

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, forthcoming

The promises (and perils) of control-contingent Forward Guidance, joint with He Nie (NUS) November 2021, pdf

Review of Economic Dynamics, forthcoming

Cyclical Government Spending : Theory and Empirics,

Economic Journal, 2021, Vol 131, 3392-3416 pdf, replication files, online appendix 

Labor Market Policies in a Deep Recession: Lessons from Hoover Policies during the U.S Great Depression, with A.Zhutova

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2021, pdf, technical appendix

Optimal Monetary Policy and Determinacy Under Active/Passive Regimes

European Economic Review, 2020, vol 130, 103582 pdf, replication files, link

A Puncher's Chance: Expected Gain and Risk Taking in a Market for Superstars,

Labour Economics, 2020, Vol 66, 101890, pdf, replication files, link

The Optimal Composition of Public Spending in a Deep Recession, joint with H.Bouakez & M.Guillard

Journal of Monetary Economics, 2020, vol 114, 334-349 pdf,Online Appendix, replication files, link

The Government Spending Multiplier in a (Mis-)Managed Liquidity Trap, 

Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2018, vol 50(2-3), 293-315. pdf, replication files, link

Public Investment, Time to Build, and the Zero Lower Bound, joint with H.Bouakez & M.Guillard

Review of Economic Dynamics, 2017, vol 23, 60-79. pdf, replication files , link

The composition of government spending and the multiplier at the ZLB, with J.Albertini & A.Poirier

Economics Letters, 2014, vol 122(1), 31–35. pdf, link

Working papers

Simple analytics of the Government Investment multiplier, February 2023, pdf 

The public investment multiplier: insights from a new analytical framework, November 2021, pdf

The Government spending Multiplier in a Deep Recession, ( June 2020),pdf

What Made Great Britain so Great? From the Fiscal-Military State to the First Industrial Revolution, 2017, pdf

Articles in newspapers

Investir dans les infrastructures pour accélérer la croissance? La Tribune, 22/05/2014